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I'm still in the process of writing this one too, but I wanted to post my progress so far.  Will be posting the complete chapter before Christmas! <3 <3 

Chapter 32

“And then, hahaha, and then I, like, don’t even remember what happened after I saw that the message was from YOU!” Emma was saying excitedly to Daniel, who was sitting in between her hands, perched on a pile of pillows that was stacked on top of Emma’s lap as she sat cross-legged on her bed.  “All I know was that I pretty much blacked out and, and…haha I know I was crying a lot…oh that’s not to make you feel bad, of course…heheh we’ve already talked all about this online but it’s so different just having you here…oh my god, HERE!  You’re actually HERE!!”

Emma took her slightly trembling hands and gently wrapped them around Daniel again, like he was a precious, breakable mug full of something delicious.  He was staring up into her face with a huge, wide grin on his face, a grin that masked the utter perplexity and surreal dysphoria he had been experiencing ever since he saw the 40-foot-tall giantess spring off that makeshift bed and leap across the room towards him, clearing the 80-foot distance between them in a mere two strides.  Daniel’s brain was feeling drastically outmatched by everything it was processing – there was no doubt that this was Emma, and no one else.  Her beautiful face was unmistakable, and he even registered that she looked healthier, fresher, and more vibrant than he had ever seen her look, even before her growth spurt began.

But the sheer enormity of everything about her was dramatically throwing him off.  Even sitting on top of this stack of three gigantic, bed-sized pillows, perched in her lap, he had to crane his neck up to see her face.  If he looked straight forward, he was staring directly into her neck.  And her hands…those huge hands!  Daniel felt immensely heartened to experience Emma’s touch again, but her palms alone were over two feet wide, and her middle finger was two feet long – even her pinkie finger was well over a foot.

As he felt Emma’s hands embrace him, squeezing and petting him lovingly, Daniel felt a surge of emotion, and he teared up despite his best efforts not to.  He felt so bad for her, so terribly sorry that her condition was still active, and that it had come to this point, where he was literally the size of a doll to her.  His emotion didn’t stem from self-pity, or from remembering what had been – it was not a nostalgic emotion.  Rather, Daniel couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of loving empathy for her, and all she had been through.  Her colossal size was a metaphor for the amount of suffering she had endured, and in the moment, his empathy overwhelmed him, and he broke down.

“Mmmmmm GOD you just feel so good in my hands!” Emma was purring, blinking at him as she continued to caress his body.  “I can’t even tell you how much I’ve missed touching you…ugh man, I just…haha, I know I’ve gotta be careful so don’t worry…plus I’m super-strong now, you know?  I’ve been on a strict weight training program for months now, and with all that food and supplements and that nutritional plan, haha…did you know I deadlift 32,000 pounds the other day?  It was a personal best!”

“Oh r-really!?” Daniel choked out, blinking the tears out of his eyes as he tried his best to carry on the conversation.  It helped, of course, that he wanted very much to hear all about Emma’s new life, and that deadlift record sounded insanely impressive, and he was excited to see her in action later, but…he was still just struggling to keep his composure.  But after a few more seconds, he realized that even though Emma was looking at him closely, she still couldn’t tell that he was crying.

‘That’s how small I am compared to her,’ he thought to himself, trying to breathe deeply and steady his emotions.  ‘She’d have to really look close for a while before she could tell.’

“Yeah!” Emma replied animatedly.  She suddenly rolled the sleeve of her t-shirt back (a t-shirt that was decidedly tighter on her body than it had been before), exposing her right bicep, and flexed, striking an impressive bicep pose for him.  Daniel felt another surge of amazed disbelief as he saw Emma’s muscle harden and swell before his eyes, rising a full three feet high, just about half as tall as his entire body.

“Mmmm, Jeltzin’s been pushing me hard,” Emma laughed, flexing and unflexing her bicep as she looked back and forth between it and Daniel.

“Is he…uh…?” Daniel managed to ask.  He had finally managed to recover himself and could proceed along, acting as normally as he had the capacity to act.

“Huh?  Is he wh-...oh, oh he’s my personal trainer,” Emma answered, understanding.  She looked up past Daniel.  “He’s…well, he was here a minute or so ago.  I could call for him to come over and introduce you!”

“Uh n-no…no that’s…that’s ok,” Daniel said quickly, putting up his hands.  He was appropriately afraid that if Emma were to “call” anyone, from where he was sitting, even putting his fingers in his ears wouldn’t have prevented his ears from hurting from the penetrating power of her voice.

“Guess they all had other stuff to go do,” Emma mused out loud, partially to herself.  For a few moments, she appeared genuinely confused as to why the hanger was empty.

“I think…uhm…I think they all decided to give us…you know, a little time alone, right?” Daniel ventured.  “I mean, that’s what the guy with the megaphone had said a few minutes ago.”

“The guy with the megaphone?  Oh!  Haha right…yeah, Clinebell…sometimes I forget he’s speaking to me through one of those things.  Yeah he, uh…he runs things around here.”

“Yeah I figured,” Daniel nodded.  “He seemed to be the one giving the, eh…the orders.”

“Heh…little guy loves to give orders,” murmured Emma, again partially to herself as she stared off into the empty room.  “You know they’re watching and listening to us right now.”

“Yeah, I know,” Daniel nodded.  He felt encouraged that he had managed to contain his emotions, and at first didn’t realize that Emma had paused and was watching him.  She was so big that he had to look up and scan his eyes for a few seconds to get a full estimation of her expression.  And he could tell now that she was scrutinizing him.

“How did you know?” she asked.

“Well they, uh…they kinda had me…you know, back there in the, whaddya call it, I don’t know?  The control room or wherever?”

“They had you back there this whole time!?” Emma cried.  Her voice immediately caused Daniel to slap his hands up against his head and yell out “Too loud, Emma!  Too loud!!”

“They…had you back there…?” she repeated, with her voice now in a raspy whisper.  But Daniel could feel the pulsations of her voice through the air nonetheless.

“No!!  No, no, it was just for a few minutes!” he exclaimed quickly.  “I…they just brought me here this morning!”

“Ohhhh,” sighed Emma, sinking back into her pillows.  From his own position, Daniel felt his entire body wink down a full two feet.  In her brief excitement, Emma had brought her crossed legs up a little, raising the pillar of pillows he was sitting on.  “Ohhhh ok, I thought…hmm, I don’t really even know what I was thinking.  Oh Daniel!  I’m just so happy to have you bacckkkk!”

She reached out and picked his body up again, bringing him close up to her face and nuzzling him with her nose.

“I’m…I’m h-happy to have you back…too!” replied Daniel, and he completely meant what he was saying.  Still, though, in the back of his brain, his fight-or-flight response was sounding off crazy alarms.  Her fingers were almost as thick as his legs…and the way she could just effortlessly manipulate his limbs, and hold his body aloft…it was like she wasn’t holding anything at all.  Daniel had been trying to work himself up, having been informed by the scientists that Emma was significantly bigger than when he had seen her last.  But even though they had thrown out phrases like “37 feet tall” and “19 tons” and all kinds of other stats, none of them did her justice.  He was, quite simply, blown away by how gigantic she was, and there was no way he could avoid feeling afraid in her hands.  This fear combined with his overwhelming happiness, and his emotion at the intensity and extent of her condition, and he started shaking.

A few minutes later, Emma stopped nuzzling him and held his body about six feet away from her face, smiling broadly at him.  Only then did she realize that his whole body was trembling.

“Hey are you cold?” she asked, her brow furrowing a little.  “I can have them turn up the heat if you want.”

“No…no I’m…not cold, Emma,” Daniel began with considerable effort.  “I just…it’s so great to see you and, and I’m…I’m sorry, but I’m just a little bit…overwhelmed, is all.  No big deal, really.  Just…a lot to take in.”

“Ohhhh okay,” she replied, studying him closely.  For a few silent moments she just held him there, her eyes going over his body, her face full of confusion and tinged with concern.  And then, she suddenly brought him forward, opening her mouth wide.  Daniel seized up, terrified in the moment that she was going to put him in her mouth.  But then he felt a deluge of sweet, hot breath washing over him, and realized that Emma was blowing on him.  The sensation was amazing, and his entire body immediately warmed all the way down to the tips of his toes.  He hadn’t been cold, but now he felt like he had walked into a dry sauna.

“Haaaaaaahhhhh…Haaaaaahhhhhhh,” breathed Emma, “Haaaaaaaahhhhh…there…Haaaaaaaahhhhhhh, that’ll warm you up.  Haha see?  You stopped shivering already!”

“Heheh, uhhhh th-thanks,” Daniel forced out.  He really did feel incredibly warm and toasty, and even though the downpour of his clashing emotions was still occurring, his body had indeed responded to Emma’s warming breath.

“That’s so funny!” Emma mused out loud.  “My Little Bear never gets cold like that, and he’s usually naked!”

“Your…your what?” Daniel asked.

“My Little Bear!” repeated Emma brightly.  She started looking around the hanger.  “Where is he…where is…aha!  There he is, right there on the nightstand!  See him!?  Haha it looks like he’s hiding or something, hey Little Bear!  Come out so I can show you to my boyfriend!”

Daniel turned his body around in Emma’s grip, and at first he couldn’t see anything besides the 12-foot-tall lamp that was perched upon a nightstand that was as tall as a one-story house.  For a second, he had the awful thought that Emma was hallucinating, and was keeping an “imaginary pet” to help her cope with the stress of her growth spurts.  He was already beginning to contemplate how he was going to deal with Emma’s psychosis when he saw her huge arm stretch out beside him towards the lamp.

“Silly little thing,” Emma was giggling, “He’s being sooooooo shy – come on Little Bear!  Come out!  I’m not gonna let you hide!”

Daniel watched as Emma hooked her hand around the base of the lamp and, seemingly without effort, pushed it to the side, and up against the wall.  From Daniel’s perspective, it was like watching her move a gigantic porcelain pillar with an easy push of her hand; through the air, he felt the vibration of the giant lamp sliding across the nightstand.  He watched Emma’s arm in awe, marveling at how she didn’t even seem to be flexing anything.  But then, suddenly, he saw something emerge from behind the lamp as she pushed it: the naked body of a man, who had apparently been sitting with his back to the lamp, hiding on the other side of it.  The man, whoever he was, tried to scurry away and hide again, but Emma was too quick for him, and a moment later had latched her hand around his struggling body.  In an instant, something flared up inside Daniel – whoever this man was, he didn’t like him.



Shrimp fight! Or will Emma just squash Little Bear for him? 😜


Still my fave of yours. Just hooked to Emma and Daniel. Can’t wait to see them in their makeup sex haha