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Cora woke up the next morning feeling more refreshed and elated than she had in a long time. Generally, she woke up and immediately went about her day, bustling around to get dressed and eat breakfast before setting out onto Nora’s estate to tend to the day’s various tasks. But this morning was different — for an entire half hour, Cora lay in bed, staring happily up at the ceiling, recalling the enjoyable events of the previous night.

She remembered all the townspeople’s dumbfounded expressions at her tall, strong, muscled body, and how everyone had been staring at her, whispering about her, and otherwise helping her to be the center of attention. But of course, more than anything else, she remembered over and over, with sweet ecstasy, the look on Georgiana’s face when the blonde beauty had first laid eyes on her. Cora hadn't thought that Georgiana was capable of looking so hopelessly discombobulated, but there it was — she had been totally bamboozled by Cora’s appearance.

“She actually stuttered!” laughed Cora to herself out loud. “Tall, elegant, goorrrrgeous Georgiana actually stuttered when she spoke to me!”

Cora twisted her big, strong body up on the bed, going back and forth in pleasure as she thought about Georgiana’s beautiful face, all agape in shock and surprise.

“She’s even hotter when she’s mad!” Cora chuckled, feeling herself begin to blush. Nora had been totally right; there was no question that she, Cora Patel, was into Georgiana. How could she avoid it at this point? She had been thinking of Georgiana when she decided what to wear...she had been thinking about her every minute she was at the party the night before...hell, she was thinking about her now, almost as soon as she had woken up!

“Nora’s gonna totally be smug about this,” Cora said to the ceiling. “Oh well, who cares? The point is that now I have that...that girl’s attention. Now what?”

She sat up in bed, having forgotten for a moment how big she was. But as soon as she sat up, she felt the pleasant ribble of muscle in her abdomen, and she looked down.

“Oh that’s right!” she cried. “I have a 6-pack now! Hahaha!”

And she didn’t just have a 6-pack. She looked down at the rest of her body in amazed awe, marveling at the developed muscles in her arms and legs. She extended her long limbs out and flexed them, feeling the warm jolt of pleasant sensations shoot through her body. It was going to be a good day...a wonderful day...and it was all because of those fantastic, beautiful, mysterious purple mushrooms that she had found in that clearing, deep in the forest. She knew what she wanted to do — go back and get some more!

“But I gotta be careful,” she said, going into the bathroom to brush her teeth. “Haha, wow, I gotta duck to even see myself...anyway, yeah...I gotta be careful. Georgiana’s not stupid. Actually, she’s pretty smart...I have to give it to her. So I can’t eat too many of the mushrooms. But maybe just...a tiny taste. To grow a little more. And then...haha, then I’ll go into town and see if I can ‘stumble’ on her!”

Cora got herself ready for the day with a hop and a skip in her step, but she had to watch herself. She still wasn’t quite used to being a 7-foot-tall muscled amazon, and a few times, she wasn’t able to help bumping into things, even going so far as to accidentally knocking her coffee mug off the countertop, causing it to shatter on the kitchen floor.

“Oh well!” she sang cheerily, not bothered in the least by it as she took a broom to sweep it up. “I hadn’t even poured the coffee into it yet! Oh geez...this broom is tiny!”

She swept up her mess, poured her coffee into a different cup, and then went outside on the balcony, completely naked. Ever since her growth, Cora had felt more comfortable, and even brazen, in her newly-developed body. She stood up to her full height, inhaling in the cool, fresh, sweet morning air.

Cora knew that no one could see her on the balcony — since it only faced the great yawning swath of green forest — but she knew that, before her growth, she would have never even dreamt of doing something like this. But now that Cora was a strong, powerful amazon, she felt completely comfortable enjoying the morning air like this. She put her coffee down and stretched her arms high up in the air, seeming to reach for the sky, as she gave a sexy, primal growl.

“Yyyyyyrrrraaauuugghhh!” Her roar echoed off the trees back to her, causing Cora to smile to herself. She loved what she had become, and she was almost tingling with the excitement of new possibilities, and a new life.

What Cora didn’t see was the hidden, small, and nearly-silent drone that was just barely hovering over Nora’s roof. The drone itself was top-of-the-line and couldn’t be purchased in any common retail stores. On the market, even though it was no bigger than a foot across, it would have gone for thousands and thousands of dollars. And fitted to its rounded top was an equally high-end camera, which turned and swiveled with a barely-perceptible little hum.

A few miles away, Georgiana and Maya were gathered around a series of monitors, their eyes glued to the screens. Georgiana was sitting down in a grand old wooden chair, and her deft, graceful hands were slowly working a series of knobs and levers, operating the drone. Maya stood beside her, watching carefully. Even though she was standing and Georgiana was sitting, they were the exact same height.

“I think I saw some movement down below, on the deck,” said Maya, peering eagerly into one of the monitors.

“I know, I know, I saw it too,” said Georgiana, a tad impatiently, as she gently maneuvered the levers. “I just have to...be sure...that she doesn’t see us here.”

“Will she even hear that thing at all?” asked Maya. “It was almost silent when we started it up here, and you flew it away.”

“Yeah, it’s a reeeeally...nice drone,” said Georgiana, half paying attention to Maya, mainly focusing on operating the levers correctly. “But...never...underestimate...what that Cora...Patel...is capable of.”

“Hmm, so we’re back to that again, are we?” asked Maya wryly, her mouth curling into a slight smile.

“Huh? What are you...talking about?” asked Georgiana, who then almost immediately realized what Maya was referencing.

“Oh...that,” said the blonde beauty. “You’re on again about me being obsessed with Cora, huh?”

“Well,” said Maya, barely stifling a smile. “You are flying a drone above her house...right now...as we speak…”

“I get it, Maya, geez,” huffed Georgiana. “How many times are you gonna...try and...make...the same…”

But here, Georgiana’s words suddenly trailed off. The reason why was simple — she had gotten the drone just beyond the top of Nora’s house, and she had trained the camera down on the porch. Right at this moment, Cora was stretching her arms above her head, flexing her whole body, as she roared out in her primal exclamation to the forest. Georgiana’s mouth dropped open, and even Maya stepped forward, peering closer at the screen, to get a better look.

“My...goodness!” exclaimed Maya, her eyes going wide. “You...you weren’t kidding, Georgiana! Just look at that young woman! She’s incredible!”

“I know…” said Georgiana, almost in a daze. After a few more seconds of gawking in her own right, Maya turned to look at her mistress. She had never heard Georgiana’s voice sound like that before, and she had never seen her so completely transported, just from looking at another person.

Usually, Georgiana was too busy admiring herself to notice anyone else, and Maya had to admit that she didn’t really blame Georgiana for being this way. She really was that beautiful and that sexy. But that made it all the more amazing for the little maid to see her mistress now, so completely mesmerized by another person.

After a minute or so, Cora went back inside, but Georgiana didn’t budge. She just sat there dumbly, staring at the screen, where Cora’s naked, muscled body had been a moment before.

“Uh, Georgiana?” ventured Maya, taking a little step closer to her mistress. “You, uh...you okay there?”

“Huh? What?” asked Georgiana, blinking and looking over at her maid. “What did you say?”

“I was just asking,” said Maya, giving her mistress a little knowing smile, “if you were okay.”

“Uh, y-yeah, yeah, I’m fine! Why?” asked Georgiana, attempting to rally herself, to make it seem like everything was normal.

“You were just...staring into space there for a long time, is all,” chuckled Maya, her eyebrows going up.

“I was...I was not...look, I know what you’re thinking, Maya,” said Georgiana, sitting up straighter in her chair, so that she rose up a good inch or two above her maid, “but I am not into Cora Patel, okay?! I’m just...I’m just, uh...I just want to know...how she’s been able to grow her body the way she has. Is that so hard to understand?”

“No ma'am, of course not,” said Maya, bowing her head a little contritely (which conveniently hid her lingering smile). “Just making some observations, that's all.”

“Well how about you...observe...how I operate this drone here, okay?” said Georgiana tesily. “Because, until we find out Cora’s secret, this is going to be your number one priority, Maya.”

“What, following Cora Patel around in a drone?” asked Maya.

“Yes,” said Georgiana, “and the most important thing, on top of discovering her secret, of course, is not getting caught. You think you can do that, Maya?”

“If I can learn correctly from you, yes,” said the maid deferentially. Whenever Georgiana was in one of her put-out moods, it was always best to just go along with her. For the next half hour, Georgiana proceeded to show Maya the ins and outs of the drone operations, and how to use the levers, and tricks for avoiding detection, and all the rest. Maya had wondered how Georgiana had come to learn all of this stuff about the drone, but she decided not to ask.

Instead, the little maid was far too interested in getting to follow Cora Patel...and learning her secret. Maya knew that she had done a good job of hiding the true extent of her admiration, and envy, of Cora’s tall, muscular body. But deep within herself, obscured from Georgiana’s view, a raging desire had ignited in Maya’s heart: to find out the secret to Cora’s growth and to find out how to procure it for herself.

About 45 minutes later, Cora finally left the house. Georgiana had become impatient, and she had decided to go into town to see if she could get any details or gossip about why Cora had grown so big. The gorgeous blonde had no doubt that Cora’s new size was sure to be the talk of the town, and she resolved to wade into the middle of it, her disdain and envy disguised, in an attempt to learn what she could.

Maya had privately laughed to herself; there was no question that her mistress was now thoroughly obsessed. She only hoped that Georgiana would not let herself go too far down this path. The young beauty could be ferocious when the object of her desire, whether it be an individual, a goal, or a secret, eluded her.

About 15 minutes after Georgiana left the mansion, Maya’s heart jumped a little in her chest; she had just seen Cora leaving the house through the back door. Maya carefully maneuvered the levers on the drone, making sure to fly high enough, and far enough back, to where the amazonian girl would have no idea that she was being followed.

Maya chuckled a little at Cora’s clothes — clearly, the girl had not been prepared for this kind of sudden growth. A pair of men’s jeans (big, but not big enough for Cora’s legs, hips, and ass) was stretched onto her lower body, only going down to a few inches above her ankles.

Maya saw that Cora had left the button and zipper of the pants undone, in order to give her large hips room to breathe. Even undone this way, though, the jeans were in absolutely no danger of falling down — that’s how tight they were pulled over her legs. She wore an equally tight t-shirt, which was so small on her that it looked almost like a wife-beater.

Maya thought back; she had encountered Nora Lee a few times back...and...yes, she had an older brother, Jeb, was it? In any case, he was quite tall...6’6 if she remembered correctly, and Maya realized that Cora must have been wearing Jeb’s clothes.

‘Wow,’ thought the maid, as she pursued the muscled amazon into the forest with the drone, ‘That’s what a 6’6 person’s clothes look like on Cora Patel? That’s amazing!’

For the next half hour, Maya carefully piloted the drone at a safe distance behind Cora, drifting this way and that, careful to remain undetected. The maid quickly came to realize that Cora seemed to know exactly where she was going — she didn’t pause once to take stock of where she was, or to look at a map, or to do anything that might have been expected behavior from someone going out on a surveying trek in the wilderness.

‘She’s going somewhere specific,’ thought Maya, peering closely at the monitors, her feet dangling off the floor of Georgiana’s chair as she leaned forward. ‘Somewhere she’s been...before.’

Maya didn’t quite know why, but she felt, somewhere deep down inside, that Cora Patel was leading her straight to the secret.

After 30 minutes had passed, Cora’s pace slowed slightly, and she came to a clearing. Maya held back, hovering the drone safely behind the top of a tall conifer tree. She trained the camera down on Cora’s form, which had, for the first time, temporarily halted. Maya suddenly realized that her heart was beating quickly. Cora seemed to be scanning for something...and then…her head suddenly jerked up in recognition, and she strode straight over to something.

Maya eagerly trained the camera on Cora, who was bending down carefully. She had a large sack in her hand, and she seemed to be gathering something. Maya pivoted the camera slightly, her breath coming in shallow, excited rhythm. And then...she saw them. A large clump of something purple...a purple so deep and beautiful that Maya wondered how she couldn’t have noticed it before. She focused the camera closer…



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