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As much as I hate to say it, we've arrived at the end of The Whipple Virus.  It's been such a joy for me to write this story (which was commissioned by a lovely gentleman of our community), and I hope that you guys have enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it.  I've attached a pdf of the complete story for ya'll's convenience.  Enjoy! <3 <3 

Chapter 25

For a few breathless moments, there was silence in the dark bedroom. Warren could feel Irina’s huge, powerful fingers wrapped all the way around both of his ankles, holding him fast and rendering him immobile. With her other hand, she was gently cradling his little head into the underside of one of her colossal breasts. His ear was pressed into the soft flesh of her upper abdomen, so that the rhythmic, pounding sound of her heartbeat reverberated down from his head and through the rest of his body. He had heard her exhale hard, far above him, in response to his final surrender, just moments before.

He had called her “Mommy.” He had finally done it. For days, weeks, even, he had known that’s what Irina had wanted to hear, but he had resisted, resisted...all up until this point. Deep down inside, he had always known that he would eventually give in, but in those helpless moments when he imagined surrendering to her, he had always imagined that this final token of submission to her would be loud and dramatic -- she would be tickling him, or teasing him, or thumbing his cock through her fingers, or licking up and down his little body, urging his mind to give itself completely to her.

But that’s not how it had happened. Warren had been startled awake by that nightmare of falling down into the dark chasm of a giant Irina’s cleavage...and when he had woken up, her soft voice above him had comforted him in the darkness. And in that quiet moment, everything had suddenly fallen into place. Of course she was his Mommy...of course she was his Domme, his Mistress, his Everything. There was nothing he could do now but to call her what she really was; and the words had trickled out between his lips, timid and submissive, but undoubtedly audible.

Just as Warren was beginning to wonder what exactly Irina was going to do next, the bed heaved and groaned underneath him, and he found himself with his back on the mattress. Irina had deposited him in a supine position on the bed and was now looming over him, her huge, thick thighs straddling both sides of his 1’7 body. His eyes had gotten used to the darkness enough to see the massive, curvy outline of her body towering over him.

“Oh Warren…” cooed Irina from above. She was disrobing as she spoke, and Warren saw the outline and felt the vibration of her huge tits spilling out of her night robe. Warren could hear the sound of her milk bubbling in those massive mammaries above his head...he could even smell it. He had already been semi-erect before, but now, his little cock was pointed straight up towards Irina’s chin, and he was practically salivating from the warm, liquid thrill of having finally, completely, submitted.

“My sweet, sweet little baby...come to Mommy.”

Before Warren even had a chance to react to these delicious words, Irina was upon him. She had thrust her huge body down towards him, and a second later, he found that his tiny form was completely engulfed in the warm, soft, embrace of Irina’s tits. He could feel the blood rushing through her body -- her heart was truly hammering now, and beyond his head, he smelled the exhaled perfume of her breath as it came forth in stuttered, aroused exhales.

“I’m going to show my little baby what a gooooood boy he is,” whispered Irina. Her huge, hot mouth was suddenly at his ear, whispering lustily into it. Warren felt the long, sinuous length of her tongue unfurl and began to lick and lap at his miniature earlobe. It was incredible how massive her tongue felt; it easily dominated his little ear, flicking hungrily as it began to explore his ear’s interior crevices. At the same time, Irina’s fingers were softly caressing his other ear, amplifying the sense that she was completely surrounding him.

But Warren only noticed these things peripherally, because something even more conspicuous was happening. Slowly, lusciously, but with a resolute firmness, Irina was moving her breasts up and down Warren’s body...up and down, up and down. The sensation of being engulfed by her sweet-smelling flesh was intensified by her movement -- Warren felt like a goddess had descended on him and was now dead-set on using her gargantuan tits to milk every last bit of cum that had been bubbling in his balls, desperate for release, for the past week. For all intents and purposes, this is exactly what had happened.

“Oh yeeeeaah, baby,” purred Irina in his ear, slithering her tongue in deeper. “Yesssss...yessss, does my little baby feel Mommy’s huuuuuge tits rubbing up against his sweet, precious cock?”

“Y-yes!!” squeaked Warren. He was barely even able to get a single syllable out. His face, his entire body, suddenly felt like it was on fire. Irina had not needed long to light the furnace in his loins, and now it was already threatening to burn out of control. She hadn’t even sped up -- she just kept rubbing those impossibly huge, warm, pillowy tits up and down his prone body with the same soft and silent determination. She had finally pulled away from licking his ear, and was now staring directly into his face. Through the dim light, Warren could see how huge her face was compared to him, but even more than that, he was shocked by the sudden bright sparkle of her wide, shining eyes, and the sexy glisten of her white teeth. She was smiling knowingly at him through the darkness...grinning.

“Mmmmm, I can feel it, Warren,” moaned Irina. Warren’s eyes started to roll back into his head as his entire body went rigid. “I can feeeeeel my little baby getting ready. Mommy wants it. Mommy wants it all, little one.”

Several more seconds passed by in silence, with nothing more than Irina’s full-body titfuck sounding out into the bedroom. Warren couldn’t see; he couldn’t hear; he couldn’t think. All that he could experience was the sensation of Irina’s breasts hugging his entire body, totally enveloping him, consuming him, with their soft and relentless power.

“Oh Warren! Oh baby!” moaned Irina, her voice rising to show her arousal. “You’re so small! You’re sooooo, so small, baby, and Mommy’s gonna milk aaaaaall your cum with her big tits. There’s nothing you can do, little guy -- ohhhhh, each one of my tits is bigger than you. There’s nothing you can do but submit and cum, Warren...come on, sweet baby...cummm for me. Cum for Mommy.”

And right then and there, Warren did cum. With a shuddering paroxysm that shook through every atom of his body, he emptied load after load deep into the dark, warm cleavage of Irina’s tits. She moaned and cooed and purred over him happily, draining all of what he could give with each successive grind of her massive breasts. Warren forgot where he was...he wasn’t even conscious of making a sound as he came. All he knew was that the last thing he heard was the slippery cadence of the wall of flesh above him against his sticky body. Irina had milked him once, but she hadn’t stopped. She just kept going, those giant tits going up and down, up and down, never stopping. Her soft laughter spiced the air above him, and Warren gasped and came again. But this time he passed clean out, descending into darkness.

When he awoke, even before he opened his eyes, he was aware of a soft pitter-patter sound filling the air. He then noticed that there was warm sunlight against his face, and at the same moment, the sensation of something hot and wet in between his legs became obvious. Goosebumps rose up across his body as blissful electricity flooded his system. He opened his eyes. He was lying against the headboard of his bed, and his tiny legs were spread wide. In between them, bobbing slowly up and down, was Irina’s giant, dark head. He couldn’t even see what was going on down there, but he didn’t need to see -- the luscious, liquid feeling of her full lips gently suctioning his cock was almost too much to bear, and almost as soon as he became conscious of what was happening, Warren let loose an involuntary whine.

Without even looking up, Irina’s head began bobbing faster. Her dark hair had been hanging down straight, but as her head thrusts became more and more passionate, her hair became disordered and unkempt. Faster and faster she went, so that Warren didn’t even have time to wake up. She had roused him straight from the dark depths of unconsciousness and shoved him straight back into the searing lake of fiery pleasure. And it wasn’t even just the speed of her head that was doing it -- the suction of her powerful lips had increased tenfold, and it had already been intense before. It felt like she was extracting his soul through his urethra. And her tongue...Warren had no idea how Irina had learned to do whatever it was she was doing to him right now. It felt like there were five tongues eagerly writhing and wriggling on top of each other, vying to be the first to slither his cock up in a constrictor stranglehold.

Warren tried to hold out for at least a couple minutes, just because the pleasure was so intense, but there was nothing he could do. Less than 30 seconds after waking up, he was whining out into his bedroom, cumming hard down Irina’s mighty throat. Right as he shot his first spasm of cum into her mouth, Irina locked her lips and screwed her head down hard in his lap, shaking her head rapidly back and forth, not stopping...urging more and more and more and more from Warren’s already-exhausted. Only after he began to mew and cry did she stop.

“Ooooooo, good morning, baby!” she hummed, looking up at him as his cock slid out of her mouth. “Was Mommy’s wake-up blowjob a little too intense, hmmmm? Awww, it’s ok baby...I’ll give you a little break...I’m here...I’m here…”

Warren had nearly passed out again from the sheer pleasure of the blowjob, but Irina was not going to let him languish on the bed in the aftermath. Before he even knew what was happening, she had bounded up to him on the bed, scooped up his tiny body in her strong arm, and held him to her breast, bouncing him up and down lightly as she cooed and whispered to him. He tried to make noises, but she blocked them out, guiding a fat nipple into his mouth. Her nipples were so huge now compared to his little mouth that his cheeks were completely stretched. As she continued to hum down at him, Irina gently squeezed her breast, encouraging the thick, sweet milk to bubble forth into his mouth.

“There, there, little baby,” she whispered, bouncing him lightly up and down as she resumed a comfortable sitting position on the bed, “Don’t you worry about a thing. Mommy’s got you, little one. She’s got you, and she’s never, ever letting you go. You don’t have to worry about anything anymore, Warren. Nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing except being the cutest little milk-drinker and cum-squirter in the world. And I KNOW you don’t have to even try to do that, Warren, because you already are!”

Warren’s eyes were soon flickering closed again as his tummy filled up with Irina’s warm milk. He could actually feel his body temperature rising in response to drinking her sustenance. In all ways, every aspect of his body was dominated by her, submissive and subordinate to her, responsive to her. As he sucked down his breakfast, Irina playfully rubbed his little feet with her big hand, delighting in how both of his feet now couldn’t even cover one half of her palm.

‘I have him now,’ Irina thought triumphantly, arching her face up towards the ceiling as she savored the feel of his little mouth stretched across her nipple. ‘He is completely, utterly, mine.’

And Irina knew that it wasn’t just because of her physical dominance over him. She had been physically dominant for so long that she couldn’t even recall a time when she wasn’t. She could manipulate his tiny body to do whatever she wanted, without even thinking about it. But for the past few weeks, Irina had been preoccupied with subsuming the entirety of Warren into herself. She had wanted him, body, mind, soul, spirit...everything. It had been a slow and gradual process for her, arriving at the realization that she thirsted for so total a domination. But the smaller and weaker he got, and the bigger and more powerful she became, she had come to realize that dominating Warren was not enough. She wanted to own him, to possess him, to infuse her voluptuous Mommy-dom energy into every crevice of his mind and body. And to do that, she had known that the final test of her power was in convincing Warren himself to put the final nail in the coffin of his own independence.

Irina couldn’t help but laugh at the supreme irony of it all -- only Warren had the power to truly give himself up to her. She could never force him to do this, because she knew that there would always exist, in the back of his mind, the slightest germ of resistance, of his old self, a relic of the pre-Whipple world, when men were independent. But now that he had finally submitted totally, and called her “Mommy,” her true name to him, that last iota of independence had been extinguished forever. He could never go back, and she knew that he would never want to.

‘And now is the time to reward him,’ she breathed lusciously to herself, as she looked back down at the tiny little sucking baby of a person, cradled by her single arm. ‘And to mark him as mine forever, by taking everything that he has.’

“My god, Warren,” she murmured out loud, as she continued to bounce him gently in her lap, feeding him, “Your tiny body...I can’t believe it. It’s...it’s smaller than my forearm, baby! Can you understand that, Warren? Your entire body is smaller...than my forearm. Ohhhh my goodness look at the comparison!’

Her soft voice carried a richly powerful message. Warren could only barely comprehend the words that were booming gently in his ears, but he understood well enough. He felt Irina gently shaking the forearm that cradled his body. He could feel her muscles and tendons shifting under his body. She was so huge, so impossibly enormous, compared to him. Everything about her was larger than him, superior to him. And the more he let it sink in what he had done, how he had uttered the final submission to her in the hushed silence, in the middle of the night, the more he realized how perfectly everything fit together now. A flitting, almost humorous spark in his brain had him wondering why on earth he had held out so long. What had been the point? Why hadn’t he just admitted weeks ago what they had both known was true all along?

When Warren’s mind flashed through these thoughts, he felt ridiculous and silly, but of course those were only appropriate feelings. He had been a silly, ridiculous little baby the whole time. But he wasn’t worried. His Mommy wasn’t vindictive. She was sweet and kind, nurturing and loving...and determined to show him that there was nothing he ever needed to worry about again.

He felt the huge, warm weight of something covering his lower torso, his midsection, and his upper legs. In the midst of gorging himself on her milk, Warren glanced sideways. Irina had brought her gigantic hand down into his lap and was now gently pumping his little cock. How was he still hard!? Hadn’t she just sucked everything out of him when he woke up??

Apparently Irina didn’t think so.

“Mmmmm, you just keep chugging away, little guy,” she chuckled, noticing the wide-eyed puzzlement on his face, “And I’ll just keep pumping. You think you’re empty, huh? Haha oh I don’t think so...I’ll be the judge of that.”

Two minutes later, Irina was proven right. Without even speeding up her hand, she had pumped Warren into an inert state of red-faced frenzy. He couldn’t move, because she was cradling his entire body with her arm; his instincts were crying at him to escape Irina’s hand, simply because of the extent of her overstimulation. It felt sooooo good...too good...and once again, Warren saw the world swimming before his eyes. He surely wasn’t going to pass out again, was he??

“Oh yessss Warren, I can hear it!” whispered Irina in a hushed, excited voice. Still pumping, she bent her head down towards his hapless groin. “Mmmmm yeahhhh, there it is! I can hear my little baby’s cum bubbling away in his little balls! Whatcha gonna do about that, Warren, hmm? What’s that cum doing in there!? It doesn’t belong in there! Noooooo, no, no, it belongs on Mommy’s tongue.” She stuck out her tongue and flicked it down at him rapidly as her huge soft voice washed over him:

“Aaaaaalalalalalalalalalalalalala, yeeeeeah, it belongs right there Warren...mmmmm, and then when you squirt your little load on my tongue, I’m gonna suck it all up and swallow it down into my belly, Warren...and I’ll turn it into milk, and I’ll feed it back to you and then I’ll make you shoot it out on my tongue all over again! Hahaha alalalalalalala, haha, what a beautiful circle, huh? And I'll keep it going, Warren. I’ll keep the cycle going on and on and ON, for weeks, for months, for YEARS, Warren. Oh baby, just think about it. Years and years and YEARS...oh my little baby doing nothing but drinking Mommy’s milk from her fat nipple and squirting his cum onto her tongue...into her mouth...deep into her throat. Oh WARREN! Oh BABY!! Think of what you’ll be like, after YEARS of doing nothing but that! Your little mind will be mush...all you’ll be able to think about is milk and cum...milk and cum...milk and cum...the never-ending cycle Warren! Alalalalalalalala come on baby, shoot it! Squirt it! Mommy’s hungry!”


Warren’s squeaky little cries were muted into pitiful little burbles, as his trembling mouth blew tiny milk bubbles against Irina’s nipple. He came in a long, thin streak, and Irina was ready, with her head bent down low, and her tongue unfurled and gently expectant. Her lithe muscle rolled and undulated in pleasure as it accepted the little white gift, and after a moment’s savoring, Irina curled it back into her mouth and swallowed it all down.

The tender, pleasant sound of something wet and rhythmic reached Irina’s ear. She turned and looked down at the adorable scene. Warren had passed clean out again, and his little head had fallen away from her nipple. But the flow of her milk, so steady and constant with all the new and accentuated milk ducts from her Whipple infection, hadn’t stopped. The thick, rich milk continued to flow, in the same rhythm that Warren had been sucking at it, and now it was shooting gentle streams of white splashing across Warren’s dangling head. In a matter of moments, his head and hair were completely soaked, dripping milk from his unconscious head down her full, fleshy stomach.

Irina put her hand over mouth to stifle a laugh. What a precious little scene it was! She had gotten her prize, but, as she played with his adorable little nutsack (which was no bigger to her now than a couple of raisins), she knew that she hadn’t milked him quite dry enough yet.

When Warren came to, he felt his entire body bobbing, seemingly in midair. As he regained his senses, he realized that he was in midair, and his limbs flailed jerkily in a panic. But very quickly, he felt something warm, soft, and inexorably strong wrap around his feet and lower legs, steadying them. And then his vision was completely obfuscated by the lowering, upside-down head of Irina, with her gorgeous spill of black hair.

“Shhh, shhh, little baby, it’s ok,” she cooed at him, upside down. “I’ve got you.”

Warren’s mind was so worn and exhausted from all the stimulation that day that it took him far too long to realize that Irina had him in a front-facing papoose, and that she was bending down over him to smile at him upside down.

“Someone’s been taking a lot of naps today!” she teased, winking at him. “I’ve been taking care of the house, but I didn’t want to leave my little baby sleeping all by himself, so I put him in this!”

Irina laughed musically, bouncing up and down, up and down, making Warren’s little body go with it. He realized that he was nestled in between her magnificent tits. And then he realized that they were in the kitchen...well, they had been, at least. Irina was on the move, and before Warren knew it, he was staring straight into the full-length mirror in the foyer. At first, all he could see was Irina’s impossibly voluptuous, luscious body. She was wearing the skimpiest of black skirts, which hugged her thick hips completely, and a revealing red top, which looked like it was about to give way to her mountainous bust at any moment. Only after staring for 30 seconds did Warren finally notice himself...a tiny waif of a thing, all wrapped up in the papoose, barely even sticking out from between her breasts.

“I measured us both again, Warren,” Irina breathed at the mirror, “While you were asleep. I’m 8 feet tall, Warren. 8...feet...tall. And you wanna know how small you are? You’re 16 inches, Warren. One-foot-four.”

She held up her huge hand next to his body.

“See that, baby? My hand is more than half as long as you are. It’s not even close.”

Warren heard the sound of velcro opening, and he felt a cool gust of wind against his privates. Irina had just opened up a special little pouch to set his cock free. In the reflection, he couldn’t even see it, but Irina knew where it was. A moment later she was rubbing his tiny cock in between her fingers as she cooed and purred at their reflection, holding an empty hand under his cock:

“I told you there was more in there, Warren. Just because my little baby gets tired and falls asleep over and over doesn’t mean that Mommy doesn’t know he has more to give. Oh look! It’s hard already! Hahaha, that didn’t take long, did it? Come on baby...show Mommy how much you love her. Give her what she wants.”

Irina was merciless. She continued to hum and coo at the mirror, but she didn’t say any more words. All swaddled up in his papoose, lodged in between her mammoth tits, Warren didn’t have a chance in the world of squirming away, even though it felt like his cock, his groin, and the entirety of his loins were being dipped into a molten pond of pleasure. His eyes screwed up in his head, and his little body started vibrating helplessly. He knew what she wanted, and he wanted to give it to her. But how could he!? There was nothing left! She had milked him totally dry!

‘But you DO have more to give!’ said a voice inside his head. ‘Mommy said there was more, so there IS more. Come on! Show her she’s right!’

Warren couldn’t even make a sound this time. He shot out the last drops of cum that he had left in his body, straight down into Irina’s awaiting palm. She smiled as she felt the hot little droplets speckle her skin. She watched Warren spasming for another few seconds before his entire body suddenly relaxed, and his head hung limply down in a dead faint, so that she could see the cute little crown of his head in the mirror. She lifted her palm slowly up to her mouth and licked off the last remnants of his cum. He was definitely empty now. There was only one thing left to do. Cradling his limp, unconscious body, she unstrapped him from the papoose, swaddled him in a warm blanket, and sat down in the rocking chair in the library. As she rocked back and forth, staring out the window into the street and the wider world, she bared her breast and brought Warren’s open mouth up to her nipple. Even though he was unconscious, his lips latched themselves around her nipple...and Irina gently guided her nipple deeper, deeper into his mouth, until it was all the way inside. A warm fluid thrill washed over her body, and she smiled, feeling his little mouth beginning to suck.


Many months later, Irina was turning away from the front door of the house, carrying a hefty traveling suitcase in each hand. She had just locked the door, and was on her way to the airport. She was excited -- she had been in touch with her family from back home, and she was eager to see her brothers and sisters, and her extended family as well. Ever since the pandemic, she had been focused on Warren, and now that he was thoroughly trained, and permanently hers, she wanted to take a trip back home to see how everything back home had changed in this new female-dominated world.

“You sure you’re ok, baby?” she whispered down in between her tits. Something of a mew came back in response, and Irina knew that the sound was Warren’s answer in the affirmative. His head was barely visible in the carrier she had strapped to her front, since it was largely obscured by her colossal tits.

“Mmmmm, that’s good,” she cooed down to him. “I just thought I’d check.”

Over the past few months, Warren’s shrinking had stopped. Thanks to his medication and attentive owner, his size had permanently cemented at 1’2. To Irina, this was the absolute perfect size. She could manipulate his little body to no end with her fingers, using a variety of techniques to make him squirt and cry in pleasure, but he wasn’t so small that she was afraid of inadvertently hurting him.

But just as Warren’s shrinking had stopped, Irina’s growth had not. She now stood just over 9 feet tall, and in black platform boots she liked to wear, she reached a monstrous 9’8. The rest of her body had continued to swell and grow too, and her voluptuous thickness was so pronounced now that she could easily make Warren cum just by standing in front of him. She didn’t even have to move -- her body exuded such a powerful aura of dominating authority, and gentle, luscious mother-energy, that Warren had no option but to cum. In fact, the last few months, Irina had spent a good deal of time training Warren NOT to cum, just so he could build up actual loads for her to taste and enjoy.

“I can’t wait to show my perfect little man off to my family!” she trilled happily, walking down the front pathway to the sidewalk. “Oooooo they’re all just going to LOVE you, Warren! Most men are too sick or scared to go out in public now...but not you!”

Warren heard her words and knew they were correct, even if he wasn’t really thinking too hard beyond appreciating their sound coming out of Irina’s mouth. He didn’t think too hard about much of anything except Irina these days. She had become his entire world, to the point where he couldn’t comprehend anything beyond her. His old agoraphobia had vanished, simply because he knew that Irina was his Mommy, his caretaker, his owner, and that he was completely safe with her. He knew...they BOTH knew...that she had been destined to love and care for him in this new world, and now that their dynamic was a reality, they were both more happy and fulfilled than they could have believed possible.

A gigantic black SUV rounded the corner.

“Oh! There she is, Warren!” exclaimed Irina, pointing at the car. “That’s our ride to the airport!”

The huge car rolled smoothly up to the house and came to a halt. Even though he couldn’t see very far anymore, Warren could just make out, through squinted eyes, that there were two baby seats in the back, facing backward...one had someone in it, and the other one, closest to the sidewalk, was empty.

The passenger window rolled down. A gargantuan blond woman with stylish black sunglasses and blood-red lips grinned at them from the driver’s seat, a massive manicured hand on the steering wheel. The car was enormous, but this woman’s head still brushed the ceiling. She had to be at least 12 feet tall.

“Strap him in, Irina!” laughed the woman, her full, feminine voice vibrating and infusing the air,, “And come sit up here with me!”

Irina smiled and opened the side door, lovingly strapping Warren into his baby seat and planting a big kiss on his forehead before closing the door and coming around to the passenger side, joining her friend.

“Thanks again for the ride, Sarah!”



Wow what a finish! One of my favorite stories ever, and I’ve been around longer than I care to admit lol. Sad, of course, that there’s no more “Whipple” to look forward to, but so glad we have this epic in our community as a perfect gem. Thanks so much for writing it.

Joyce Julep

Awww you're too sweet Steven! It means a lot to hear you say that! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to write this, and who knows, maybe I'll incorporate Irina and Warren into something else I write on down the road &lt;3


Just brilliant. I share the feeling of being sad it’s over but it’s been wrapped up in such a great way that does justice to the whole story. This has been a strong contender for my favourite of your stories so thanks to you and whoever commissioned this masterpiece. Can’t wait to revisit it again in time and enjoy it all over again.

Joyce Julep

Aww, thanks so much for the kind words, Jona! It makes me feel so good to know that you enjoyed it that much &lt;3 &lt;3