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Chapter 11

For a moment, Warren just gaped up at Irina’s huge form, gently bent and inclined down towards him.  She had her hands on her knees as she leaned down, looming over him.  Even with her hands on her knees this way, she was a good foot or more taller.  Warren had tried to make eye contact with her to search out her intentions, but he found that he simply couldn’t bring himself to hold it.  Irina was just too big, too imposing, too powerful, to meet directly with his eyes.  He felt like his entire body would have started shaking, with his cock becoming painfully and obviously erect, if he had tried to hold the eye contact with her.  And Warren, despite being thrilled at the prospect of Irina bathing him, was not keen on giving himself away so obviously.

Over the past few weeks, he had become WELL aware of the gently-shifting power dynamic between the two of them, and he knew that it was obvious to Irina now that he was aroused in her presence…and that she enjoyed teasing him.  She had been cooking for him, sitting close to him in his bed as they watched the news, petting his head, and even pressing her breasts up close to his face, though never with open intention.  She had been measuring him, administering his medicine, and, for all intents and purposes, putting him to bed, going so far as to rock him to sleep most nights.  Bit by bit, she was filling in all the spaces traditionally reserved for…a mother…with HIM as the child.  Warren had managed to overcome some misgivings around this shifting dynamic, and had actually started allowing himself to enjoy the role of gentle submission she had ordained for him.

But…a BATH!?  It all seemed a little too…obvious.  Too overt.  Warren had gotten comfortable with the easy, tender relationship between the two of them, a relationship that certainly mirrored the female-led relationships that were emblazoned daily across the TV screen in the new Whipple-Virus-world.  But based on the things he had been hearing about — the male harems that certain women kept, shrunken little men kept in cages, taken for “walks” on leashes by their caretakers, women letting their men eat “treats” out of their hands for “good behavior” — Warren wasn’t able to help feeling that Irina’s suggestion was a diversion to a path that he did not want to go down…a dark path that led into the woods, with no end in sight.

“Warren?”  Irina’s pleasant, slightly deepened voice cut through the air, and he tried to look up and make eye contact with her again.  He had already heard it in her voice — she was waiting for him to obey.  And now, looking up into her smiling eyes, her expression, and her body language, said it all.  She wasn’t being rough with him…she was just telling him what he was going to do.  How could he refuse her?  His brain didn’t even go past the idea of countering her, or disobeying her.

Still, though, something in him halted, and his eyes tried to escape hers.  But there didn’t seem to be anywhere much better, and less intimidating, for his gaze to go.  His eyes went down her tall, full figure, which was alluringly wrapped in the elegant, knee-length, lavender-colored silk bathrobe that he had bought her the previous week.  Already, Irina’s growing body had started filling it out, so that the powerful pillars of her full thighs, the swells of her thick hips, and the mammoth mounds of her twin ass cheeks, were all erotically visible through the silky folds of the bathrobe.  And as Warren’s eyes trained in helplessly on the huge, swaying orbs of Irina’s enormous breasts, he was amazed to see how tightly they were pressing into the silky fabric…now that he was actually staring, he could see that the silk itself had started to stretch around the dual surges of her breasts, and…those were her hard nipples, definitely, looking like they were about to poke through.  A hot chill rapidly started spreading through his body, from his head — was she even wearing a bra right now!?

“Warren!” giggled Irina, her bombshell body suddenly erupting in jiggles right in front of Warren’s astounded eyes.  She knew he was distracted by her body, and just seeing how helpless he was to her effortless advances was enough to make her pussy start aching with desire.  Her nipples were so hard and erect that they were beginning to get painful, and she could feel, at their roots, the telltale churning of her warm, luscious milk.  It was all she could do to keep herself from snatching him up right then and there, tearing off her bathrobe, and mashing his face into her tits, guiding his little mouth to one of her engorged nipples, and holding him there until, with him whimpering, the milk began to flow into his mouth, filling it, and going straight down his throat.

But this was all part of her plan — she had been consciously thinking about this moment for days now, and unconsciously for weeks.  She knew that she could take him right now without any effort.  He was far too small and too weak to resist her.  But Irina didn’t want to be like those other women who had harems of unhappy, miserable little man-slaves.  She KNEW that Warren had the potential to embrace his new role…to embrace his submission to her…and she knew that, as long as she was able to gently guide him there, the end result would be SO much more powerful, and SO much sweeter.

“Uh I’m…I’m s-sorry…I, uhhh,” Warren stuttered, darting his eyes around awkwardly, like he was looking for an escape.  Irina watched him steadily, that tender, amiable smile never leaving her face.

“It’s ok Warren,” Irina breathed down at him, taking his little chin in her huge hand and forcing him to look up directly into her eyes.  “I know you can get pretty distracted by me…especially when I’m so close to you, haha!  Mmmmm, you know I’ve gotta say, I’m liking the size difference between us right now.”

“Y-you are?” blurted out Warren, now forced to blink up into her strong, beautiful eyes.

“Ohhhhh yes!” smiled Irina, gently shaking his chin with her hand.  “You look sooooo small and cute down there, even with me bending down like this.  God, I must look HUGE to you.  And I mean…look at this!  Look at how little your chin is in my hand!  My hand wraps halfway around your precious little head!”

She continued playfully manipulating him for a few more moments, turning his head right, than left, in a clear display of power and control.  Then, quite suddenly, she let him go, rising way, way up to her full height again, and putting a single hand on her thick, sensuous hip.

“Now go run that bath, alright?”

Both of them knew it wasn’t a question, and even though Irina had spoken it lightly, the simple sentence carried enormous weight.  Once again, Warren’s mind didn’t even dare to wonder what would happen if he pushed back against her.  He felt himself nodding, and his feet moving under him, as he shuffled away to his spacious master bath.  Irina watched him go, inhaling a long, silent breath through her nostrils.  She had seen the conflict twitch in his face; she knew that this was a big step for him…for both of them.  Though she had never really doubted her ability to gently command him, it was telling for her to realize, within herself, that if Warren had decided not to obey her just now, she wasn’t quite sure that she wouldn’t have taken the occasion to assert her power in a more blatant way.  It was striking for Irina to realize this, especially considering how careful and gentle she had been with the dynamic in the past few days and weeks, ever since talking to Sarah.  But she was just too aroused right now to even think of retreating back into her purely “caretaker” role for the sake of appearances.  Standing up to her full height, she had willed him to obey her with every facet of her power, and she was encouraged to see him give way and shuffle off, the rapid movement of his skinny little legs betraying his own excitement, despite his trepidation.

Irina sighed out as she sat down on Warren’s bed, waiting.  The mattress moaned as Irina felt it give way beneath her heavy bulk, and she smiled to herself.  Whenever Warren lay down in his bed, his little body barely even made an imprint on the mattress.  A few seconds later, Irina heard the high-pitched little squeaks of the faucet, punctuating the air unnaturally.  The squeaks kept coming, and it took Irina a few moments to realize that Warren was trying to turn the faucet handle, but with limited success.  She blinked at the bed as her smile grew wider — he wasn’t strong enough!  He wasn’t strong enough to run his own bathwater!

She let him struggle for a little while longer, and then spoke up.

“Everything alright in there?” she called.  The sound of grunting and shuffling in response was music to her ears.

“Y-yeah, I just…*huh*…I just….*yyyyaaah*…I…I c—…I can’t turn it!” panted Warren from the bathroom.  “It’s…the handle’s stuck!”

“Aww, it’s stuck?”  Irina rose up off the bed and went striding straight into the bathroom.  It was all too perfect — Warren was sitting on the edge of the large claw-footed tub, his dangling feet not even touching the floor, as he put as many of his 78 pounds as he could into pushing the handle of the hot water.  Irina quickly swooped in and snaked her big hands under his little armpits, lifting him briefly up in the air before setting him back down in his unsteady feet.

“Whoa, whoa, eeeeasy there!” she laughed, ruffling his hair (and noticing that she could palm his head entirely now with her hand).  “The last thing I want is you falling into the empty tub and hurting yourself!”

“I wasn’t gonna hur—” began Warren, but his voice was suddenly drowned out by the rushing onslaught of water from the faucet, as Irina had bent down and effortlessly turned the handle of the hot water, which was already now beginning to steam up from the deep tub.  She glanced down at him and flashed a crooked smile.

“I think you loosened it,” she chuckled, winking at him.  The tub was starting to fill up now, and once again, Irina rose up to her full height as she looked down on the shrunken little man before her.  Warren was in his pajamas, which, despite their small size, were still too big for him.

“Well?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.  “You wanna get in?”

Warren stood there unmoving for a second.  He had been struggling through this whole process, step by step, and he had only now just gotten to the step that required him to take off all his clothes.  Under normal circumstances, it would have been clear that now would be the time when Irina would leave the room, to let him get naked in privacy before getting into the bath.  But of course, under normal circumstances, his housekeeper wouldn’t be giving him a bath in the first place.  And in any case, Irina didn’t look like she was going anywhere.  In reality she too had reached a bit of a mental roadblock.  She had been so transported by the sheer excitement of it all that she had forgotten that watching Warren strip naked might be something of…an anticlimax.  She quickly thought of something to draw out the fun.

“Alright, I’m gonna dip into the cabinet here and get that epsom salt foaming bath stuff,” she said, turning her big body around and feeling her size shake and quiver in her night robe.  She made a point to shake her ass a little more than it was shaking already as she walked a couple paces over to the cabinet.  She glanced over her shoulder, and saw that Warren wasn’t moving.  As expected, he was gaping at the hunks of her ass.

“Hmmm, now let’s seeeeee,” she called out, turning back to the cabinet, making it a point to draw out her search, “Where isssss that stuff?  Lavender-scented, I think….mmmmmm it smells so good!  Where is it, where is it…”

Without making it too obvious for him, she was giving him time to take off his clothes and get in the tub.  It was all part of the process…but even still, Irina didn’t feel like she could wait much longer to get her hands on his tiny little body.  She had seen the foaming bath bottle as soon as she opened the cabinet, but she gave Warren a little extra time to get naked and slip into the tub, glancing over her shoulder furtively before saying:

“Ah!  Found it!  Ok Warren, you better be in the tub, haha!”

“I am!  I’m…here!” he responded, his voice pitched high with a mixture of excitement and anxiety.  Irina felt herself melt as she turned around and saw how much the tub swallowed him up.  Sitting down in the bottom, his head barely even came up to the top of the bath’s porcelain-framed rim.

“Aw, ok then,” she cooed down at him, crossing the bathroom in two strides and settling herself down into a comfortable kneeling position over the edge of the bath.  Irina immediately started pouring the foaming bath solution under the faucet, but not before glancing down to see that Warren’s little cock was semi-erect, just barely poking through the water.  She made it a point not to stare at it, though.

‘All in good time,’ she thought to herself, as the bubble mixture rapidly disseminated in the water, hiding Warren’s erection.

“The water’s not too hot?” she asked him.

“N-no!  No, it’s…it feels good,” he said, evidently calmed by the fact that his cock was now hidden from view.

“Mmmm, good,” replied Irina.  Now let’s just let the bath fill for a bit — I’m gonna step out real quick for some things, but I’ll be right back, ok?”

“O-ok!” said Warren, having no idea what she could possibly be getting.  After watching her massive form sexily sway back and forth, her ass cheeks dancing underneath her night robe, he found himself alone in the filling bath.

‘Just…take it easy, ok?’ he told himself, sitting back and letting his head rest on the back of the tub.  ‘Nothing’s wrong here.  She’s just…feeling like thanking me after…after I bought her all those clothes!’  His attempts to explain away what was going on weren’t working, but they did at least give Warren a little psychic breathing room…for the moment.

Right before he opened his eyes again, he felt a ripple in the air just above his head.  When he did open his eyes, he couldn’t see Irina, but he could smell her…that sweet, feminine musk of her perfume.  He knew that she had come back into the room, somehow without making so much as a rustle.  Had she purposefully snuck up on him?  But he didn’t have any time to think it through, because a pair of large hands had suddenly descended into his view, both of them coming down to rest gently on his partially-submerged chest.

“Mmmmm, the water DOES feel good,” came Irina’s deep, rich voice from above him.  He felt the squishy orbs of her breasts gently squeezing the top sides of his head.  She was leaning forward now, over him…far, far over him.  Warren felt everything darken around him as Irina’s body suddenly became his sky.  Looking up, he saw her stretching out majestically over him, her breasts peeking through her night robe.  One of her nipples slipped out, and it was confirmed: she was NOT wearing a bra.  Warren felt himself get even harder under the suds as the sound of the rushing water ceased.  Irina had been reaching over him to turn the water off, and now, Warren noticed that the suds directly in front of him were gone.  Without him realizing it, Irina had dropped a large washcloth down into the bathwater, making the suds beneath it disappear.  Warren doubted that it could have been an accident that she had dropped it right above his crotch.

“Oh-kay then!” intoned Irina meaningfully as she pulled up a little stool next to the tub and sat down on it.  “Let’s start with your back, huh?  I know your skin must be irritated after all that time sitting up in bed, I’ll bet.”

“Y-yeah, I guess I could use a little whooooaaaahhhhh!”

Irina had taken the washcloth in her hand and gently started going down Warren’s back.  The washcloth itself was normal-sized, but on Warren’s back, it looked much, much bigger, nearly spanning its entire width.  It was the way Irina was moving it, though, that had made Warren gasp out in pleasure.  She was applying firm yet gentle pressure, and making it a point to make the washcloth span her whole hand and she dragged it gently and deliberately over his skin.  He felt the strength and size of her hand and fingers…Jesus they were huge…her whole hand, with the washcloth beneath it, was nearly covering the entirety of his upper back.


Irina was doing little circles, around and around, all over his back, starting up between his shoulders and then going steadily down, down, down toward his middle back, and then…her hand submerged, but she kept swishing, still making those slow, gratifying circles over and over on his skin as she went down further still, towards his tailbone…and his ass.  It felt unbelievably good, and even though he was submerged in a hot bath, Warren felt his skin stand to attention in goosebumps.

“Mmmmm, let’s turn you over a little here,” murmured Irina, and she swept her other hand lightly up under Warren’s body and, seemingly without effort, lifted him up out of the water and flipped his little butt up into the air.  Warren gasped out a little in surprise at having been so suddenly exposed like this, but there was nothing he could do.  He was facing down toward the water, with only his lower legs now submerged, with the rest of his body literally lifted up and supported by the single palm of Irina’s hand.

“Shhh, shhh, nothing to be afraid of, Warren,” cooed Irina softly into his ear, as she proceeded to soothingly scrub his bare bottom.  “Just getting all the spots here.  You’ve been sitting on this little butt for days now…weeks…we need to give it a good scrub, you know?  Make sure you’ve still got good circulation down there.”

Warren felt totally powerless, being held up this way with Irina’s hand as she used the other one to scrub his little ass.  She wasn’t shy about it, either — she used the washcloth to really get in there, in between his cheeks.  He felt the sensitive skin of his rectum teased, then brushed, then full-on washed with the washcloth.  He moved his little body a little in discomfort, but he felt Irina’s large fingers steady him, wrapping around his left side and holding him in place as she continued to coo down at him.

“It’s oh-kaaaaaay,” she breathed, “It’s oh-kaaaaaay….just relaaaaxxx, Warren.  Relaaaaaax…I’ve got you.”

Warren could already feel himself starting to melt into her hand.  Her huge size…her overwhelming strength…and that slow, easy, gentle way that she had about her…it all just combined to make him feel less and less willing to resist her.  He stopped being so tense, and his body eased up.  In doing so, Warren actually allowed himself to enjoy what was happening, and to get a good side-look up at Irina’s face.  Her eyes were focused on her loving task, and her tongue was in between her teeth, sticking out a little at the corner of her mouth.  She looked totally focused, and yet, at the same time, completely devoted and tender.  Every time she moved the washcloth somewhere else, he saw the gigantic rack of her breasts jiggle and shake a little, as if they too were eager to get in on the act.  He was totally erect now, and as Irina lowered him gently back down into the bathwater, he hardly even cared anymore.  She was there to take care of him, to protect him, to feed him, to…to do everything for him.  What did it matter that she could see his erection now?  It had been obvious for weeks how she made him feel…now it was just being confirmed.

“Thaaaat’s right,” whispered Irina, her loins churning as she leaned over Warren’s little body, her breasts again sandwiching his head, as she eyed his crotch.  “Thaaaat’s right.  Just eeeeease into it, little guy.  I’m here…I’m taking care of everything.”

She felt his hard little member underneath the washcloth as she gently massaged it, over and over, underwater.  Irina couldn’t believe how huge her hand looked in his lap.  Everything about this picture was out of normal proportion even compared to what she had gotten used to.  The fact that she was bathing him now showed the more overt aspects of their size comparison — her forearm wasn’t much smaller than Warren’s thigh, and it was definitely thicker than his skinny little lower legs.

‘I could wrap my entire hand around his thigh, I bet,’ thought Irina lustily, now breathing hard, in and out, in and out, in a way that made her arousal obvious.  She tried it, wrapping her hand around his upper thigh, with the perfunctory veneer of the washcloth in between her flesh and Warren’s.  Almost…her fingers almost touched…just another few centimeters of growth or shrinkage and they would touch.  And that was just one comparison; Irina’s mind was drinking in the sumptuous reality.  Her aching breasts must have been at least twice as big as Warrens’ head…EACH of them.  And the way they were sandwiching his head now, well…it was all Irina could do to keep herself from taking his whole body between them and squeezing and squishing him over and over until he just lost himself and burst his load in between her —

Irina suddenly came to; her instincts had flared in her brain.  Her eyes refocused hard on Warren’s face.  Something was wrong.  His eyes were open, but they were unfocused, going every which way, and sometimes rolling back into his head.  Irina quickly cradled his head to her breast to get a closer look at him, and in her haste, her night robe slipped a little, exposing a fat bare erect nipple, right next to his mouth.  His lips suddenly puckered, as if by some kind of primitive urging, and it looked like he was about to fasten them around the engorged nipple right in front of them.

“Warren?” asked Irina, the concern evident in her voice.  But it wasn’t concern that was making her voice shake.  She was more aroused now than she had ever been…in her entire life.  His little body twisted a little against her hand, and his mouth got closer to her nipple.

“Warren, are you ok?” asked Irina, shaking him a little.  “Can you hear me!?”

His shrunken body lolled and shook like a doll with Irina’s provoking — it had gone entirely limp, and it looked like he was in the throes of delirium.  Irina felt herself panic a little, even in the midst of her powerful arousal.  Had the bathwater pushed his fever higher!?  She hadn’t heard of baths being a bad thing for Whipple patients before!  Had it all just been an unlucky coincidence!?  What was she supposed to do now??  She thought of calling Sarah, but just then, something happened which completely wiped her mind of anything else.

“Mommy…” murmured Warren, quite audibly, his lips puckering towards the nipple.  Irina felt the breath catch in her chest as her loins seized up down below.  Her breasts were roiling now, and her nipples felt like they were about to explode.  She leaned forward just a bit, enough for Warren’s little lips to latch around the thick cylinder of her left nipple.  It filled his mouth completely, stretching his lips outward as it grew further still, bigger than Irina could have believed possible.  She was vaguely aware that the rest of her body was actively growing too, but her mind couldn’t focus on that right now.  A powerful orgasm was wracking through her entire body, sending its hot shockwaves out from the epicenter of her pubic triangle, which was continuing to roil and churn deep within her body.

With a hot flash of immense and sensuous relief, Irina felt the thick sweet milk beginning to first dribble, then shoot forth from her nipple, straight into Warren’s suckling mouth.  Panting heavily, she looked down at him, cradling him to her bosom as she watched his lips shrink against her growing tit, his little cheeks filling up with the wellspring of her milk.



Wow … what a sweet, wonderful, lusty account ! What gentle, gradual, fascinating, mesmerising domination of Warren by Irina ! Irina the mother … Irina the lover … Irina the lusty romantic partner ... Irina the complete controller of Warren’s life ! And, your narration and dialogues …. wow, simply superb, as usual ! <3<3 Things are getting hotter …. Hmmm ! I look forward to the life of little Warren and big, strong, stately Irina in the days to come, particularly to learn about the after-effects of Warren drinking Irina’s rich nourishing nectar, hehey !! Simply mesmerising reading, Joyce ! <3<3

Joyce Julep

Thanks so much rupratul! Glad you're enjoying the dialogue, plot, and narration! There's a lot more fun, sexy stuff ahead! :)

