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Hey $10-and up Patrons!  I thought I'd share this commission I wrote last month for a lovely client.  It's a fun one-off story with gentle, size/height comparison, femdom, slow growth, and slow shrink tags.  This is a feel-good little story -- enjoy! <3 <3 

College Sweethearts

“So where’d you like this to go?” James asked, putting his hand on a box of Megan’s winter clothes.  “That is…assuming that you don’t want this sitting on my bed until November?”

“Hmmmmm…no I think it’s fine where it is,” replied Megan, sticking her tongue into the side of her mouth as she looked down at her friend.  “Little jokester…”

“Haha, I mean no, really, Megan!” laughed James, staring straight forward into the top part of her chest, and then back up at her smiling eyes.  “I can’t use this as a pillow!”

“Heheh, ok, ok,” she chuckled, lowering her head back down to pack her athletic bag for volleyball practice.  “Just stick it up on the top shelf of the closet.”

James lifted the box of clothes (with some difficulty), and brought it over to the closet.  When he managed to open the door with his foot, however, he looked up at the top shelf and then let out a chuckling exhale as he shook his head.  There was no way he was going to be able to reach the top shelf, even if he stood on his tiptoes.

“Uhhh…Megan?” he asked, turning around with the box in his arms.

“Huh?” she asked, without looking up.  But after a few seconds of silence, she did look up, and then instantly understood the issue.  A wide smile crept across her face.

“You did this to me on purpose!” laughed James accusingly.

“I did not!” she rejoined, straightening up from packing her bag and striding over to him.  James watched her get taller and taller as she approached, until, once again, he was looking straight into the top of her breasts.

“Although…” she added coyly, running a teasing finger down his cheek, “You know how much I love reminding you how much of a little shorty you are.”

James grinned up at her, and for a moment, a pleasant flutter went through both of them.  For years, the two of them had been close platonic friends, more or less inseparable.  The fact that they were both so close, and that they were moving in together as college roommates, wasn’t surprising in and of itself.  What was unusual, though, and what people did notice, was the height difference between them.  As a boy, James had suffered from slightly stunted growth, and, on the flip-side, Megan had been blessed with a taller-than-average physique, so that, now both fully-grown at 18, James only stood 5’1, while Megan was 9 whole inches taller, at 5’10.

Normally, such a vast and inverted height discrepancy between a boy and a girl would have been embarrassing for them both, but James and Megan were different.  From a young age, when they were about 14 or so (when Megan really started overtaking him in height), they had both realized that they actually enjoyed their height difference.  James enjoyed it when he felt small around his best friend, and Megan took pleasure in teasing him about how much smaller he was than her.  It was all in good fun — none of her teasing was ever malevolent or vicious, and, in a sense, it had become a vehicle for her to express her affection towards him.  In the end, James decided that he enjoyed being smaller than Megan so much that he actually hadn’t taken any of the human growth hormone supplements his doctor had prescribed to him to treat his growth deficiency.  Instead, he had kept the pills hoarded away, forgotten, buried beneath some clothes in another box, which now happened to be under his dorm room bed.

“This…box is…getting…heavy,” panted James after a few long moments.  His face had grown slightly red, even as his smile remained.

“Aww, my sweet little guy,” teased Megan, and she crouched down and effortlessly relieved him of his burden.  James then watched her, with an obvious sense of awe, as she lifted the box high up over her head and easily deposited it on the top shelf of the closet.  Looking back down at James, Megan winked at him as she clapped her hands together, in the “all done” motion.

“Piece of cake!” she giggled down at him.

“Ha!  Speak for yourself!” chided James, going back over to his bed and hopping up on it.  “You gotta run?”

“Yeah, don’t wanna be late to the first practice,” replied Megan as she slung her bag over her shoulder.  “Especially considering that scholarship they gave me.”

“Yep…felt the same way yesterday, rushing to Biology,” said James, who, like Megan was attending the university on a scholarship.  Unlike hers, though, James’s scholarship was academic.

“Ok, see you later!” called Megan, who was already halfway out the door.

“See ya!” said James, and for the next couple hours, he settled himself into his Biology textbook, focusing on his homework.  He was so deeply absorbed in his work that he hardly even looked up when Megan got back from practice.

God, that was intense!” she exclaimed, sinking onto her bed as she started taking off her outer clothes.  Since they were good friends, James was fairly used to seeing Megan in various stages of undress…but he had never actually seen her naked before.  He glanced up from his textbook, and was surprised at how…good she looked.  He had always thought Megan was hot, but for some reason, he had never even considered trying to kindle some kind of romantic relationship with her.  The thought was intimidating to him.  But right now, he was definitely noticing how sleek and powerful her muscles looked.

“Oh…was it?” he asked.

“Yeah…whew!” breathed Megan, now sitting on her bed in nothing but a bra and her gym shorts.  “Man, I haven’t been this sore and worn out since…geez, I don’t know when….my legs and feet especially.”

“Well…I could massage them…”

The words seemed to just tumble out of James’s mouth, without him even really being conscious of his decision to say them.  He immediately blushed, and wished that he could somehow take it back.  Megan’s head had snapped over towards him, and for a couple long seconds, she just looked at him, her mouth slightly open in surprise.  The two of them were used to constantly pushing and poking each other for fun, but nothing like this had ever happened before.  It was more…intimate, even potentially sexual, in nature, and the tension hung in the air between them, drawing out the moment and making it feel much longer than it actually was.

“I…” began Megan, but James quickly stammered out a follow-up over her:

“S-sorry, I mean…heheh, if it’s too awkward, no worries…uhh…is it awkward?  Am I being awkward right now?”

“A…a little, haha,” chuckled Megan good-naturedly, blushing herself, “But…uh, I was just gonna say, um…that a massage sounds great, actually.”

“Oh yeah?” asked James, his heart skipping a little.

“Yeah!” replied Megan, her heart beating a little faster in tandem.  “Like I said…suuuuuper sore, haha.  I think the volleyball court here is harder than the one back in Arbor Plains.”

“Well…haha, alright then,” said James, and a few moments later, both of them were slightly shocked, pleasantly so, at what was happening.  Megan was lying on her bed, on her stomach, and James was sitting in between her legs, towards her feet, using his small hands to massage her as best she could.  Towards the tail-end of high school, a hint of sexual tension had developed between the two, and now, it was going stronger than ever.  But it felt good…to both of them, even if they were a little intimidated.

“So your um…your teammates are nice, then?” asked James after a couple minutes.

“Yeah, they’re nice…mmmm, that feels good right there…” murmured Megan.  “The thing is, though…oohhhhhh, yeah, that’s the spot…the thing is, even though I’m 5’10, these other girls are like…well they’re like giants, James.”

“Oh yeah?” he asked, focusing on that certain spot under the bridge of her foot.

“Yeah!  I’m, like, the shortest one there!” she exclaimed, turning slightly around so she was looking at him out of the corner of her eye.  “Imagine that!  All the other girls are over six feet, and a couple of them are like 6’4, 6’5!”

“Gosh…” muttered James.  “Is that gonna be, like…a problem?”

“Well it sure would be nice to be taller,” returned Megan, “That’s all I have to say, haha.  I can only jump so high.”

James continued rubbing Megan’s feet and lower legs, and for a bit, he lost himself in the amazing feel of her firm flesh.  He had touched her thousands of times before, but he had never quite touched her like this.

“Mmmmm, yeah, that feels amazing, James,” Megan moaned.  She was surprised to realize that she was actually becoming…dare she even think it…aroused, as a result of James’s touch.  She had always thought he was cute, and had always enjoyed a kind of easiness around him, a lightness of heart that they both shared.  But for some reason, until this moment, she had never really even thought of him in terms of potential sexual intimacy.  But there was no denying it now — an electricity was throbbing in her loins, and she could feel her breath becoming more shallow as her face got hotter and hotter.

“Heh…glad it feels good,” said James softly, as he felt his cock getting hard.  He tried to think about something else, but it wasn’t any use.  All he could think about right now was how well-formed and solid Megan’s legs were…how long they were…and how much longer they were than his…and how they had been that way ever since they had been kids, when he had been diagnosed with that growth disorder…

Suddenly, James remembered his human growth hormone pills that his doctor had given him.  Did he still have those??

“Uhhh…you know,” he said out loud, before he could help himself, “Remember those growth hormone pills the doctor gave me a while back?”

“Mmhm,” said Megan, nodding her head sideways.

“And remember how I told you I wasn’t gonna take em’, cause, you know, I liked our height difference?”

“Wait…” said Megan in a hushed voice, suddenly turning around all the way now.  “You don’t…you don’t still have them, do you??”

“I think…actually…I might,” said James, his eyebrows going up.  “Let me check.”

Megan sat up excitedly as James went to the closet and searched through one of his boxes.  An expectant energy seemed to crackle in the air.

“Here!  Here they are!” James cried, turning around and displaying the large bottle of pills.  “And there are like, four or five bottles!  That doctor gave me a bunch, haha, and I didn’t take any of them!”

“James…” breathed Megan, standing up slowly and walking up to him, “You’d…you’d actually do this?  You’d actually give them to me!?”

“S-sure Megan!” he said, smiling gladly as he held them out to her.  “I m-mean…uh…you’d wanna get taller, right?”

“Mmhm,” she nodded, accepting the pills.  “And you?  You wouldn’t mind if I…got even taller than you?”

“No…hehe, I mean, uh, actually,” began James, feeling like he was about to say something momentous, “I…I think it’s kind of hot.”

“You know what…” said Megan in a soft voice, as she loomed over him, staring down at him tenderly, “I think it’s hot too.”

The two of them just stood there for several moments silently, the sexual tension building.  Megan finally broke it with a delightful little laugh, and she opened the bottle, promptly popped two pills into her mouth, and then swallowed them as she reached for her water bottle to wash them down.  Her eyes flashed at James.

“Heheh, uhhh…not wasting any time, huh?” he chuckled.

“No way!” she laughed, lying back down on the bed and wiggling her toes at him.  “Wanna finish what you started…little guy?”

“Of course!” he replied, feeling his heart thumping in his chest as he resumed rubbing her feet.  This time, though, the massage felt different.  The sexual energy was definitely even more palpable than before.  After a minute or so, Megan turned up the heat when she started teasing James with her feet.  As he was massaging one, she would rub her other foot up against the inside of his leg, her wiggling toes getting closer and closer to his crotch.  Her soft laughter filled the air as she felt James awkwardly readjust himself, trying to escape from her toes.

“Haha, what’s the matter?” she teased, turning around slightly again as her feet continued to play against his inner thighs.  “A little hot and bothered, there?”

“Haha…uh…a little,” James admitted, smiling despite his embarrassment.  Megan knew that she was going out on a limb a little, but her horniness, her excitement, and her increased confidence from the pills were all blending together into a wonderfully lascivious combination.  Then suddenly, without even pausing to think, she whipped around completely, so that she was sitting up in the bed, facing James.  They were both red in the face, and breathing hard.

“I can’t wait to get even taller than you,” Megan said in a low, lusty voice.  “It’s, like…oh my god…I just can’t wait.”

“I…can’t wait either,” returned James, who was so aroused that he was having difficulty breathing.  His breath was caught in his chest because Megan had suddenly started massaging her toes into his crotch.

“Oh my god,” she whispered, not quite believing that she was doing this, “You’re so hard…”

“Y-yeah…” whispered James back.  It all seemed so crazy, and yet, somehow, to both of them, this moment had been a long time coming.  They had both just been too distracted to see it.

“Why don’t you…take off your pants,” said Megan in that same low voice.  James didn’t have to be told twice, and a couple seconds later, his cock was bouncing in the air, pointed straight up at Megan, as hard as it could be.  Megan didn’t even really know what she was doing, but then again, neither did James.  Both of them had never dated anyone, or really been physically intimate with anyone, and yet, in this surreal, crazy snapshot of an instant, they both seemed to click together perfectly well.

Like it was a scene from a movie, Megan extended her feet down into James’s cock, and started rubbing it up and down, up and down.  James’s moans let her know that her movements were appreciated, and soon after, her foot caresses had turned into a full-on footjob.  It didn’t take James long, and he came violently, spewing his load all over her bare feet.

“S-sorry!” he panted.

“Sorry?” she giggled, pulling her foot up towards her face.  “Why “sorry?”  Haha, I’m the one who made you do it.”

She licked some of the cum off her foot, making eye-contact with James the whole time.  He exhaled out forcefully, shaking his head in disbelief as he smiled.  Neither of them could quite believe what had just happened.

After this first libidinous scene, James’s and Megan’s relationship went to the next level.  On the one hand, many aspects of their relationship remained the same — they liked joking around and teasing each other, and Megan in particular had come to take enormous pleasure in teasing James about how short he was compared to her.  This aspect of her teasing was ramping up, since she had started growing taller as a result of the HGO pills.  After a couple weeks, she had reached 6’0, a full 11 inches taller than James.  But they had both already enjoyed this kind of teasing before — it was just accentuated now.

But their relationship had really started to take off sexually.  The ice had been broken, and the eager waters were now bubbling forth, literally and metaphorically.  It was like Megan just couldn’t keep her hands off her little guy.  Every day, after James came back to the dorm from class, she would be there, waiting to pounce on him.  She would push him up against the wall, letting him feel her tall, lithe body rubbing up against his smaller frame, as she licked his ear and whispered dirty things to him softly.  James loved it, and even though she could make him feel overwhelmed at times, this sense of being “encompassed” by her turned him on even more.  Inevitably, these exchanges ended with Megan giving him a blowjob, or a footjob, or with her riding his cock on her bed, twerking her butt back and forth on his cock as she rode him cowgirl-style, so she could look down on his little body and make wide, sexy eyes at him as he came inside her.

As the days turned into weeks, and James became more and more obsessed with Megan’s growing body, he noticed that the HGO pills were doing more than just making her taller.  About the third week into her regimen of taking them, James began to notice that Megan’s hips were looking thicker and wider, that her butt was looking bigger, and that her limbs were looking more solid, even though they retained their feminine shape and sleekness.  More than anything else, though, he noticed that her breasts were getting larger and larger, so much so that she actually complained to him (playfully, of course) that she had to go buy new bras that were a full two cup sizes bigger than she had been before.  Her B-cups had transformed into D-cups, and by the way they bounced and swayed with her every movement, James had no doubt whatsoever that Megan’s body was becoming something more.  He realized that the pills were putting her through a “second puberty,” and along with these hormonal changes came an increase in her libido, which James was only too happy to bear the brunt of.

“I just love how tiny you look to me now!” Megan trilled one day, a month-and-a-half later, as she basked next to him in the bed, in the afterglow of one of their twice-a-day sexcapades.  “Haha, look at how small your little legs are next to mine — it’s like mine are twice the size of yours!”

“Haha, yeah, it’s…it’s incredible,” intoned James, staring down in awe at the comparison, his leg next to hers, on the bed.  She was 6’2 now, over a full foot taller than him.

“And, like, look at our hands!” laughed Megan, splaying hers out, and indicating that James should compare with her.  “I mean…wow!  Haha, your fingers don’t even come up to my last knuckle!”

“Crazy,” said James, shaking his head.  He could feel himself getting hard again, just from the comparisons, and from Megan’s gentle teasing, but she was already ahead of him.  He sucked his breath in sharply as he felt her warm, soft lips wrap around his cock as she looked up at him deviously, shaking her head back and forth with his cock in her mouth, as her lashing, eager tongue fluttered and battered against his purpling head, questing for more cum.

They were both living the dream, relationship-wise, but after Megan had reached 6’4, something had started pricking at James’s brain.  He was just…so small compared to her now.  When they were standing next to each other, the top of his head only came up to her nipples, and he found himself staring at the top part of her stomach.  It was all incredibly erotic to both of them, but James had started worrying that he wasn’t able to perform sexually as well as he could have.  He always came early, and although Megan didn’t seem to mind in the least, James resolved to improve his sexual performance.

As a result, he volunteered in a research and treatment procedure trial on campus that was happening in the Biology lab, in a program run by several doctoral students that was testing out a new injection to improve male performance in the bedroom.  The program carried certain risks, but James skimped over them, enrolling in the program eagerly.  He desperately wanted to make sure that Megan was satisfied.

A week later, Megan was having more trouble than usual deepthroating him, after she had loomed over him, pressing her breasts into his face, and then practically tossed him onto her bed.

“James,” she said suddenly, studying his hard cock with wide eyes, “I think…I think you’re bigger!  Haha, I mean, you were never small or anything…your cock, that is, haha…but yeah — you’re definitely bigger!”

James finally felt like he had to come clean, so to speak, but not before Megan had made him cum down her throat, as she held him down with her long, strong arms.  As he lay panting against her breasts a bit later, he told her about the trial.  Megan was surprised at first, and chastised James for thinking that he ever had to change anything about himself for her.

“I like you JUST the way you are, thank you very much!” she had said indignantly, though with a certain degree of gentle, playful reproof, as she had wrapped her hands all the way around both of his biceps and given him a little shake.

But it turned out that the increase in James’s penis size wasn’t the only change that the experimental treatment wrought on his body.  It was only a day (and several orgasms) later that both of them discovered another, unintended result of the treatment: James had shrunk…and not by an insignificant amount, either.  At first, they both thought that Megan had gone through a particularly dramatic growth spurt, but upon further inspection and measurement, it came out that James had actually shrunk down to 4’11.  With Megan being 6’5 now, the top of his head barely reached her nipples.

“I just…woah, I can’t believe it,” murmured Megan, reaching out her hand in wonder and palming James’s head effortlessly.  “You’re just…haha, you were already so small and tiny, but now…mmmmmm.”

“Y-you…you don’t mind it?” asked James.  Although he had been surprised about his shrinking, he didn’t have to think too hard to realize that he loved the thought of getting smaller, while Megan continued getting bigger.

“Mind it?” Megan growled sexily, lifting him up in the air and rubbing noses with him.  “I LOVE it.”

The conundrum, as they both found out very soon, was that whenever James had an orgasm, it would make him shrink, and, depending on the intensity of the orgasm, he would shrink anywhere between 1 to 3 inches…not a small amount at all.  They were both incredibly aroused by this turn of events, but they also both realized that they had to weigh the implications of each orgasm.

“I just…I’d hate to see you, you know…lose the ability to function normally,” Megan told him one evening.  They were cuddling together on her bed, with James in between her legs, and his head in between her huge boobs, as they watched one of the silly, lighthearted movies they liked.

“Yeah, I guess I was thinking about that too,” agreed James.  “But…I mean, I can’t just…you know, ration out my orgasms, can I?  Like, what kind of romantic relationship would that be?  When I have to think about that every time we’re making love?”

“Yeah,” mused Megan, her voice suddenly quivering with emotion.  “I would just hate to see you regret anything you do with me.”

“Hey!” exclaimed James, suddenly standing up on the bed and turning around.  With Megan sitting down, and him standing up, the top of her head still came all the way up to his chest.  He was down to 4’6 now, and she was 6’6, a full 2 feet taller.

“I don’t…I don’t wanna hear you talk like that!” declared James, although his voice was shaking with emotion too.  “I…I love you, Megan…and…and I j-just…you know what?  Screw it, I’m just gonna say it.  I don’t CARE what happens when I get super small.  I think it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced, just…just seeing how big and tall you are compared to me and…and…”

“Oh James!” cried Megan lustily, seizing him and wrapping her arms around him.  “You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that!  I feel the same way!”

“I wanna get smaller!” cried James, his voice muffled by her huge breasts.  “I want you to MAKE me smaller!”

“Oh and I WILL, my tiny, tiny little man,” she breathed lustily in his ear, tonguing it hungrily.  “Mrrrrgghh….I’m gonna make you sooooo small tonight, you won’t even know what hit you!  Let’s just see…let’s seeeeeeee how many times I can make you cummmmmmm!”

With a sexy, determined growl, Megan flipped him upside down, and then set to work on his hard cock, licking it and deepthroating it for all she was worth.  James felt his eyes roll back into his head as he felt the outer portions of her huge ass cheeks with his hands.  It was incredible how easily she had just turned him upside down, and was now holding him aloft, throating him ravenously.  Anyone who walked by their dorm room that night heard the unmistakably loud noises of their lovemaking, the licking, smacking, sucking, and slapping as Megan sexed James out of his mind.  He came more times than he could count, far more than he had ever believed possible, and still, Megan didn’t stop.  She was determined to make him as small as possible, to prove to him how much she had meant what she said.

When the night was over, James had shrunk all the way down to 2’9, almost two whole feet shorter than he had been before.  The next morning, they both stood naked in front of the full-length mirror, with James gawking in front and Megan smiling dirtily and confidently behind him, with her hands on her hips.  The size difference was absolutely mind-boggling now.  James’s head now only came up to the middle of Megan’s full, creamy thighs — a single one of her legs was bigger than his entire body!

“Wow…you, uhh…you sure took it out of me last night, didn’t you?” James chuckled up at Megan.

“Mmmmmm, yes, I sure did, didn’t I?” she purred, rubbing her leg up sexily against his naked body.  I slurped and sucked and fucked the size straight out of you, little guy…and I loved every second of it.”

“Yeah?” asked James, hardly daring to believe that this was all true.

“Oh yes,” cooed Megan, getting down on her knees and wrapping her big, sexy arms around him as they both faced the mirror.  Even on her knees, she was still way over a head taller than him, and his little head nestled in between her big breasts.

“I just LOVE it, James, knowing how much it turns you on to be small…how much it gets you going when you know that I’m just getting bigger and bigger, taller and taller, while I’m making you shrink, getting smaller and smaller, every time I make you cum.  It’s INCREDIBLE…even if you might try and put up a fight, which you don’t really, because how could you, haha…but even if you did, you’d know that there was nothing stopping me just shrinking you down, nothing stopping me from making you my sweet, tiny little mini-man.”

“Oh goddddd….Megannnnn,” moaned James, leaning back into her plush breast flesh.  “I just…I can’t hold back anymore…”

“Oh yeah?” chuckled Megan dirtily in his ear.  “You’re gonna cum again?  Let me help you.”

She extended out a huge hand and wrapped it around his cock, and, as she whispered naughty things to him, she started jerking him off as fast as she could.  Her hand was so big, and was moving so fast, that it became a blur in the mirror.  James was a lost cause before she even started.  He shot his load, spattering it against the mirror.  It was a particularly intense orgasm, because, almost immediately after, he started shrinking down, down, and down some more, so that it was noticeable in real time.

“Thaaaaaat’s riiiiiight,” moaned Megan in his ear, wrapping her arms around him even tighter and squeezing him.  “Let me feeeeel it…let me feeeeeel your little body getting even smaller and smaller, right here, in my arms….”

“I…I gotta get to Biology,” stammered James, cracking a smile at her in the mirror despite himself.

“Oh yeah?” challenged Megan, squeezing him and shaking him playfully.  “Maybe I don’t want you to go.  Maybe I’ll just shrink you down even smaller, so small that I can just put you in my purse and zip it up, so you’ll be with me always!”

“Noooooo!” laughed James, blushing.  The thought certainly didn’t sound like a punishment to him.

Months passed, and the two of them became obsessed with each other, and the growing chasm of a size difference between them.  In early December, one of Megan’s volleyball teammates, Rachel, was eating with Megan in the dining hall, when the topic of Megan’s boyfriend came up.

“I’ve never even seen him before!” laughed Rachel.  “I bet he doesn’t even exist!”

“Oh he exists alright,” chuckled Megan.

“Well, where is he?” demanded Rachel, smiling.  “I wanna meet him!”

Megan glanced sideways at her zipped up purse, sitting beside them on the table.

“Well,” she began, grinning mischievously, “You’re never gonna believe this, but…”



Absolutely loved this. Wish it wasn’t a one-off, but still, great ending!


Fascinating reading, with a nail-biting finish ! &lt;3 2 lessons for me out of this story, however ! Lesson # 1 : Henceforth, whenever I see a super tall, powerful babe on the volleyball field, I must check for her purse to see whether anything “alive” is moving inside ! Lesson # 2 : I must stay away from all growth hormone tablets/syrups and experimental medical researches because the consequences, both ways, could be intense and disastrous at the same time, hehey !

Joyce Julep

Haha, yes, two appropriate lessons to be learned. It all depends on what you want, right? ;)