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I made some additions to this first part, and then added a little more -- still a lot more to come, but again, I just thought I'd go ahead and post it for you guys.  The whole thing should be done in the next few days 3 <3 

Chapter 25

A little while before, Daniel had been lying in his bed in the guest room, looking at his phone, when Daisy peeked in. She saw that he hadn’t noticed her at first, and she took the opportunity to watch him silently for a few moments. She felt so sorry for him…she really did, and it was almost disarming to her to realize how much her heart went out to him.

Daniel was not a complainer. Ever since that terrible ordeal with Emma the previous week, he hadn’t really been saying much. Of course, Daisy understood that he had gone through a traumatic experience, and that he needed his space. But at the same time, she had taken it upon herself to make sure that he was taken care of. She made sure his injuries were looked after; she took him his meals; and lately, she had been spending more and more time in his room, chatting about light, unrelated topics, just to allow him to take his mind off what had happened…and what was still happening between him and Emma.

The seconds went on by, and Daisy knew that she had already been watching him for too long. She felt appropriately guilty, but she reminded herself that she wasn’t doing anything that bad. The truth was that she had been temporarily struck by his figure in the bed, with his head bent slightly forward as he stared at his phone. His face looked calm and unexpressive. Daisy felt herself blink, and her heart skipped a little. He was so handsome…handsomer than he had ever seemed before, in fact. Together with his obvious physical injuries, the anguish and confusion of the ordeal he was going through made him seem twice as vulnerable…and there he was, just lying in his little bed there, trying to keep his mind off the fact that his girlfriend had grown into a titanic, terrifying 25-foot giantess who had totally lost her mind. But he was so unassuming, so calm, so quiet, just lying there, with the small screen lighting up his face. He blinked and wiped his nose with the back of his hand, and Daisy, once again, was bewildered by the strength of her emotional reaction to such an ordinary picture. Daniel had just blown out a little exhale of a chuckle, and Daisy felt her eyebrows come together as she stared. It felt like she was starting to melt inside.

Daniel had been in a strange mood that evening, so much so that he had actually been scrolling through the giantesscity forum, looking at old pictures that Emma had posted when she had “only” been 7 feet, 8 feet, 9 feet tall. Daniel had read over a few of the comments again, but his stomach had turned, absorbing those lecherous thoughts from other men, and so he had ignored the rest of them. Really, he was just there for the old pictures of Emma, back when she was just…just herself. He felt himself tensing up all over as he looked at her smiling face, those gorgeous eyes, as she laughed back at him through time, crouched inside their old bedroom door frame. He kept scrolling, and saw how seductively she eyed the camera, in a picture she had auto-taken of the two of them, with her kneeling behind him. Even in this pose, she had been taller than him by a good few inches, and she had her big arm wrapped around him possessively, her huge hand splayed out against his chest, as she shot that provocative look at the viewer. It was like she was saying, ‘He’s mine…back off!’

‘Or…she was just using me as a kind of prop,’ Daniel automatically thought to himself, looking closely at her face rising up above his. ‘Something to make all those horny online dudes jealous…or maybe it’s just that she was using me to show how big she was getting. A mannequin doll for scale.’

He felt himself becoming uncontrollably sad. He couldn’t even look at pictures from months before without questioning her motives. That was what this horrible growth sickness had done to her…to their relationship. Aside from plunging Emma into a turbulent, moody, dangerous kind of insanity, it had made Daniel wonder at what point she had “snapped,” at what point she had become a different person from the one he was in love with.

‘But I AM still in love with her,’ said a firm, monotone voice in his head. ‘And she’s still the same — she’s just struggling to cope with what’s happening to her. When she wraps her head around it, she’ll be fine.’

This voice had been an ever-constant presence in Daniel’s head ever since he had first noticed Emma changing, since he had first noticed that odd, unnerving glint in her eye as she looked down at him in that off-putting way, the way that suggested that she was having trouble seeing him as an equal, or even as a complete human person at all. He knew she was out in that barn right now, curled up in the hay, sleeping or staring at the stars through the rafters she had broken. He felt his heart seize up, and he had to wipe his nose a little bit. He had gotten good at stopping these thoughts before they infiltrated to the back of his eyes and made the heavy tears start flowing. Daniel had always hated crying, and it had only taken two private, silent sob sessions before he had resolved to keep those emotions tamped-down. They didn’t do anyone any good. And besides, even if he still badly wanted to go out there to Emma, to see how she was doing, to tell her she loved him, Daniel knew that he couldn’t. At this point, even that steady voice in his head couldn’t convince him that it was really Emma out there in the barn. It was…she was…something else.

And god, why was he even looking at these old pictures now, anyway?! It was making everything so much worse. Daniel quickly flicked his finger over the screen, and moments later was looking up random sports statistics of his favorite teams. He felt a strange lightness come over him, the kind that often does when a weighty problem is willingly disregarded for another time, and he actually managed to chuckle a little to himself. Despite everything, he really was ok. And all things considered, he had actually really been enjoying his time with Daisy. She had been so caring, so giving, so selfless…even though Daniel knew she was going through a hard time herself. He found himself wishing that she was there right now; she usually was, at this time of night. He looked up, and his heart did a little jump as he saw her standing there in the doorway.

“Oh!” he burst out, blinking, and then smiling widely. “I — I didn’t —”

“I’m…oh wow! Haha, s-sorry!” stammered Daisy, putting her hands up. “I was just…hehe…just about to come in. Sorry if I startled you!”

“No! No, it’s…haha, it’s fine!” laughed Daniel. He was surprised at how happy he suddenly felt. And then, without thinking, he spoke his mind. “I was actually just thinking about you.”

“Oh you were?” inquired Daisy, her eyebrows going up as she smiled a little sheepishly. She was a bit taken aback by his sudden candor, but there was no denying that she could feel the warm feelings spreading throughout her body. Vaguely, she realized that this was a strange, surreal moment, one that seemed hyper-realistic, almost like she was watching it in a movie.

“Yeah…heheh, I was just wondering…uhhhh, wondering where you were, haha.” Daniel’s words petered out a bit at the end as he realized how revealing and awkward they sounded. But Daisy pounced on the potentially delicate moment with some quick humor.

“What?” she teased, gliding fully into the room and settling herself down lightly on the edge of Daniel’s bed, “Have I trained you to expect me here every night?”

“Kinda, yeah,” chuckled Daniel, inclining his head. Neither of them knew quite what to say after this, and they both just sat there together, the pressure of something building between them as the night seemed to deepen outside the window.

“So…what’ll it be tonight?” asked Daisy after a few long moments of silence, grinning as she reached for the laptop that she had left on the far edge of Daniel’s bed. “Tragedy or comedy?”

Daniel inhaled and pondered his answer. A few days before, the two of them had started watching a nightly show together on Daisy’s laptop. This nightly activity already had the makings of a shared ritual, and the two of them had started looking forward to the time spent together at the end of the day. At first, nothing had seemed terribly untoward about the activity — they had watched an action movie, with the laptop perched on a pile of pillows in between them. The bed was large enough to where they didn’t get too close, and anyway, the pillows had separated them. The next day, however, they had done the same thing, except this time, whether on purpose or not, Daisy had put the pillows further back, so they lay closer together, not quite touching…but closer. Close enough to where they both noticed it, but said nothing. The truth was, both Daniel and Daisy enjoyed the closeness…they both wanted it.

“Actually…uhmm…” began Daniel, feeling the same hyper-realism of the moment, as if he was watching himself speak the words, “Maybe we could just…hang out tonight?”

“Oh…oh ok, sure!” nodded Daisy, looking away from Daniel and studying a particular corner of the comforter with extreme precision. She felt bad for the excitement that was coursing through her. It didn’t seem right, in the midst of the bizarre adversity they were all living through, to feel this kind of way. She was reminded of how she had felt when she was a teenager, and crushing over a boy in her science class. She had ended up dating him for a few months, and ever since then, ever since that brief time in high school, she had not been with another romantic partner. Daisy knew that Emma had always been different from her, but even still, it had been a little difficult for her to watch her younger sister move out of the house into the city, and land a successful, cute guy like Daniel.

And now, in the midst of all the craziness that was happening with Emma, there HE was, sitting up on the bed, looking at her with a kind of light in his eyes that Daisy had never seen before, from anyone...let alone him. And she felt herself desperately wanting to reciprocate that look. She knew that this was definitely not the time or place to be having these feelings…and that Daniel was most certainly NOT the right person to be on the other end of them. But Daisy was not about to get up and leave. And when she saw Daniel scooting over a little in his bed, ostensibly to give her room to sit by him, she had to remind herself not to crawl too quickly over to fill the void beside him.

Daniel was having similar feelings, but from a different vantage point. On the one hand, he felt like it was weird and inappropriate for him to be entertaining any kind of feelings for Daisy, since she was Emma’s sister, and since he was still “formally with” Emma. But more importantly, on the other hand, he was chastising himself for being ridiculous. Of COURSE all of this seemed weird — it was a totally unique and unprecedented situation! His girlfriend was 25 feet tall, and had, for all intents and purposes, grown beyond him, literally and figuratively. He couldn’t reach her anymore…and at this point, he doubted that he actually wanted to. He was afraid what he would find. He and Daisy had been through hell, watching this happen to Emma, and their mutual suffering united them. No one else would understand what the other was going through…and this mutual isolation made them feel even closer than they already felt.

Plus, Daniel had been noticing recently how pretty Daisy was. She looked a lot like Emma…she really did…and even though Emma had the more “conventional good looks,” there was something especially appealing to Daniel about Daisy’s face…the way she set her jaw and moved her chin back and forth when she was thinking…and the way she had of looking at him with her big eyes. She was a serious person, and so seeing her behave sheepishly around him made Daniel feel even more attracted to her.

“So….whaddya…uh, haha, whaddya wanna talk about?” asked Daisy as she sidled up on the bed next to Daniel. She briefly thought about sitting cross-legged next to him, but she thought that would have been too silly. She didn’t feel silly right now. She wanted to lie next to him, with her legs stretched out next to his.

“I’m…not sure, really,” he chuckled, taking his turn to stare down extra hard at a random patch of comforter. A few seconds later, though, he felt his eyes rising up of their own accord, and he found himself looking straight into Daisy’s eyes. She was only a couple feet away from him now, and she was looking right back at him.

“I guess…uhm, heheh, I guess I just wanted to…to uh…” He couldn’t bring himself to say the words, even though he knew what they were. It didn’t feel right. None of it felt right.

“To just spend a little time together,” finished Daisy, making the words sound easy and natural. She looked down, and saw his open fingers lying on the bed. She badly wanted to hold his hand.

“Yeah,” said Daniel, nodding as he kept staring at her. “Yeah. Haha I guess…I mean, this probably sounds really awkward to say but —”

“No, don’t worry,” reassured Daisy, and she just went for it, taking his hand in hers. Their warm flesh met, heating the exchange, and both of them felt chills of pleasure radiate through their bodies. Their eyes met again with a new kind of intensity.

“I just…I feel very close to you, Daisy,” said Daniel bluntly, blinking at her helplessly as he shook his head. “And I…I don’t know…what any of this means or…or what I’m really even saying right now, but…I —”

“I know, Daniel,” breathed Daisy, nodding her head as she squeezed his hand back. “I know. I feel very close to you too. I think…uh…I mean, it has to be everything that’s been going on, you know…”

“Yeah,” he agreed, squeezing her hand back, looking down and away from her, out the dark window, towards the barn. A part of him had wanted to see the kerosene lamp burning in the distance, lighting up the barn with its faint and fuzzy glow…it would have meant that Emma was still awake, lying there curled up in the hay. Even now, strangely, he would have welcomed the sign of her conscious presence, and freely allowed it to pull him back from what was about to happen. The distant outline of the barn was totally dark though…so dark that it looked odd and misshapen in the gloom. It almost looked like it was moving, but of course, Daniel knew that nothing was moving out there. Emma was asleep, and so he let himself seep back into this impossibly warm and tender moment with Daisy. The guilt ate at him from the inside, but he didn’t care anymore. In a way, the dark barn illustrated everything. Emma wasn’t there for him anymore. She was gone, somewhere far, far away. But Daisy was there…right there.

In that instant, though, with Daniel realizing that he and Daisy were about to do something terribly stupid together, he paused, drawing himself back. His eyes darted back to the dark cold outline of the barn. He couldn’t really see it now, but he imagined it there, sitting still in the night, containing the curled-up, sleeping body of his love. He wanted her terribly. She had grown past him, yes...abandoned him, in a way, yes...and definitely hurt him...but he still longed for intimacy with her, and strangely, having this intimate moment with Daisy just now had intensified his longing for Emma. He badly wanted to feel her hand in his, just like Daisy’s was now, with its slightly-smaller fingers getting gently but firmly squeezed by his own. He wanted to hug Emma again, to envelop her once more, to really convey through the pressure of his body how much she meant to him. All of this was impossible now, but as he turned to look back at Daisy, he was amazed — for it seemed like it wasn’t Daisy sitting there with him, but Emma herself, back to her original size, her gorgeous eyes looking up at him under her heavy lids. Daniel blinked and stared. He knew this wasn’t really Emma next to him, but his brain, under the strain of his mad longing and indescribable grief, was taking off on its own. He inhaled sharply through his nose. She even smelled like Emma.

“I don’t want us to do anything…we don’t want to do,” murmured Daisy, not even realizing that she was speaking in a whisper, and of course not realizing what was happening in his head, “But…Daniel, I…”

“I know,” he whispered back, squeezing her hand tightly now and suddenly pulling it towards him. Their faces had been a few feet apart before…now they were only inches away. Daniel could smell the fresh spearmint on her breath. She had just brushed her teeth. Emma had always used the same toothpaste. He felt immediately self-conscious, and hoped his breath wasn’t so bad. But his mind was racing right now, and any worries dissolved into thin air as he found himself moving his face closer to hers. Their noses touched. Daniel’s cock was rock-hard. He saw the little freckles up close on her cheeks...Emma’s freckles. They looked into each other, so close that they could barely see anything besides the shadows they cast on the other’s face. Daisy felt like a crazy person — she was doing this with Emma’s boyfriend…her sister’s partner…her lips were trembling, and she was holding herself back…but it wasn’t so simple as that. She loved Daniel…she had grown to love him. What else was she supposed to do?

Already it seemed too long. Daniel felt the moment slipping away. Maybe it was better that way…maybe they would come apart and…

He was parting his lips, just as he made the choice to push his face a little further into hers. The pull, the energy between them, was just too strong. He couldn’t resist; he didn’t want to resist. It wasn’t Daisy sitting with him now — it was Emma. Daniel pushed all protesting thoughts down into the bowels of his being, and he kissed her. Immediately, Daisy’s full lips opened up to receive him, and a second later their mouths were aggressively gaping into each other. Their eyes were shut tightly, and they clung together in an unyielding embrace, slowing each other down as their lips started caressing after the first initial push. They were blowing hard through their noses, seeding each other with their scent and fueling the passion further.

They suddenly felt a bit of a vibration through the floor, and they both stopped, immediately looking through the window toward the barn. Nothing. It was nearly a new moon, and it looked as black as ever out there.

“Just…a little wind, I guess,” muttered Daniel. A moment later they were back at it, although a few seconds later Daniel felt Daisy grab the back of his head and pull him back, firmly but gently.

“Daniel,” she panted, her chest rising and falling, “I don’t…I don’t want you to do anything that…that you don’t w—”

“I’m not,” he whispered, grabbing the back of her head with his own hand and shaking it a little in assurance. It was bizarre how measured his movements were; his brain was on fire, and he had no idea what he was doing or saying at this point. He was just going through the motions of his desperate fantasy. “I’m not…I — I want this... I know it’s crazy, but…I want it. I want…you.”

“I do too,” she whispered, staring at him with fierce intensity. “It’s insane, but…well, everything’s insane, and you’re…you’re the only…the only…I mean, I can’t even —”

“You don’t have to,” muttered Daniel, his own intensity barreling through, and he pulled her back towards him, kissing her again. Their bodies intertwined, and their embrace intensified. Daniel forgot about the pain in his limbs, the pain in his heart. He forgot about everything, except what was happening between him and this other person, losing himself in her lips and her scent. Part of his brain was screaming at him to stop, but the other part, driven by that terribly sad sense of longing, kept insisting that it was Emma, as she should be, in the bedroom with him. They started taking each others’ clothes off, breathing hard. They were so focused on each other, so totally transported in each others’ eyes, that neither of them noticed, through the inky black gloom of the deepening night, the large pair of eyes that had materialized at the window.

A couple minutes before, Emma had excitedly made up her mind to go pay Daniel a surprise evening visit. She had seen the sole light in the farmhouse that was on in his bedroom, and had immediately imagined him lying there in bed all cute, probably playing around on his phone like he had always done before bed. It was a strange thing for her to remember these little details from their previous life together — the way he would cuddle her, the way his body would twitch against her as he fell asleep, the reassuring sound of his steady breathing in the darkness. It all seemed so far away, so remote, so surreal to remember now that things were totally different. But as Emma got on her hands and knees and prepared to creep quietly out of the barn, these distant memories all seemed to come flooding back to her as she looked ahead at that warm, steady little light there in the darkness…the light of Daniel. Just imagining him in there made Emma ache with longing. She knew that they couldn’t cuddle like they used to; they couldn’t sleep in the same bed, or even in the same room or house. But Emma wasn’t going to tolerate this distance between them any longer. They could make do. They could get creative.

‘I could serenade him at his window,’ though Emma playfully, as she started slowly crawling toward the house. ‘And then he could open the window and we could have a nice little time, just chatting…just being with each other…ooooooh it’ll be so romantic…what is it about lovers talking to each other through open windows that’s sooooo nice? Hahaha…but I gotta make sure to surprise him…’

Emma was making sure…and at her size, moving around undetected, even if she was just crawling on her hands and knees, was no small task. But she was thankful that it was nighttime, and the near-silence that reigned helped her to focus on her movements, and to make sure that she didn’t disturb the rural tranquility around her. If she hadn’t been so focused on surprising Daniel, then she would have noticed that the persistent buzzing of the drones overhead was conspicuously absent this evening.

The earth beneath Emma’s palms and knees felt wonderfully soft and cool, and with each slow, deliberate motion towards the house, she felt the weight of her limbs making dents in the ground. She had a quick little flashback to when she had been a little girl on this same farm, trying to dig holes in the ground away from the rich earth of the sown fields. Aside from the plowed fields themselves, the ground had been quite hard…dominated by that tough red clay. Back then, Emma couldn’t have dug a hole more than a foot deep in an afternoon, with such an activity leaving her exhausted. But now, all she had to do was place her hand on the red clay and gently press her weight down upon it, and she left huge handprints that weren’t too far away from a foot deep themselves.

‘Guess a thing or two has changed,’ thought Emma, smiling to herself. She thought of the tracks she was making, and how Daniel would be able to see them the next morning, when the sun came up.

‘Aw, he’s gonna think it’s soooo sweet, how carefully I snuck up on him!’ Emma thought, with rising excitement. She was about halfway there already, and at this point, her heart was beating so fast from the thrill of sneaking around that she actually worried that Daniel might actually be able to hear her heartbeat as she got closer. She paused for a few moments, steadying herself, and giving her heart time to slow down a little. She stared forward through the darkness, slightly downhill, towards the house. She was glad to see, from this distance, that the curtains of Daniel’s bedroom were still open. She wasn’t yet close enough to get a good view inside, but she could see the vague outline of someone inside, probably sitting on the bed. Emma spasmed a little inside from pleasure.

‘Ooooo there he is!’ she exclaimed to herself, straining forward in the night to try and get a better look at him. She was still too far away, though, and so she continued crawling closer. A few seconds later, the house was beginning to look a lot smaller to her, and Emma had to remind herself how big she had become in relation to everything else.



Ok... they are dumb. I mean... Emma can raise from the barn and come to that window in SECONDS if she wanted. She doesnt even need stealth. There is no time to run or hide something like that even if you heard her coming. Waiting anxiously for the continuation XDD


This is soo good. I’m really sad that Emma and Daniel are drifting apart :( , I hope they come together once again as a couple and I can’t wait for the complete chapter!!

Joyce Julep

Thanks for the comment Molly! I just posted the complete chapter -- lots happens, lol! &lt;3