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Chapter 7

Irina felt her entire body come to a pause.  This nurse…Sarah…remembered Warren by name!?  Enough time had elapsed since Warren’s Whipple Virus test to make Irina assume that Sarah wouldn’t remember either of them, and yet she just casually, conversationally had asked, by name, how Warren was doing?  It was impressive, and a little unsettling.

“He’s…uh, he’s fine,” said Irina automatically.  Her eyebrows creased and she shook her head at herself, clearing her thoughts.  “W-wait…wait, I’m sorry Sarah, I don’t know what I’m saying,” she backtracked.  “No, Warren isn’t doing fine, actually.  That was, uhh…that was one of the main reasons I called you, actually.”

“Mmmmm, well go ahead,” said Sarah agreeably as she lowered the complicated-looking milking machine onto Jeff’s hard cock.  “Tell me what’s been going on, Irina.  Just try and relax and…free-form it, ok?  Don’t feel any pressure to go in any particular order.  Start wherever you want.  Jump around.  Whatever’s most comfortable for you.”

“O-ok…ok, uhm, thanks,” said Irina.  She wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of anyone telling her what to do or how to behave, but somehow, with this nurse — even though she couldn’t have been older than her mid-to-late twenties, by the look of her, and therefore a good deal younger than Irina — the maid couldn’t help but feel like she was naturally sliding into the submissive role, whenever she was speaking with Sarah.  If she hadn’t been so eager for answers, she might have puzzled more over this strange phenomenon.

A loud machine-like drilling suddenly sounded over Sarah’s end of the phone.  Irina’s eyebrows came together, wondering what on earth the sound was, but she quickly thought better of asking about it.  Sarah was probably cooking or…or…beating some eggs…or something.

“Sorry about that,” chuckled Sarah, putting a huge hand over Jeff’s mouth, covering it completely (along with a good half of his lower skull) as she made the “shhhhhh” motion at him with her long index finger.  She tilted her head at him, her sea green eyes boring down into him, and then she took her hand off his mouth and left, walking away from the table he was strapped to.  She had secured the milking contraption in place, and there it remained, jackhammering away at Jeff’s cock, which had already started spewing a fresh load into the empty jar Sarah had screwed onto the end.  From Irina’s end, the machine sounds faded away, only to be replaced again by the sudden sound of violent kissing.

“Heh…uh…you got a pretty big cat there, huh?” chuckled Irina, feeling like she had to say something to acknowledge the strangeness of what she was hearing.

“Oh she’s big alright,” responded Sarah, staring down at the two little “mouse-men” who had their bound hands up-clasped towards her, as if in supplication.  Sarah was standing in front of the two men, staring down at them with her teeth bared, and in between her and them lay a huge latex catsuit.

“I feel sorry for any little mice unlucky enough to find themselves stuck in my house, let me tell you,” chuckled Sarah.  “But anyway, please go ahead Irina.”

“Uh, right, so…uhm,” said Irina, getting her thoughts straight again, “So…Warren got hurt today, and…and I just feel so awful about it, Sarah.”

The maid suddenly found that hot tears had appeared from the back of her eyes.  She blinked at herself in surprise, and the tears started falling down from her eyes into the carpeted floor at her feet.  Even just hearing herself say “Warren got hurt today” was enough for her to feel an upwelling of unexpected and powerful emotion.  Up until this point, Irina hadn’t actually realized how much she had been internalizing and bottling up inside herself.

“Mmhm,” said Sarah, toeing the exposed cocks of the two men at her feet, toying with them one by one.  “Was he trying to do something normal, and he overestimated himself?”

“I…y-yes…yes, that’s exactly what happened,” said Irina, her voice shaking slightly with emotion.  She hoped that Sarah couldn’t hear how much this was affecting her.  “He was…uh, he was trying to — he had climbed up a ladder to…to reach a book he wanted.  Warren’s got this big mansion, you see, with a library and —”

“Mhm, I figured,” said Sarah.  “Personal housekeeper…last name Du Pont…you know.”

“Right, right,” said Irina, nodding to herself.  “Uhm…so he…he fell off the ladder, apparently, and…and he hurt his knee and shoulder pretty bad…not broken, but badly bruised, I think…so that he, uhm…he couldn’t walk, actually.”

“Ouch…poor little guy,” said Sarah, pointing down at the catsuit.  Immediately, both of the small men shuffled forward on their knees, their hands still bound with the leather bonds, and, with awkward effort, each managed to pick up a separate foot of the catsuit.  The flaccid legs of the catsuit itself looked huge compared to the men — it seemed like, at least girth-wise, neither of them would have had trouble fitting into a single one of the legs.  And height-wise, they wouldn’t have stood much taller than the suit’s enormous buttocks.  Sarah pointed at the tiny mouse-man on the left, and she extended her bare right foot at him.  He began laboriously sliding the suit onto her foot, and up her leg.

“And see, Sarah, the thing is,” said Irina, “That he went to the library because…because he accidentally ran into me.”

“Ran into you, huh?” said Sarah, wiggling her toes against the man’s chest.

“Yeah…yeah, we were both coming around a corner at the same time,” said Irina, “And…well, we kind of ran straight into each other.”

“I imagine that wasn’t much skin off your nose,” chuckled Sarah.

“Skin off my…?” asked Irina confusedly.

“Oh…oh!  Haha, I’m sorry,” laughed Sarah, shaking her head at herself.  She had been distracted by the feel of the leather tightening around her calf, her knee, and her lower thigh, and by the sheer eroticism of the sight as the tiny mouse-man struggled to pull it up over her huge, shapely leg.  “Sometimes I just use English idioms without thinking.  You’re from Eastern Europe, yes?”

“Uhm…yes,” said Irina.  She had never encountered an English-speaker who had apologized to her for using idioms.

“Croatia?” asked Sarah.

“I…y-yes…yes, actually,” stuttered Irina, utterly surprised.  “I…was able to come over here to the States after…after I lost my parents in Sarajevo.”

“Sarajevo, damn,” said Sarah on the other end.  “That’s rough, Irina.  But I know you’re strong.  And you bring other people strength too.  I could tell, just seeing you with Warren.”

“Th-thank you,” said Irina, more tears pooling in her eyes.  Why was she getting so emotional like this!?  She NEVER got like this.

“But I’m sorry — what I had been saying before,” continued Sarah, extending her left foot for the other mouse-man to start with left leg, “Is that when you and Warren ran into each other, I bet you hardly felt it, at this point, no?”

“Uh…heh, no…yes, you’re right,” said Irina, wiping her eyes and recovering herself.  “And Warren…well, I don’t think it was so much that he was actually hurt by the impact as…embarrassed.  His face went…uh, right…”

“Right smack into your tits?” finished Sarah.

“Yeah,” said Irina.  “And then…he just kind of ran off.  He was like blushing and everything.  I totally embarrassed him.”

“Well I’m sure he was more embarrassed by his own erection than anything else,” remarked Sarah, jiggling and jostling her big hips as the two small men now worked in tandem to lug the catsuit over her huge curves.

“His…erection?” asked Irina, surprised again.

“Well yes, his erection,” said Sarah matter-of-factly.  “Surely you’ve noticed by now that Warren has started to get spontaneously hard around you.”

“I…uhm…I have noticed that, yes,” admitted Irina, blushing into her phone.  “But…but only recently, actually.  Like, really recently.  20 minutes ago, when I was carrying him to his bed after I had found him.”

“Ohhhh, you were carrying him, were you?” asked Sarah, wordlessly ordering both of the mouse men back down as she reached down to thread her right arm into the catsuit.  “Of course, so naturally, he had an erection.”

“Um…y-yeah…yeah, ok,” said Irina.  She didn’t really understand why her carrying Warren would automatically give him an erection, and even though she didn’t say anything about her puzzlement, Sarah understood from the other end.

“It was his proximity to you,” said Sarah, stretching her right arm through the catsuit’s confines.  The loud noise of stretching leather whined out through her living room, and Irina heard it on the other end.  “That was why he was so embarrassed to run into you, you see?  He wanted to get away quickly, before you noticed that he was hard.”

“Oh…uh…ok, I see,” nodded Irina.  “Is that…um…is that one of the effects of the virus, then?”

“Mmmm, hard to say,” mused Sarah, switching her phone to her right hand and threading her left through the catsuit.  “I don’t know what Warren’s…sexual proclivities are exactly, but I have to say Irina, that brief time with him at the hospital pretty much convinced me that he was submissive.”

“Submissive?” asked Irina, blinking to herself.  She could hardly believe that the conversation had all of a sudden become this intimate, and she squirmed a little in place, feeling uncomfortable.

“Yes,” declared Sarah, stretching her arm all the way through the catsuit, “But that was just from brief and preliminary observation.  The details you’ve told me, well…now I’m sure of it, Irina.  He’s helplessly aroused by you, and he doesn’t know what to do about it.”

“He…he doesn’t know wh-what to..uhm…but how can…wow,” stammered Irina, having no idea what to alight on first.  Her heart had started beating quite rapidly in her chest, behind her F-cups.  She was definitely uncomfortable, and the anxiety she was feeling was not pleasant to experience in the least…and yet, that wasn’t the only reason why her heart was beating quickly.  Irina couldn’t hide from it — she was actually EXCITED at the thought of Warren wanting her sexually…of him being helplessly aroused around her.

“It’s ok, Irina, it’s ok,” chuckled Sarah, snapping her fingers down at the two mouse men beneath her.  “You can relax, alright.  It’s just me and you here talking.  Nothing more than that.”  The two little men beneath Sarah, at her wordless command, had scurried over on their knees to the coffee table in the living room, and had brought out a large wooden step stool, which was so heavy that both of them had to push it across the floor towards Sarah, who was watching them struggle towards her, her arousal building.

“Ok…ok,” answered Irina, taking a couple of deep breaths to steady herself.  “So…ok, uhm…WHY is Warren so attracted to me, then?”

“First,” replied Sarah immediately, as the first little man stepped up on the stool, “I’d like YOU to tell me how YOU feel about this, Irina.”  Even though the stool itself was a good 6 inches high, the top of the man’s head didn’t even reach the bottom of Sarah’s massive breasts, which were still protruding out of the catsuit.  It was unzipped, from the bottom of her defined abdomen all the way up to her neck.  The little man started zipping up the catsuit from the bottom, and then reached as high as he could go, right up to the bottom of her breasts.

Irina was silent on the other end.  She definitely had feelings about all of this…a LOT of feelings.  But she didn’t know where to begin, or how much to share, or if she should actually be sharing at all.

“I know that’s one of the main reasons you called, Irina,” said Sarah gently, her full lips cracking into a wide smile as she looked down.  The second little man had climbed awkwardly onto the shoulders of the first one.  The top of the second man’s head was now only a couple inches lower than Sarah’s shoulder.  He immediately reached for the zipper, at the bottom of Sarah’s breasts, and began the long and arduous task of zipping the suit up past her breasts.

“That’s why I gave you my number before,” Sarah continued.  “Just from watching the interaction between you and Warren, I suspected that you might already be experiencing the psychological symptoms of the Whipple infection.  But I thought it would be impertinent at the time to mention it, so I just gave you my number.”

Irina’s head was spinning.  This nurse, whoever she was, seemed uncomfortably, disturbingly perceptive.  It took Irina a few seconds just to wrap her mind around how accurately Sarah had read her, and was still reading her.  On the other end, Sarah waited patiently, grinning down at the little man, whose skinny arms were shaking with effort as he struggled with the zipper, going notch by notch.

“Ok…uhm…ok, yes,” said Irina, suddenly deciding that she would open up to Sarah about everything.  Her emotions and hormones felt like they were beginning to bubble out of control inside her, and she needed answers.  She needed an explanation…something to calm her down, or at least focus her energy.

“So yes, I have been noticing a lot of…feelings I’ve been having recently,” Irina said into the phone.  In speaking these words aloud, she couldn’t help but feel like she was crossing over into a new world.

“Mmhm,” said Sarah, nodding slowly as she took a deep breath, reminding herself to keep control.  She glanced back over at Jeff strapped to the milking table.  His little body was spasming uncontrollably, and the large jar screwed onto the end of the milking machine was already about a quarter full.  Sarah felt her vaginal walls contract as she had a controlled orgasm, her eyes rolling back in her head briefly before turning her attention back to the mouse man struggling with her zipper.

“I’ve just…I’ve felt so wrong in feeling this way,” continued Irina, figuring that she should just go ahead and plow forward, “But there’s no other way to put it.  My breasts…uhh…my breasts have been getting bigger recently…MUCH bigger.”

“Yep, yep,” said Sarah brightly, nodding her head as she winked down at the top mouse man, who was beginning to tire in his labors.  The zipper wasn’t even halfway up her breasts yet.

“And…and I get AROUSED just thinking about it,” Irina kept on.  “Which is weird, I know, but…but that’s not even the main thing, Sarah!  Because it’s not just that my breasts are bigger…I can…I can FEEL the milk inside them.  It’s…it’s like, uhm…”

“Churning?” offered Sarah, holding up a huge hand in front of the man’s face.  Immediately, he struggled to get off the other man’s shoulders, and both of them stepped off the stool and knelt back down at Sarah’s feet.

“Y-yeah…yeah, that’s a good word for it,” said Irina.  She briefly thought of asking Sarah if she too was experiencing these things, but she quickly decided that wouldn’t be polite.  SHE had called SARAH, and not the other way around.

“And,” continued Irina, feeling extra uncomfortable about this next part, but pressing on ahead nonetheless, “This is the real thing, Sarah.  When I found Warren just a little while ago, and he was hurt, and he was all cold and shaking and desperate…the way he just…just reached up at me, with his skinny little arms…Sarah, I’m not even kidding here — my nipples were, like, rock-hard…and…and all I really wanted to do right then was to stick one of them in his mouth.  Isn’t that crazy!?  Am I crazy!?”

“Not in the least, Irina,” said Sarah pleasantly, smiling down at the two mouse men as she zipped up her catsuit the rest of the way with an effortless flick of her fingers.  “You found Warren when he was highly vulnerable, and scared, and weak, so of COURSE you wanted to care for him, nourish him…NURSE him.  It makes complete sense.”

“It does!?” asked Irina incredulously.  “But…but this is all so crazy, Sarah!  I mean…wanting to breastfeed a grown man!?  And…and my employer, at that!”

“Well let me tell you,” chuckled Sarah, posing in front of the two groveling little men in her catsuit.  It was skin-tight on her.  “Our definition of a “grown man” is about to change dramatically.  And don’t worry that you technically work for him.  That’s completely irrelevant at this point.”

“O-ok,” said Irina, wondering how Sarah could be brushing past all this so easily.  “But…what does it all mean, Sarah?  Is this just the virus in me, making my hormones go all insane?”

“Oh I’m sure the virus is part of it,” said Sarah, striking another sexy pose in her catsuit as she bared her sharp red fingernails at the two men.  “The augmented breasts, the accentuation of the matronly instinct, experiencing the actual sensation of milk production in real-time…yes, these are all common symptoms of the Whipple Virus in women.  Have you measured yourself recently?”

Irina had to pause again for a few seconds.  Sarah just seemed to be uncovering each one of her embarrassing secrets, one by one.

“You’ve realized that it’s not just your breasts that are growing, haven’t you?”  Sarah was making a real effort not to sound too pleased.  She distracted herself by bending down, grabbing the heavy stepping stool with a single hand, and lifting it up over the heads of the two men as she put it back under the coffee table where it belonged.

“I…yes,” admitted Irina.  “I, uh…I measured myself for the first time today, actually.  Weighed and measured.”

“Well?” asked Sarah.

“I’m…almost 5’9,” said Irina quietly.  “And I’m over 180 pounds.  I’ve never been this big before, Sarah.”

“And how about Warren?” asked Sarah.  “How small is he now?”

Irina felt her nipples engorge even more intensely, pressing hard into her top.  Her pussy was becoming noticeably wet.

“He’s…only 5’3 now…and…111 pounds.”

“Whew…quite the gap starting to open up, between you two, isn’t there?” chuckled Sarah, blowing a low whistle out of her full lips.  She walked back over to Jeff at the milking table.  The jar was now about two-thirds full; Jeff’s body hadn’t been moving at all for the last few minutes, since he had passed out cold from the overstimulation.  Sarah felt herself orgasm again, and she grit her teeth, turning off the milking contraption.  She unscrewed the jar, walked over to the kitchen, and promptly put the jar in the refrigerator.  It clinked against the numerous other jars just like it in the fridge.

Irina was breathing hard now.  She was so very turned-on, to the point where she was completely distracted and had no idea what to say next.

“You’re aroused by it, aren’t you?” said Sarah, closing the fridge and going back past the unconscious Jeff to stand in front of the two mouse men.  “Just the reality of how much bigger you’re getting than him…and how he’s only going to get smaller and smaller, while you get bigger and bigger.”

“Yes….yesss,” nodded Irina, almost moaning the words.  In a partially unconscious motion, she reached down inside her panties and started rubbing her clit with her free hand.  She was already so wet that the squelching sound was audible.  Sarah was silent on the other end for a few long moments.  She was allowing whatever was happening there to happen, without any interference from her.  In any case, the conversation was about to come to an end.  Once again, she bared the claws of her fingernails at the two tiny men.

“S-sorry…sorry about that,” said Irina suddenly, snapping out of her brief reverie as she stopped rubbing herself.  “I just…got a little carried away there.”

“It’s completely fine, Irina,” said Sarah kindly, reaching down and skillfully undoing the bonds of the little men with her fingers.  “Everything you’ve described to me — it’s totally fine.”

“It is?” asked Irina.  “But…but it all just seems so…WEIRD and…and, uh, like…uhmm…it’s hard to describe.  Like…”

“Like the normal power dynamics between men and women have been turned upside down,” finished Sarah, tossing the leather bonds aside.

“Uhh, yes…yes, that’s…that’s actually it exactly.”  Irina couldn’t help but be impressed by this young woman — how could it be that she was only working as a nurse, even though she was so young!?

“There are bound to be little bumps in the…uhh, heheh, sorry, um…it’s going to feel awkward, to you and a LOT of other women, Irina, for a little bit,” said Sarah patiently.  “But it’s important to remember, one, that there’s no indication that this virus is going to harm you, ok?  It’s the men who are the ones at risk for serious degenerative conditions.  And two, of COURSE you are going to want to embrace the caretaker role!  You obviously care about Warren, and heck, you’re even employed as his housekeeper!  Haha, so it shouldn’t surprise you at all that you have these feelings…these urges.  Embrace them, Irina.”

“O-ok…uh, yes…yes, thanks, uh…I will!” replied Irina, feeling a great weight lift off her.

“Oh and one more thing,” said Sarah.  “Be patient with Warren’s dwindling sense of his own masculinity, ok?  He didn’t look too manly already when I saw him, but understand that he’s going through a lot now, both mentally and physically.  You might feel the urge to dismiss his struggles, but bear them patiently…and firmly.  His care is what’s important.  More and more, he will depend on you, and the more he does, the more his struggles will melt away…and here’s the real kicker…uh…here’s the real fun part for you Irina: you get to watch it all happen.”

“Ehhyyeeah…yeah, I, uh…I do,” answered Irina, having absolutely no idea what to think, despite her relief at Sarah’s words.

“Alright well, I gotta go,” said Sarah, “But please, Irina, call me again anytime if you have any questions or you just wanna talk, ok?”

“Ok…uhm, th-thanks…thanks SO much, Sarah!” exclaimed Irina.  She suddenly realized that she was itching to get back to Warren, to check up on him in his bedroom.

“Anytime,” said Sarah kindly.  “Bye now.”

Sarah hung up the call and tossed her phone across the room, over the men, onto the red sofa in her living room.  She bared her teeth and hissed at the two little men again, who shrank away from her in fear.

“Alright,” she trilled, “You two know the game.  I’m closing my eyes.  You’ve got two minutes to hide.  Whoever evades me gets to go freeeeee!  Oooooo, how about that?”

Her eyes flashed with lascivious pleasure as she inclined her head down at them.  Her voice deepened.

“But whoever I find first…is staying with me…for a looooong time.”



Can't wait for more. But I must say I do prefer the story with just Irina and warren. It's still my favourite story though. Looking forward to the next chapter.


Yah ... I agree with Dave ! I would prefer a relationship build up between just Irina and Warren, may be with medical advice from Sarah from time to time ... but I would prefer that Sarah herself stays out of the compassionate lives of Irina and Warren !!

Joyce Julep

Haha, don't worry -- this is Irina and Warren's story. But Sarah will be dropping in, from time to time ;)

Joyce Julep

This is definitely a story about the two of them, primarily. Sometimes, though, Irina might need a little "expert advice" from elsewhere, although she may not take it all the time ;) Thanks for commenting!