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Here's the completed chapter!  It's a long one, and it's a doozy ;)  Enjoy <3 

Chapter 22

For Daniel, the next couple hours seemed to creep by like molasses. On the surface, he was interacting with Emma’s parents, talking to Daisy about the problems surrounding Emma, and what to do about her, and how they should possibly contact the Institute again, or how they should possibly get the police involved, and what the capture of the drone meant, and on and on and on. Daniel wasn’t really participating much in the conversation, though, even as he reacted externally by nodding or shaking his head. The truth was that ever since he had watched Emma walk sleepily to the barn for her nap, in that slow, lumbering gait that almost seemed to move in slow-motion, Daniel had yearned to be close to her…to smell her scent, to put his hands in her pretty red hair, to look at her gorgeous face, and appreciate her. He felt terribly guilty for his previous conversation with Daisy, and he desperately wanted to remind himself how in love he was with Emma, no matter how big she had become.

And yet, as he sat there, superficially listening to the avid, dramatic conversation around them (mostly between Maisy and Daisy), Daniel knew why he hadn’t already excused himself to go join Emma in the barn. He WAS afraid of her; he knew enough now not to be fooled by that attractive, sleepy look that had hung heavily on her eyes, when she asked him if he wanted to take a nap with her. Even that tired, laconic sweetness in her face couldn’t persuade him that it was safe to be around her. He knew that Daisy was right — Emma didn’t know her own strength, and could not be trusted with behaving herself whenever she felt any kind of strong emotion, whether good or bad. She had narrowly avoided hurting him quite badly just a little while before, and Daniel knew, deep down, that the only reason she hadn’t was because he had gotten lucky. If she had squeezed his ankles — or his neck — a little harder, he knew that things would look a lot different right now.

“I’m not saying we get, like, a hundred cops to come up here and guard her or anything,” Daisy was insisting, “I just think that it’d be totally stupid not to get them involved somehow. I mean…what are we gonna do? Wait for her to do something even worse?!”

“I’m just not sure, sweetie,” Maisy answered, shaking her head slowly. “I know…that it’s probably a good idea to at least, um…let them know that she’s here. Just in case one of the neighbors sees something, or—”

“Or hears something,” added Jim, still examining the drone, a troubled look on his face.

“Or hears something,” Maisy repeated, “And gets…well, and gets scared.”

“But that’s not enough!” exclaimed Daisy emphatically, making a fist on the table. “Look, what I’m saying is…that Em isn’t in her right mind AT ALL right now, and that…like, we have to get other people involved. People who are equipped…people who KNOW how to deal with this kind of thing.”

“No one knows how to deal with this kind of thing,” Daniel heard himself say. All three of them turned to look at him, and their attention, combined with the words he had just spoken, brought his mind out of the barn and into his current setting. He realized that Daisy’s elbow had been touching his, but now that he had just shot her down with his deadpan words, she had moved it away.

“Trust me,” Daniel said, looking around at them, now fully present, “No one knows how to handle this situation. At least, no one we’ve encountered so far. And I can absolutely tell you that getting the cops involved is a bad idea. I know Emma, and I know that she won’t appreciate that one bit.”

“Well who cares what she appreciates,” Daisy countered, blinking at Daniel like she couldn’t believe he was defending Emma. “She almost pulled your head off this morning, and you wanna try and tell me that we don’t need some kind of a security —”

“Security…what, Daisy?” cut in Daniel. He wasn’t accustomed to taking the more dominant role in conversation (especially with Daisy), but her vociferousness was beginning to irritate him. “Security detail?” he continued, raising his eyebrows. “With guns? Come on Daisy, you saw how emotionally fragile she is right now. How do you expect her to react if a bunch of cops show up, with, like…all these guns and everything?”

“Oh god, it would be just awful!” sighed Maisy, frowning and shaking her head.

“It’d make her feel terrible,” continued Daniel, looking squarely at Daisy, who still looked stunned. “Or it’d make her really…really mad.”

“Well…so what if she gets really mad?” mumbled Daisy, crossing her arms. “She can deal with it. It’s not like she’s gonna…gonna be able to do…to do anything about it.”

An uncomfortable silence filled in the space after Daisy’s words. She knew, and everyone else knew, that what she had just said wasn’t true at all. The prospect of Emma “doing something about it” darkened the room.

“How about those nice doctors at the Institute?” asked Maisy, breaking the silence after some brief agony. “Maybe we could get back in touch with them and…and maybe see if they could come up here and have a look at her?”

“No,” Daniel immediately answered. His one-word response wasn’t energetic or emotional, but it made everyone once again turn to look at him. Maisy’s eyebrows went up expectantly.

“Uhh…no,” Daniel repeated, smiling a little as he chuckled and shook his head. “No that’s…not an option.”

“Well why not?” asked Daisy, confused.

“Yes, why not, Daniel?” asked Maisy. “Surely they’d have at least some idea of what’s going on with her, and they…uhm, well, they might be able to help her.”

Daniel’s mind flashed back what seemed like ages before, when he had gotten the frantic call from Dr. Kline that Emma had become erratic and uncontrollable, demanding that she see him. That long, dark car ride to the Institute, sick with worry, and then seeing her standing there, waiting for him in those headlights, in her medical gown…that had been back when he could actually look straight into her belly button…and the way she had hugged him and sobbed with relief about how much she wanted to go home. And then, of course, he remembered how they had actually left the Institute, with Emma effortlessly shaking off the pleading force of that…8-foot giant man…and then the way she had savagely pointed at all the doctors assembled and shouted: “NONE of you can make me do ANYTHING!” Those words still echoed in Daniel’s head. At the time, he had been focused on getting her back home, but the more he thought back to that moment, the more he had become convinced that coercive means were not going to work with her. And that had been back when she was…shorter than 9 feet tall. She was TWICE that height now.

“I just…uhm, I saw what it was like at the Institute,” said Daniel simply, deciding that he didn’t want to go into the whole thing with them right now. “And I don’t think it was good for Emma. She was very…stressed out there. And I don’t think the doctors helped. Besides, in the end, they didn’t even learn what was wrong with her.”

“Really?” asked Maisy, incredulous and discouraged. “Nothing? Not even one…idea!?”

“Not really, no,” said Daniel, shaking his head. He hadn’t alighted on the decision yet in his mind, but he could feel the momentum already building in his body. It had been a couple hours already. He hadn’t heard anything from the barn…Emma must be sleeping now…and he was going to go see her…alone.

“Well it’s a good bet powerful people know Em’s here,” came Jim’s voice from the corner. “This is more advanced technology than I’ve ever seen…and for the size of the thing, to…it’s gotta be some kind of government property.”

“You mean…the government’s spying on us!?” asked Daisy.

“Well, not on you, pumpkin,” Jim remarked with wry humor.

“But…Daniel hasn’t told anyone,” said Masiy, casting her husband a concerned look, “So how could they know that she was here!?”

“No idea, Maise,” answered Jim, shrugging his shoulders. “Maybe they tracked his car…maybe they’ve been watching Em for a long time. Who knows?”

Daniel knew that all of this was important, but his mind was becoming increasingly drawn to the barn. He could feel himself tensing his body, preparing to stand.

“Well then it’s only a matter of time before we get, like news reporters and…people like that knocking on our door,” said Daisy, managing to seamlessly blend annoyance and excitement in her voice. “This is gonna be a nightmare.”

“Honey, I think maybe you’re jumping the gun a little here,” said Maisy kindly. “Just because maybe the government’s been monitoring Em doesn’t mean that —”

“Oh mom, come on,” Daisy interrupted, “You KNOW that someone’s gonna leak that there’s an 18-foot giantess living out in the country…I mean, I’m surprised that it hasn’t leaked al…uh, where are you going?”

With some effort, Daniel had stood up, grimacing because of his sore ankles. His bruised neck was still throbbing as well, but it didn’t matter right now.

“I’m going to go check on Emma in the barn,” he answered simply.

Daisy’s mouth hung open a little, and an uncomfortable silence weighed once again on the room. Daniel blinked and turned towards the door, satisfied that he wasn’t going to have to explain himself any more than that. But as soon as he turned, he heard Daisy’s voice again, now at a higher pitch. And hearing it made him annoyed…annoyed at her, but more than anything, annoyed at himself. He KNEW that Daisy was speaking sense, but it just didn’t sound good to him. He wanted to go see Emma, and he was going to do it, regardless of any advice to the contrary.

“You’re seriously going out there?!” Daisy disbelievingly. “Look at you! You can barely even walk without wincing — you remember WHY, right!?”

“I’m…yes, I remember,” replied Daniel shortly. “But she’s asleep and…I just want to check on her, is all.”

“Daniel…” said Daisy warningly, inclining her head doubtfully, trying to persuade him out of it with her eyes. But he just stared straight back at her, unblinking. In his mind, he was atoning for his conversation with Daisy earlier.

“Well…at least…let me go with you,” Daisy suggested, backing away from her initial position. “So that you’re not alone with her.”

“Nope,” answered Daniel quickly, making an effort to keep his voice bright and cheery. “I want to go alone…I wanna, you know…just have a little time to myself with her, just…watching her.”

Daisy looked like she was going to respond, but she opened her mouth and then closed it again, sighing. Maisy used the brief lull as an opportunity to smile and say:

“Ok, Daniel, you go have your time with her. But…uhm, just please…uhh —”

“I’ll be careful,” Daniel said, smiling. He sympathized with the difficulty Maisy was having in telling her daughter’s boyfriend to be careful around her.

“I’ll be careful,” Daniel said, smiling. He sympathized with the difficulty Maisy was having in telling her daughter’s boyfriend to be careful around her. And then he turned around for good and limped out of the house, making a point not to look back as he did so. The pain in his legs wasn’t so sharp anymore, even though it had graduated to a persistent dull ache that was almost as debilitating as the acute pain had been before. The fresh, sweet air of the late afternoon felt delicious on his face as he made his way slightly up the incline toward the barn. Everything was so still…the pastures, the air, the temperature…everything seemed lazily suspended in time, as it so often seemed in the country.

‘It IS nice here,’ Daniel thought, limping closer to the barn. ‘And the air is so much cleaner…the pace of life is slower…you notice things you don’t when you’re in the city…the butterflies…you can actually hear the breeze in your ears…no sound of cars. It’s nice…really…really nice.’

Daniel realized that he was distracting himself with these errant thoughts; and then he realized that he was distracting himself because he had grown nervous all of a sudden. He was at the entrance to the barn now, and from inside, he could hear the soft, heavy sounds of Emma breathing. She was definitely asleep. Daniel leaned into the barn, touching it with his right shoulder as he made to poke his head around the side of the entrance. But as he did so, he heard Emma exhale, and he FELT it through the wooden barn wall on his shoulder. Her exhale literally shook the whole barn, if only slightly…but it was enough that Daniel felt it go through his body.

A thrilling shiver ran down his spine. Daniel didn’t know if it was in fear or awe or arousal or some combination of all three, but he felt himself stirring in his groin, in his stomach, as his heart picked up and beat faster. She was a force of nature. Her sleeping breath created its own wind, and rattled buildings. How had his sweet, unassuming little girlfriend grown into such a behemoth, such a powerful being!?

His desire to see her, though, surpassed the extent of his awe, and the urgency of his fear. He stepped around the side of the wood into the barn’s main entrance, and saw Emma’s gloriously nude body curled up in the fetal position, half-buried under soft golden heaps of hay, gently rising and falling in slow and steady rhythm with each breath she took. Two mellow golden sunbeams shined down in twin columns through the holes in the roof, serenely illuminating the rounded curve of Emma’s hip, and the cozy, gorgeous softness of her sleeping face.

Daniel was spellbound. He walked straight up to her, not halting until he was standing less than two feet away from her face. Her expression was so peaceful, so tender, that Daniel felt himself becoming emotional just looking at her. When she was like this, she didn’t have to deal with the reality of her condition — she was just…at peace, soft, warm, and comfortable, far away from the worries of the world. Her lower jaw was slightly slackened, but her lips were still closed. Even at 18 feet tall, Daniel realized, Emma had the same sleeping facial expression she always had.

Her sweet exhaled breath made him stumble back on his heels, but Daniel was careful to ensure that his feet didn’t make too much noise against the straw on the floor. He stepped forward again, closer to her still, digging in his heels a little to guard against the force of her next breath. He saw that her wavy red hair was slightly disheveled, lying about the hay in haphazard wisps. The rest of the hay seemed undisturbed, but Daniel could see that there was a visible path, in the shape of Emma’s head, that went slightly up and to the right of where her head was currently resting. With a stab of delicate understanding, Daniel realized that, in her sleep, Emma had been adjusting the position of her head to the slow movement of the warm, golden sunbeam shining down through the roof. It was precious…she was like a cat.

Daniel stood there for minutes on end — how long it actually was, he had no idea. The sheer tenderness of the extended moments called for nothing more than stillness, and calm, relaxed breathing. Daniel could almost feel their old relationship becoming rekindled in the warm serenity of the barn.

But then, he suddenly realized something…something odd that slowly broke him out of his reverie. Emma’s body obviously appeared to grow larger with each gently inhaled breath, and then appeared to shrink accordingly as she exhaled the air out of her mighty lungs. But Daniel had suddenly realized, with a sudden start, that even though Emma had already exhaled out a few times, her body still appeared to be swelling. Daniel was confused — how could she be inhaling and exhaling at the same time? And then it hit him: Emma wasn’t inhaling…she was GROWING. He saw it, first in the gentle burgeoning of her bare hip, and then in the steady enlargement of her arm, which was halfway tucked under her sleeping form. 

Daniel’s eyes grew wide as they swept over her whole body…her whole frame was growing, there was no question about it…right in front of his eyes. He had never actually SEEN one of Emma’s growth spurts in real time, but this spurt was so dramatic that there could be no doubt what was happening. Her head, her elegant neck, were all getting bigger…her broad shoulders expanded vertically, appearing to grow upward from her fetal position. Her breasts, which had been partially concealed underneath her body, popped gently out from underneath her as they too ballooned and expanded. The luscious curve of her torso was elongating in the still air, and her thighs were blooming into twin horizontal pillars even more impressive than they already were. Daniel’s eyes bounced from Emma’s toes to her fingers, all lazily curved amongst the hay on the dirt floor, and he could see them lengthening out across the floor. A slight rustling whispered into the air, getting stronger and more urgent with each passing moment. Daniel realized that it was the sound of the hay getting displaced, giving way to Emma’s burgeoning body.

He didn’t know what to do. Having just experienced an almost-impossibly tender moment, Daniel felt even more jarred than he would have been otherwise. She was still asleep, but as the seconds ticked by, and her steady growth continued, Daniel felt increasingly worried and disoriented. He felt like he had to do something, even if that just meant waking her up. But he didn’t want to wake her up…the idea of her being conscious for this event didn’t seem appealing. He thought of stepping quietly out and going back to the house; this seemed like the best idea so far…but the seconds kept passing and still he hadn’t moved. He didn’t want to leave her here alone like this. Strangely, it felt like abandonment. But she was getting huger and huger…and it felt to Daniel like his time was running out to act.

He saw her nostrils suddenly flare, and the skin on her face twitched. A cold shot went through him. Now was the time to run, but he didn’t move.


Emma’s deep, sleepy moan infused the air, ratting Daniel’s eardrums, and causing dust on the barn rafters to levitate and diffuse through the air. Daniel felt overcome with awe at the utter power of such a simple sound from her. It was different than anything he had ever heard before — her body’s capacity for sound had quite clearly passed over a threshold into something new. Daniel’s mind shot back to a dinosaur documentary he had seen often as a child…those giant plant-eating dinosaurs, grazing on the Jurassic plains…that’s what it reminded him of.

And then Emma’s whole body was moving amongst the hay, all slight and gentle movements, but motion that nonetheless changed the entire scene. Hay went everywhere as Emma moved her thighs back and forth against each other, flexed her hands, and eased back her shoulders as she tensed her entire body in a mighty stretch. Daniel was transfixed as he saw the muscles straining and trembling under her skin…and when she relaxed from the stretch, everything continued to get slowly bigger, bigger, and bigger. She was still growing. Daniel looked back at her face, and he felt his own body tense up instantly. She had opened her eyes, and was staring sleepily straight at him.

“Mmmmm, heyyyy Daniel,” Emma murmured sleepily, blinking her eyes slowly at him, and then, for what seemed like a long time, she just lay there sideways, her eyes a bit unfocused as she continued to stare at him. Daniel started to think that she had gone back to sleep, but then she spoke again, shaking his body with her voice.

“Come to snuggle with me, hrrmmm?”

“I — I was just uhh…coming to check on you,” stammered Daniel quickly. He saw that Emma’s eyes were becoming more and more focused, and once again, he felt a strong urge to run. But he was afraid that anything dramatic would cause her to wake up entirely, and so he instead chose to back steadily away, facing her the whole time. She was still growing…

“Aw that’s *hic*…that’s sweet of you,” she hummed softly through a hiccup. The effect of such an ordinary thing as a hiccup was dramatized across the expanding canvas of her body, and Daniel saw (and felt) her flesh rippling with the vibration. He kept backing away, and Emma finally seemed to notice.

“Hey where’re you going?” she sighed drowsily, and she swung her left hand out from its resting position on the floor, catching his body up effortlessly in her grasp.

“Hgghhhhhhh!!” Daniel exclaimed, feeling the blood engorge his face as she squeezed him too hard, lifting him up off the floor as his helpless body twisted and squirmed in her hand. Emma’s fingers already went easily around his entire lower torso, but it was doubly alarming for Daniel now because he could literally feel her palm expanding around him…her fingers felt like live snakes that were slowly swelling, coiling and squeezing with inescapable force.

“Come on in her and snuggle with me you…*yyuuhhhh!*…you sweet little guy,” Emma yawned. The yawn itself was so huge that Daniel could feel her sucking the air out from in front of his face, even though he was more than three feet away. Emma smiled as she closed her eyes, humming pleasantly as she hugged Daniel close to her augmenting bosom. For the moment, at least, he stopped trying to escape her grip, and instead decided to just lay still against her in the hope that she would drift on back to sleep so he could slip away. She was lying completely on her back now, and she was holding him right in between her breasts, which continued to balloon on either side of him. He could hear her heart hammering away underneath her breastplate; with his ears smushed into her flesh, her heart sounded like someone was beating a bass drum in an adjacent room. It was almost too much for his ears to take.

For over half a minute, they both just lay there, with Daniel becoming increasingly optimistic that Emma was becoming overtaken with sleep. But a loud, sharp clear of her throat, somewhere far beyond him, doused his hopes. All around him, he could feel her flesh still growing, slowly…and this close to her, he could actually hear her skin expanding. The swelling flesh of Emma’s breasts on either side of his head were now each almost half as long as his body…which was rising up now quickly. Emma was sighing out, taking his body on an up-and-down trajectory that emphasized just how prone he was. In her clutches, he had absolutely no power, and was totally at the mercy of anything her body did, whether she was conscious or not. He started to panic, and squirmed desperately, trying to get free.

He may as well have been trying to escape the fingers of a huge heavy marble statue; each of Emma’s fingers were at least as thick as his forearm, and even though Emma was barely exerting any effort holding him close to her, the mere weight and force of her fingers alone were enough to hold him firmly in place. And still, all around him, she was getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

“Hahhhhhh,” sighed Emma up at the barn roof, as her fingers slowly snaked around him some more, petting him with their expanding length, “It was sweet of you to come visit me….mmmmm, yes, really…sweet of you…*sigghhhhhh*…”

There was a pause after Emma exhaled, and Daniel could tell that she was more awake now. The bottom half of his legs felt her abdominal muscles clench gently, and she shifted her weight a few times in the haystack. Her body was waking up.

“Huh,” Emma said out into the silence, placid and calm, still clearly half-asleep, “I feel…a little warm, Daniel…and it’s like my skin…it’s like it’s buzzing a little. Heheh, you know, it reminds me of…hmmm, of that time at the…at the…”

In a whirl of motion, she suddenly lifted Daniel out from between her breasts and set him down on the ground in front of her. Before he could get his bearings, he felt his lungs clench up inside him as Emma sat up in the hay, leaning forward towards him and propping her chin up on an upraised forearm, a fleshy pillar which was already a little taller than his shoulders. Even lounging like this, on her side, her head was over two feet above his own…and rising steadily. Her eyes narrowed down at him as her lids fought off the sleep.

“You look…smaller,” she said slowly, eying him up and down. “A lot smaller.”

“Uhm, G-Emma…I…uh, I think…” stuttered Daniel, but his words died away in the air as she switched her attention from his body to her own. Her eyebrows went up as her gaze travelled across her visibly-growing limbs. A slow, slinking grin of understanding crept across her face, and she turned back to Daniel, her chin in her hand, as she blinked heavily again.

“Mmmmm, it’s happening again, isn’t it?” she chuckled softly, closing her eyes as she faced him. “And you get to see it *yaaaauugghhh!*…you get to see it this time!”

Daniel was perplexed by Emma’s yawns — she seemed to understand what was happening, and yet, at the same time, she still seemed to be struggling to stay awake. Didn’t her dramatic growth warrant more of a reaction!? But there she was, lounging languorously on her side, that same big, sleepy grin on her face.

“I…th-think I need to, uhhh…to pop back to th-the house for a minute!” Daniel said in a high-pitched voice that did nothing to hide his growing fear. Emma was literally growing into the sunbeam now, and her body was beginning to cast a shadow on him. She wasn’t even moving.

“What?” chuckled Emma, tilting her head to the side in her palm. “Noooo…no don’t leave me here alone. It’s so cozzzzzy in here with you, Daniel…come on! Come on and snug up to me.”

Emma languidly extended her hand again, but this time, Daniel wasn’t able to avoid flinching, and he took a couple steps back, away from her incoming fingers. Emma paused her hand in front of his body, pouting her lips a little as she sleepily registered his resistance, but then she seemed to get absentmindedly distracted by the sheer size of her hand next to his body. She placed the base of her wrist down next to him and extended her hand upwards — her fingers reached almost halfway up Daniel’s thigh, and as Emma held her hand in the same position, wiggling her fingers humorously, both of them saw their tips creeping steadily up towards his waist as she continued to grow.

Something in Daniel’s mind broke, and he made a run for it. But he hadn’t gotten more than two running paces towards the barn entrance before he felt a powerful sweep under his legs, and he wiped out face-first into the floor, to the sound of Emma’s thick, sleepy, murmuring laughter behind him.

“Silly little thing,” she teased, using the two fingers she had tripped him with to grip his left lower thigh and drag him slowly back towards her. “Where do you think you’re going? I said I wanted you to cuddle with me.”

“E-Emma! Emma! O-owwww! Oww, that hurts!!” cried Daniel, kicking and flailing in futility. His injured ankles were spared from her grip, but the force of her gentle tugging was still such that it felt like she was about to pull his leg out of its socket. She splayed him down on the ground, lightly rubbing him into the dirt floor, before wrapping her palm around him and lifting him up off the ground, towards her face.

“Oh and look…now you’re all dirty,” she teased, her voice still soft with sleep. She inhaled and blew, drying his eyes out instantly before he shut them in desperation, coughing and gasping for breath as he did so. It was like he was suddenly caught in a gust of gale-force winds.

“Mmmm, that didn’t quite work,” sighed Emma, yawning again as she rolled over on her back in the hay, holding Daniel’s body above her with one hand. From his perspective, it was terrifying — he could see her whole, huge, naked body beneath him as it continued to grow, and he was helplessly caught up in her hand. He looked to her face, hoping that he could somehow get through to her…but even in her half-waking state, he could see something gleaming there in her eyes that he hadn’t seen before.

“Emma…” he said, as slowly and clearly as he could, “I want you…to put me down. I need to go back to the house.”

Emma looked up and down his body, and broke into another chuckle.

“No, no…I want you to stay here with me,” she said, shaking her head. “Heheh…looks like your clothes got all messed up for good when you fell in the dirt. Let’s get rid of them!”

“What!? N-no, I —” stammered Daniel, kicking in her hand, but Emma had sat up now completely in the hay, and used her free hand to seamlessly pull off his shirt and pants. She tried to pull off his shoes and socks in the same way, but this required a little more nuance, and she sighed out amiably as she stuck her tongue into the side of her cheek in concentration, pinching the rubber ends of his shoes between her fingernails and ultimately pulling them off completely. Now Daniel was only in his socks and underwear, and his whole body felt exposed and tiny in the hugeness of her expanding grip. Somewhere in his brain, he registered that Emma had been growing, nonstop, for at least a few minutes…and it was still happening at the same steady pace.

“Holy…hah! GOD I’m getting big, aren’t I?” she laughed, seeming to wake up completely as she looked down at her breasts, and at the rest of her burgeoning body. “Mmmmmm, it feels soooooo good! Like liquid gold all over my body!”

Daniel saw his chance, with Emma momentarily distracted by her own growth, and he managed to kick free of her grasp, landing 7 feet below on the dirt. He picked himself up, ignoring the shooting pain in his ankles, and ran as hard as he could towards the barn entrance.

“Uh uh uh!” giggled Emma, her voice rising playfully, sweeping out a leg from her sitting position and blocking him with her huge foot. “Why do you keep trying to get away from me, Daniel? Haha, it’s like you think you CAN, or something…”

Daniel was panting in a panic now, and he tried to run around the massive out-splayed foot in front of him (which was almost half as long as he was at this point). But Emma’s heavy giggles rang in his ears as she simply swept her foot along the floor, gathering his body against its flesh, straight into her outstretched, waiting hand.

“You think you can just run away from me!” she teased him, playfully prodding his bare chest with the nub of her huge forefinger.

“E-Emma…Emma I…I want to go back,” Daniel panted, looking up into her face with pleading eyes as his feet dangled in midair. “I want…I really, really want, to go back.”

He had said all he could, without being so blatant that he would make her mad…but now Emma was just studying his face, her eyes again going slowly over his body afterward, and then back up to his head again. Her mouth opened slightly and breathed out; Daniel again felt his hair blow back as he caught a face-full of her sweet breath.

“But I want you here with me,” she said softly, tightening her grip and loosening, tightening it and loosening, around his waist as she spoke. She felt Daniel go limp in her grip, and the liquid warmth that was already spreading over her body seemed to double in heat and intensity. She was definitely wide-awake now. It didn’t matter what he wanted. What could he do, to deny her what she wanted right now? She was so big that she had easily manhandled his little body with her FOOT…and she was STILL growing…right NOW. The fact that he had still tried to scramble away showed Emma that he clearly didn’t understand what was going on…and what had happened in her mind earlier that morning, when she had been alone on that country road…when she was looking into the sun.

She reached over and placed him back down on the floor, and this time, Daniel didn’t even try to run. Emma spread her arms out in a final stretch, high, high up over her head, and then collapsed down on her bare hands, shaking the floor as she came down into a crawling position on all fours. She loomed before Daniel on her hands and knees, like a huge tigress, rising up a full 9 feet in the air. He was completely smothered in her shadow, and his body was now trembling uncontrollably as her shadow, bit by bit, continued to swallow him up. Emma wasn’t moving now, though…it was her body, still growing, growing before him.

“You look like a little animal down there!” she laughed, swaying her burgeoning breasts back and forth from her crouched position. “Do you REALLY think that you have a say in what happens to you right now?”

“Emma…p-please,” begged Daniel. “You’re t-talking crazy right now…y-you’re…you’re scaring me!”

“Hah! Well maybe it’s ok that you’re a little scared,” replied Emma, now showing her teeth in her smile. “Maybe that’s what it’ll take for you to acknowledge how things have changed.”

“B-but…but Emma, they haven’t changed!” cried Daniel desperately. “Not really!! You’re still YOU!!”

“Haven’t changed?” repeated Emma, raising both her eyebrows amusedly. “You can’t be serious, Daniel. LOOK at me right now! LOOK at what I’ve become…what I’m STILL becoming! Even as we speak right now, I’m STILL GROWING!”

She extended out her hand again next to his body, making him flinch. Her fingers were now creeping up towards his waist. Laughing musically, she leaned forward a little more and dug her elbow into the dirt beside him, comparing the height of her forearm to his body. She wiggled her fingers playfully in his face — he was only a few inches taller than her forearm, and obviously a lot less strong. She extended out her pinkie finger and dabbed him gently in the face, covering it completely.

“Look at that,” whispered Emma in an awestruck voice. “Look at how huge I am now compared to you….mmmmmmm, and I can still feel it coursing through me. I’m still growing, Daniel…still growing…oh my GOD, this is the biggest spurt ever!! Can you BELEVE it!?”

Daniel could NOT believe it — Emma replanted her arm out in front of herself, fully extended, and he once again found himself in the looming shadow of this gargantuan entity. This didn’t feel like Emma — that gleam in her eye had only grown brighter, and as she swelled huger and huger before him, he couldn’t help but feel that she was surpassing him in every conceivable way. That grin on her face seemed to say as much.

Emma could hardly contain herself any longer. The more she grew, the more awake she became, and the warmer she felt inside. It was absolutely exhilarating, crouched there like a tigress, literally growing over her prey. She knew that she wasn’t going to hurt Daniel, but in the moment, it was fun for her to imagine that he was a little animal that she had been stalking…hunting. His little body was just so…prime, so cute…so ready for her to do whatever she wanted to it.

“Take off your underwear,” she giggled down at him, “And those silly little socks!”

“Wh-what…for?” Daniel asked, but a moment later Emma had tilted her head slightly and arched her eyebrow, and he was taking them off.

“Puuurfect,” she murmured, feeling the arousal spread across her body like electricity, mixing with the melted-gold warmth of her continuous growth. “Now you’re ready.”

Daniel didn’t need to ask what he was now ready for, because a second later Emma had swooped down her hand, caught up his body in her firm grasp, and brought him up towards her open mouth.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Emma giggled, opening her mouth wider than Daniel could have believed possible. A crazy, primal fear cracked his brain, and his entire body became rigid with fear. She was going to eat him…she was actually…going to EAT him!?!?

“Emma…Emma, no…NO!! No, put me down, put me down!!” he screamed, kicking his legs wildly as he strove without result to free himself. But Emma simply turned his body around, so that he was facing the barn entrance, and backed him slowly up to her plump, awaiting lips. He felt his bare feet brush them, and he felt their heavy weight begin to slowly press into his lower legs. He felt her smile as her lips literally grew into his legs, lightly denting their plush redness with his shins. Daniel could see the light from the afternoon sun streaming in through the barn entrance, and, somewhere off in the distance, he could even see the farmhouse. He thought of yelling out for help, but what was her family going to do!? What could anyone do?

“I don’t think you realize,” chuckled Emma, brushing his legs with her lips, “That it doesn’t matter what you say right now. I wanna put you in my mouth and SUCK on you, and that’s what I’m gonna do. You’re like a little treat for me…and it doesn’t make any sense for me not to gobble you up. Mmmmmmm!”

Without wasting any more time, Emma pulled the lower half of Daniel’s body into her mouth. Her lips sealed shut around his belly button. She had inhaled his legs completely, and instantly, he felt the searing hot tug of her suckle against his cock and balls. He didn’t have any choice in the matter — his body was a slave to its physiological reactions, and even though he was terribly frightened, he felt himself get hard in her mouth. His feet hit her tonsils, and she gagged a little, laughing at herself as she recovered herself and flattened her tongue, making room for him as his feet slid into the back of her throat.

“Sttheeee, Daaahnniel,” she muttered into his body, sucking on him in between words, focusing on repressing her gag reflex, “Auh realithed thsomething…mmmmmm….you tasthh gooood…”

“Stop, Emma…” moaned Daniel, his eyes shut tightly in mental pain and anguish, trying desperately to resist the inexorable pull of her lips, which continued to grow and burgeon around him. He was now just a head and a torso, struggling fruitlessly, hanging out of her mouth. “Please…I’m begging you…stop…”

“MmMm,” she chuckled deeply, shaking her head back and forth, and his body with it. “I waaaaan it, Dahnyll…..soh auhm taaaking eh!”

Emma flared her nostrils as she took a deep breath — she couldn’t believe how hot she was now, with HALF of Daniel’s body in her mouth. The attention she was paying to repressing her gag reflex was making it that much more arousing for her…SHE was in total control here. SHE was making it all happen, and there wasn’t anything that he was going to do to stop her. And why should he even try? She had to be at least 20 feet tall now…and her body still hadn’t slowed down yet. She could still feel the warmth rushing over her, penetrating her bones. A quick glance down at the rest of her body confirmed that it was still growing, still swelling in the hay. She crossed her eyes to get a good look at Daniel down the bridge of her nose. His little torso was squirming, going back and forth, back and forth, trying to get out. He still didn’t get it. He didn’t understand what was going on…what had already happened. If he had understood, then he would be relaxing, enjoying the privilege of what she was giving him. He didn’t understand it now? That was fine…but he WOULD understand, soon enough.

Emma sucked hard, wriggling and writhing her tongue against Daniel’s little cock and balls as her lips puckered and undulated erotically around his waist.

“Huuuuhhhhh!!” Daniel cried, shaking his head back and forth. “Nooooo! No, PLEASE….Emma!! It’s TOO MUCH!! TOO MUCH!!! STOPPPPPP!!”

Emma shook her head and kept laughing, transported by the wave of lust that was against her mind. She was gonna make him cum…she was gonna suck that cum right out of his balls, right up out of that cute little cock of his, and he was going to just give up and shoot and spurt it all into her mouth. If this was what it was going to take, for him to see how much control she had…how much power she had…how much HE was HERS…then so much the better. She felt his body go totally rigid against her lips, and she responded by sucking even harder, sensing the impending orgasm.

“NOOOO!!” screamed Daniel, his voice rising to an inhuman, screeching wail. To Emma, it sounded rather cute, and she delighted in the hot burst of cum that quickly followed, spraying across her tongue, instantly sending it alive with salty tingles.

“MmmmmMmmmmmmm!” moaned Emma appreciatively, sucking up all the cum into the back of her mouth and swallowing it hungrily. She registered that Daniel’s body had gone limp in her mouth, and, crossing her eyes again, she saw his torso hanging from her lips, his arms dangling downward, his head lolling from side to side.

‘Did he just pass out?’ Emma thought to herself, feeling her clit twinge as the heat of the exchange washed over her. She flexed her throat, priming to gargle his cum in his face for fun. She reached out to pet his little head with her finger. The warmth of her growth spurt was still in her bones, but Emma could tell that it was finally slowing down. She moved Daniel’s head up and down a little with her finger; it lolled again in place.

‘Huh…he DID pass out,’ thought Emma. The thought aroused her, but she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. She had wanted him to see her play around with his cum in her mouth. ‘God, that would’ve been sooooo hot,’ she thought to herself, flexing her throat again as she swallowed his cum down reluctantly. She tongued his lower legs, petting his hair softly with her finger. ‘Still…there’s always next time…when I wake him up…’

“Stop RIGHT there!!” yelled a voice suddenly from the barn entrance. Emma looked up, mildly interested, to see that there were ten police officers standing there, blocking the entrance, with their weapon drawn.

“Uhhh…excuse me?” replied Emma, pulling Daniel gently out of her mouth and laying his unconscious body down on the hay next to her.

“Don’t…make another move!!” yelled the lead officer, stepping out in front. “You’re under arrest, ma’m — you need to come with us.”

Emma was grinning now. This had to be some kind of joke. All these little police officers in their little uniforms, with their little guns pointed up at her — it was too cute.

“Oh my godddddd, I love your little outfits!” Emma giggled. “They’re adoooorable!”

“Ma’m…I’m warning you!” called the officer. “We don’t want to use force, but we WILL if you don’t cooperate!”

“Huh,” mused Emma, her eyes going over the collection of cops in front of her. She suddenly realized that, no, this was NOT a joke, and that they actually WERE there to arrest her. Still, the realization wasn’t really a cause for concern — it was just a lovely little opportunity for her. She glanced sideways at Daniel…he seemed to be sleeping away peacefully there, half of his body covered in her saliva. She laughed softly to herself, faced the officers, and stood up. The cops watched her rise up and up and UP above their heads, and their mouths opened, aghast and awestruck at the same time. Emma’s head stretched up and up, until the top of it banged into the upper barn rafters.

“Oww!! Fuck!” Emma laughed, rubbing the top of her head as she stepped away from the overhanging top rafter. She hadn’t seen it, but her exclamation had made all the cops back away even more, as they put their hands to their ears to protect their hearing from her powerful voice. Free from its confines, the top of her head was now actually scraping the very roof of the barn itself. She looked down at the astonished assembly before her, who were all at least a foot shorter than her knees. They all backed up a step or two, causing Emma to giggle down at them playfully. She wiggled her toes in the hay. Her legs were like tree trunks now, and she had to arch her head over her breasts to even see the party of police trying to arrest her. In the past ten minutes, she had grown a full three feet — she was 21 feet tall now, heavier by a full ton than she had ever been before, and yet, in her spirit, she felt lighter than air.

She suddenly had a hankering for fresh air.

“So…you’re gonna arrest me, officer?” she teased down at the lieutenant, putting her hands on her hips as she stared wide-eyed down at him in all her naked glory. “Got any cuffs big enough for me?”


Bob Madned

Absolutely engaging. Phenomenal work!


Holy hell this is amazing. I don’t know what’s better, her mental or physical transformation. Please keep this one going for awhile. It’s too good to not :)

Joyce Julep

Thanks so much jsm!! So glad you're liking it! This story is definitely gonna be going on for a long time :)