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Hey ya'll -- here it is finally!  I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it ;)  I've attached a pdf of the complete story thus far, with numbered paged for your convenience. Oh and btw, in the pdf, it "only" goes up to Chapter 46 because I decided to combine Chapters 5 and 6 (Coffee Part 1 and Part 2) into one chapter.  It's the complete story up until now.  Enjoy! <3 

Chapter 47

“You know, Jen,” Sarah declared pleasantly as she watched Jeff’s mother lower herself slowly onto her rich red sofa, “I have to admit that you’ve surprised me here.”

“I’ve…surprised you?” Jen asked uncertainly, as she squeezed her thighs together, warily nestling into the voluminous cushions.  She glanced over again at her husband, who was still prone, on his hands and knees, with his head down, shaking his way through the after-effects of a helpless orgasm.  Jen was nowhere near in command of her own situation at present, but she was in charge of her faculties enough to compare herself to her husband…and to realize that he came up sorely lacking.  He had simply dissolved into a pitiful heap in front of Sarah — all his typical confidence and poise was gone…and it had been gone ever since she had gotten back from that cabin trip with her friends.  When she had seen him on the sofa there, with those empty beer cans all over, and that wild, haggard look on his face…something within him had snapped, she could tell.  And as she looked down on his miserable, quivering form now, she knew somehow that whatever had snapped could not be remade, and that she could already not un-see what she had seen.

“Well of course you have,” came Sarah’s warm voice, effortlessly pulling Jen’s attention back.  Jen looked down at her naked son, with his back to her, diligently untying Sarah’s complicated black heels.  “Most parents in this situation would scream and try to run away…or cry…or faint…haha, but not you, Jen Stintum.”

“I…just want to…to know what’s going on with…my son,” answered Jen, tensing up her stomach muscles as she felt her organs lurch a little inside her.  She was experiencing waves of nausea, watching Jeff move in front of her.  It was distressing enough for her to see how short and skinny he was.  For years, thanks to his own poor choices, he had looked under-nourished and weak, but now…well, Jen knew that something was going on.  He was WELL under five feet tall now, and his arms and legs looked like twigs.  Jen couldn’t help but think that she could easily overpower her son…let alone Sarah.  Just seeing Jeff kneeling next to Sarah’s huge calf was comparison enough.  Jen knew that this girl could have snapped him in half if she wanted to.  But she hadn’t, and somehow, the reality of Jeff’s survival was a comfort to Jen as she stared at him.

But those tattoos…those black, interlacing tattoos that covered most of his body…they were what made Jen more uneasy than anything else.  This was saying something, as Jeff’s huge erection hadn’t gone down one bit.  But as she stared across at the oozing, voluptuous curves of this ferociously-beautiful young woman, Jen could at least understand why her son was so enraptured.  But Jen didn’t understand the tattoos…and they made her feel more and more uneasy with each passing moment.

“And I’ll let him tell you all about it,” replied Sarah, smiling, “Just as soon as he’s done with these heels here.  Usually takes him a couple minutes, haha.  A lotta long laces for my big legs.”

Sarah flexed her calf as she spoke, and Jen saw Jeff’s small hands widen and give way with the expanding muscle.  Underneath, his big cock twitched, a movement Sarah saw and seemed to enjoy.  Her eyebrow slowly went up as her eyes narrowed slightly in concentration as she stared down at him.  Her tongue started playing in the side of her cheeks as Jeff finally managed to get her first heel off.  But no sooner had that been accomplished, then Sarah had expanded her toes, stretching them out like a fan as she put her foot up to Jeff’s face.  Her foot was so huge compared to him that her sole was just about as wide as his head…her manicured, red-painted toes spanning the entirety of his face.

Sarah gave her toes a little wiggle, and Jen was amazed to see a dot of milky-white suddenly appear at the head of his spasming cock, quickly growing to a fast-dripping cascade of cum that dripped down on the floor.  Jen could see that Jeff’s entire body was tensed, with the veins popping out of his neck, even as he busied himself untying Sarah’s second heel.  Sarah’s soft, musical laughter filled the room.

“Hmmhmm….that was unfair of me, wasn’t it?” she chuckled down at him, tilting her head slightly to the side.  “Look at me little one…and be honest — was that fair of me, just now?”

Jen saw Jeff look up at Sarah from his kneeling position at her feet.  She saw the two of them exchange a long stare, and for the life of her, Jen couldn’t understand what was going on.  She knew all the ways that she would be expected to react right now, as a mother, as any sane and rational person would.  But all she could do was sit there and watch, a helpless voyeur of this insane dynamic unfolding before her.

And just then, she saw, from the side, her son breaking into a wide, sheepish grin as he blinked slowly up at Sarah.  Jen felt her brow crease as her eyes darted up to Sarah, whose exquisite lips were likewise twisting into a knowing grin.  It looked like Sarah was barely holding in her laughter, and…and it looked like Jeff was too.  A moment later, he broke first, his body shaking as his lips finally parted in undisguised laughter.  He was nodding, and now Sarah was laughing out loud too, a soft pitter-patter of mirth that didn’t do justice to how much her curves were shaking.  Jen could tell that they were both trying hard to keep themselves from bursting out with laughter, and their efforts were leaving them both red in the face.

Jeff nodded through his trembling chuckles.

“Oh yeah?” Sarah challenged him.  Her eyes had widened and her two rows of parted teeth revealed the tongue playing her in her cheek.  “You think I heaped it on a bit too much there?”

Jeff nodded again, blinking through his open-mouthed smile as he looked back down at Sarah’s huge alabaster leg.  Jen wasn’t able to avoid thinking, in the craziness of the moment, that her son actually looked…genuinely happy.  Of course, everything was so messed up, so grotesque, that she knew that her brain was just confused, but her subconscious had indeed registered that, far from being some kind of “prisoner,” her son seemed to be willingly and openly on the same page with Sarah.

“How terribly rude of me,” declared Sarah, shaking her head slowly, her sea-green eyes fixed on the little man at her feet.  “And in front of such company!  My goodness…but wouldn’t it be even worse if I pulled something like…this?”

Sarah extended out her bare left foot and swiped it gently to the side, effortlessly knocking Jeff’s kneeling form to the floor.  His audible exhale in reaction to the blow quickly turned back into barely-contained laughter as he lay on his back, with Sarah’s bare foot now planted squarely on top of his chest, holding him down.  Jen could do nothing but watch the scene unfold; she was conscious of her other options that Sarah had mentioned — to flee, to scream, to cry — but somehow, all she felt like doing was sitting and watching.  Perhaps it was the sheer surreality of the scene that made her feel distanced from it, like she was watching it on a screen.  But Jen didn’t feel like a mere observer.  Even at this point, she knew that she was participating.

Sarah’s foot turned left and right on Jeff’s bare chest, miming the act of grinding him into the floor.  In reality, though, her touch was quite soft.  Her foot, when turned sideways across his chest, completely spanned the width of his torso.  It was stunning, just how huge she was compared to him…and that was just her foot.  She seemed to be tickling Jeff now, wriggling her toes across his prone stomach as her foot ever-so-slowly made its way down towards his crotch.

“N-no…heheheh uh-uhhuhuhnnn-no!” he laughed weakly, his body squirming fruitlessly against the tender onslaught of Sarah’s bare foot.  Jen could see how her toes were digging into Jeff’s sides, nesting themselves in between his exposed ribs.

“No?”  Sarah’s grin dropped, and her foot paused a moment.  The inner corners of her eyebrows curved upwards with faux-concern.  She leaned forward slightly, and Jen remembered that she was actually sitting in an easy chair.  Leaning back, her body hid the chair almost completely.  “No?”

Jeff’s face silently screwed up, and his eyes widened in expectation in tandem with Sarah’s.  Her grin suddenly returned, except this time, her mouth was wide open, projecting the full laughter from her throat.  She poised her big toe over Jeff’s bottom rib, curving it like a cobra in an implication of attack.  And then she was digging it into Jeff’s side, right under the bone.  Jeff’s entire body seized up like a plank, and he squealed out piercingly as Sarah buried the top part of her toe into him.  She shook and wriggled her foot around, digging it in as Jeff shrieked with laughter.

“Ohhhhh god, she’s in a tickling mood,” came the velvety timbre of Savannah’s voice, quite close to Jen’s ear, causing her to jump a little in surprise.  It hadn’t seemed possible, but Jen had momentarily forgotten about Savannah.  But there she was, the red-haired, buxom amazon, holding out a cup of steaming hot coffee with a solid, exquisitely-tattooed arm.  Jen accepted the cup automatically, even going so far as to take a little sip as she locked eyes with Savannah’s dark orbs.  Even their mysterious depths offered something of a respite to what Jen had been seeing.

“If she’s really in the mood,” continued Savannah, nodding over at Sarah, “She can keep playing with him like this for hours.”

“Hours!?” asked Jen.

Hours,” repeated Savannah, blinking her eyes slowly and nodding, “I’ve seen it happen.  But it’s more of a punishment then, now, isn’t it?”

“Well not necessarily,” came Sarah’s reply over the high-pitched sounds of Jeff yelping.  “Are you hearing this!?  Haha, sometimes I wanna hear my little guy just…SQUEAL, without all the…well, all the other stuff.”

“Yeah, but…heh, you’re playing with him right now,” chuckled Savannah.  “I was talking about…when you weren’t playing.”

“Oh that,” remarked Sarah airily, smirking as she rolled her eyes, returning them back down to Jeff.

“Yeah…that,” repeated Savannah, looking squarely at Jen.  “It didn’t matter how many times he passed out under her toes.  When he woke up, they were still wiggling.  How long was that, Sarah?  Like 9 hours straigh—”

“Oh you’d remember better than me,” Sarah cut in, her eyes fixed lovingly on Jeff as her foot crept down closer to his groin.  Her heel was brushing his engorged cock now.  “I lost count after 3 hours…went into a kind of trance, where I was hyper-focused and…and time just seemed to stand still.”  She blinked slowly and sighed down at Jeff, shaking her head.  “It was beautiful.”

“You’re telling me!” laughed Savannah, dropping herself unceremoniously onto the other end of the sofa.  Even through the thick red cushions, Jen felt the impact of Savannah’s big body vibrating through her.  “I was the one livestreaming the whole thing…twenty thousand watchers at a time…sixty thousand for the total marathon…haha, I don’t think there was any fluid left in my body after that scene.”

Savannah turned to look at Jen.

“Your son took quite a while to recover from that one,” she said softly.  “If I recall, it was a whole 5 days before he could speak again…weeks before he could walk.”

“He’s never fully recovered, you know,” Sarah said softly, still not taking her eyes away from Jeff’s face.  Her toes had stopped their tickling, and now, all twelve of them were moving, independently jockeying and vying for a prime spot on the meat of Jeff’s cock…and in tandem, Jeff’s squeals of laughter had been replaced by sharp, exhaled moans that burst forth in defenseless staccatos every few seconds, like a labored heartbeat.  “How could anyone recover, after something like that?”

Sarah turned slowly to Jen as she proceeded to wrap her toes around Jeff’s massive erection.  It was so big that, even with Sarah’s feet, the huge, purpling mushroom head of his member was sticking out, a few inches free of her toes.  Jen could see the knuckles of Sarah’s toes whitening as she squeezed Jeff’s erection hard, forcing his body to go completely stiff on the floor.  Seconds later, he started shaking.

“But that’s just the thing, Jen,” murmured Sarah, her voice, despite its softness, filling the room.  “All these past months, there have been so many…SO so many times…like that.  Where I’ve just lost myself in your son.  Or, I think the more appropriate way to put it would be: I’ve FOUND myself in him, over and over and over again.”

“S-Sarah…” Jen tried to begin, clutching her coffee mug with both hands.  She wasn’t sure she could take much more of this.  A quick glance over at her husband, who still had his head down on all fours like a dog, made her feel a surge of outlasting energy, motivated by incredulous disgust at how he was behaving.  What on earth was WRONG with him!?  And yet, at the same time, Jen felt herself breaking too.  She had resolved to be strong, to be stronger than him, to follow through on the reason for their visit here.  Sarah was right — that was why they had come over, after all: to learn about Jeff’s life…to try and get to a point where they wouldn’t be haunted by what they didn’t know every night they tried to go to sleep.  But even with this determination, Jen felt herself cracking.  It was all beginning to be a bit too much.

“And little Jeff has found himself…in me,” Sarah continued, talking over Jen like she hadn’t even heard her.  “His truest, deepest self, a self he had no idea existed.  And that is why, Jen, that I say your son will never, ever “recover.”  To “recover” means to regain something that has been lost.  But anything your son has lost with me, Jen, was never worth having in the first place.  And what he has gained…well…it’s impossible to put into words.”

“Aaaaaaaiiiigggguuuuuhhhh!” moaned Jeff in apparent erotic agony, twisting his head on the hardwood floor.  Jen could see how Sarah was squeezing the base of Jeff’s cock with her toes, preventing him from cumming again…and Jen didn’t know why her eyes kept drifting down there…it was something about Sarah’s feet that looked…”off” to her.  They were huge, of course, but so was the rest of her…her feet seemed proportional.  But why that funny little tick in her brain?  Jen tried to blink and shake her head a little.  Everything around her was insane, and yet, that warmth that had washed over her a few minutes before hadn’t dissipated.  If anything, it had soaked through deeper into her psyche.  She wondered if it was her body’s defense mechanism against active trauma.  In any case, Jen was aware that an unimaginable nightmare was happening in front of her, and yet, simultaneously, she was completely calm.

“Aheheh, get ready, Ms. Stintum,” intoned Savannah, bunching up her thick legs to her torso like a little girl, making for a strangely contrasting imagine, “I can see it on his little face — the floodgates are about to bust open.”

“I’m n-not…I’m not watching what she does to my —”

“She IS watching,” floated Sarah’s voice, a sweet, heavy fog deepening over the proceedings.  “And she WILL WATCH this.”

Sarah gritted her teeth as her full lips curled into a snarl, and suddenly the sea green in her eyes was strikingly prominent as she widened her lids.  She was now twisting Jeff’s cock with her bare toes, her left foot squeezing clockwise, and her right foot squeezing the opposite.

“YAAAAH!!” screamed Jeff.  Jen could not look away — his tiny, shriveled body spasmed under the overwhelming size and force of Sarah’s feet, and yet, there was still something like intense focus on his face.  He was looking straight at his cock, his eyes like saucers as he stared intently at his trembling cockhead.  Sarah’s head shook slightly with passion as she clamped down even harder on the base of his cock with her toes, and this time, she squeezed so hard that her toes cracked.  Savannah leaned forward on the sofa, her mouth slightly open, like she was watching the best part of a show.  Jen sat transfixed by the obscene and blatant horror happening right in front of her.  Jeff’s mouth opened in wordless agony, his eyes desperately crawling up to Sarah’s.  In a sudden, swift, and controlled movement, displaying remarkable flexibility and dexterity, she brought her face down close to his, so that her nose was barely a centimeter away form his.  Her eyes opened even wider.

And then, her toes released him, and Jeff sent a geyser of white cum straight up in the air, without uttering so much as a peep.  Jen heard Savannah’s breath catch next to her, and she herself felt like she wasn’t breathing.  It was an abnormal amount of semen to ejaculate out of a penis — Jen hadn’t even thought that such a thing were possible…but now the milky-white rocket had reached its peak, four or five feet above Sarah, and it was arcing down, down, down, seemingly in slow motion towards…her open mouth.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaa!” cried Sarah eagerly, unfurling her long, massive tongue down past her chin she opened her mouth wide to accept the incoming fluid.  Her feet were now rubbing themselves into remaining shots of cum, blocking them from spurting up, as the sounds of her sticky soles and toes began to pepper the air.  But all the focus was on this incoming, initial spurt, and just like that, it was gone.  It had landed completely in Sarah’s mouth.

“Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!” cheered Savannah, clapping her hands rapidly, with great energy.  The metallic sounds of her innumerable rings clanging together mixed with the sticky sounds of Sarah’s feet.  “You got it!!  You DID it!!”

“Hah!  Hh-hu—huhhh!” exclaimed Jeff, still in the throes of his orgasm as his bare chest bucked and heaved under the weight of Sarah’s legs.  But even still, a huge smile was plastered across his face as he looked up at her.  Sarah’s mouth was still open, and she was returning his look with an excited wag of her eyebrows.

“Sarah’s been training him on that one for months!” clapped Savannah joyously.  “Poor little guy always kept overshooting his mark, haha!  Can’t really blame him though, can you?  I think this is actually the first time that they’ve performed it in front of a live —”

“Wahh naaaa, accccually,” corrected Sarah, not moving her lips too much as her head remained tipped back, “weehhh di eh aaa uhhh couughhhenchen…connnnbensh—”

“Oh, you did?  At the convention?” asked Savannah.  “Oh well awesome then!  Haha, guess you two were actually coming off some practice there.”

“Aaahaha,” laughed Sarah, rolling her eyes as she looked up to the ceiling and shook her head rapidly back and forth a few times, gargling Jeff’s cum loudly.


Slowly, Sarah turned her eyes over sideways at Jen, and keeping her gaze fixed, her throat undulated powerfully as she swallowed the entire mouthful of cum.  It was such a massive load that even Sarah had to focus and concentrate on getting it all down in one *GLLLUUUUUURP*

“Whooooowee!” Sarah exhaled out into the air, as if she had just finished lifting a heavy weight, “That was a bigggggg one, Jeff!  I’m so proud of you!  You got it “Aaaaaaaaaaa” right in there!  And in front of such an audience…such a high-pressure situation…you know what?  You get to curl up next to my feet tonight — on my BED.”

“Ohhhh…oh THANK you!” moaned Jeff, his chest rising and falling like he had just ascended from deep underwater.  The excitement and emotion infused in his voice were almost more notable to Jen than the raw act of orgasming from the footjob itself.  She looked down and saw that Sarah was still gently smearing her toes over Jeff’s spent cock…the sticky sounds still punctuated the air.  And now Jen clearly saw what she had noticed subconsciously before: Sarah had twelve toes…perfectly proportioned…and extra one on each foot.  Jen couldn’t understand this — she had seen Sarah as a girl, running around in her bare feet all the time.  Jan and Chris had never said anything about it…because there was nothing to talk about.  Her feet had been normal!  So…so what…what was this!?  What on earth was going on??  Jen blinked rapidly, trying to somehow jumpstart her outrage, or her tears, or whatever trauma response she knew was appropriate.  But she just couldn’t rev it up; her brain felt like it had short-circuited…or at least like it had undergone some kind of dramatic shift in temperament.  She was simply observing what was going on, without any apparent emotional response.

“How’s that coffee, Jen?” asked Savannah.

“Th-the…uhh, oh…oh!  I —” stammered Jen softly, glancing over at Savannah and bringing the mug up quickly to her lips, sipping on it without thinking.  In the moment, she was afraid that she had offended Savannah by not drinking it fast enough.

“Haha, no need to choke it down for my sake!” laughed Savannah, her curves quivering impressively as she readjusted herself on the sofa.  “Just reminding you that you had it…and I will say, that recipe DOES taste better when it’s hot.”

“Recipe?”  Jen’s single-word question hung in the air, mixing with the sticky background noises.  She looked at Savannah’s gorgeous face, her dark eyes, with that dark auburn hair and dark, mysterious eyeliner.  She looked like a vampire.  And suddenly, Jen grew afraid and nearly dropped the mug from her hands.  She had been drugged…poisoned.

“Well yeah!” smiled Savannah.  “I’ve been trying to perfect my “Mayan hot coffee” recipe for a while now.”  Her long, strong fingers danced in the air as she gesticulated, her rings flashing in the light.  “Dash of cacao, sprinkle of sugar, little nutmeg, little cinnamon, a pinch of cayenne, a splash of whole milk, whisked all together, and then mixed with three parts dark roast drip coffee…mmmmm!”

“It’s…it is delicious,” nodded Jen, the panic already subsiding.  So was just beginning to inwardly chastise herself for freaking out when she noticed that Savannah’s head had turned around, back to where her husband had been.  Jen blinked.  Carl was standing up now, his head still bent down, his erection more prominent than ever.  In that moment, much to her surprise (which she felt like she registered at a surreal distance from herself), Jen felt more annoyed at her husband than anything else.  Why couldn’t he just hold his head up?  What was his problem?  So he was aroused by Sarah, by Savannah…at this point, Jen could understand that.  She glanced back at Sarah, who was whispering something in Jeff’s ear.  Her head looked huge next to his….twice its size.  She still had her cum-covered toes suspended and glistening in the air.  Jeff nodded silently, and Sarah reached down and pet his face with her huge hand, rubbing her thumb lovingly under the zygomatic bone on his left eye, right where that “7-mark” tally was tattooed.  Jen saw Sarah lean back, chuckling, as she proceeded to palm Jeff’s entire face effortlessly, giving it a playful little shake that vibrated through the entire length of his body.  The flesh of Sarah’s strong, solid forearm rippled a little in tandem, and Jen realized that she was getting wet.  Ordinarily, such a realization would have made her sick.  But right now, she was simply noticing the reality.

“I n— I n-need…huhhh..huhhh…huh…” came Carl’s panting voice.  Once again, Jen couldn’t help but look over at him incredulously.  It was like he had regressed 40 years.

“What do you need, Mr. Stintum?” asked Savannah pleasantly.  A smacking sound now filled the air, and Jen looked back to see that Jeff was walking toward her, a little sheepishly.  Behind him, she could see that Sarah, in another impressive display of flexibility, had brought the toes of her left foot up to her mouth.  She was licking them clean.

“Hey mom,” Jeff muttered, smiling a little awkwardly at her.  “I…I wanted to say hi before, but…I wasn’t supposed to say anything until she —”

“It’s ok Jeff,” Jen heard herself saying.  “I understand.  Really, it’s ok.”

“Ok good,” replied Jeff, making eye contact with her.  Jen could see it — something had changed in his face.  She had never seen it before…she had never thought that she WOULD see it.  He looked like he had woken up.

“B-bathrrrroom,” panted Carl with extreme difficulty, staggering uneasily on his feet.  He seemed to be struggling with his erection.

“Mmmm, bathroom, ok-kay,” said Savannah warmly as she pointed.  “It’s the door that’s unlocked over there.”

Carl immediately staggered over towards the two doors, in the direction that Jen had gone when she had used the restroom before.  And just like she had done before, Carl staggered up to the first door and started to turn the handle.

“Not that one Carl,” Jen heard herself calling out to him.  “It’s the other o—”

But the door was opening, and Carl was already walking inside.  Jen felt herself seize as she felt the pressure change in the sofa.  Savannah had gotten up and had made silent but rapid strides towards the door.  Jen caught a sparkle of silver dangling from Savannah’s hand that flashed, grinning in the light: a key.  The auburn-haired amazon arrived at the door right as Carl was all the way inside.  They were on opposite sides of the door now, and Carl’s reaction to what he saw barely escaped before Savannah had smartly slammed the door shut and turned the key, locking the door from the outside.

“Oh my g-goddd!!  Th-there’s…there’s a—” Jen heard him yell out, before his voice was quickly muffled by the closed door.

“But that’s…that’s not the bathroom,” said Jen bluntly, not understanding.

“No,” said Savannah, her hips wobbling back and forth as she walked back towards the living room, “But it’s the room your husband was really trying to get into…so I made it easy for him.”

Jen stared blankly at Savannah as the amazon sat back down, and then she turned to Sarah, who now had her entire big toe in her mouth, sucking on it so hard that her cheeks were denting.  Jen felt herself exhale a little…she was still wet, and getting wetter, just watching this gargantuan bombshell in front of her.  Somehow, the knowledge that this was Sarah Helleger made Jen even more aroused.  Jeff was nowhere to be seen.  In the midst of her cum dessert, Sarah arched her eyebrow expectantly at Jen…and Jen knew that she needed to ask the question to get it started.  So she did.

“Wh-what’s…what’s in there?” she asked, her voice shaking a little…not in fear, but rather in anticipation…in excitement.  “What’s in that room?”