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Here's the first part of the chapter -- will be adding more in the next couple days until it's finished.  Things are really starting to heat up now!  Enjoy! <3 

Chapter 23

A pleasant gust of cool breeze blew through the top opening of the barn, washing through the rafters and gently touching Emma’s face as it barely ruffled her red hair. It smelled so sweet, so delicious, that Emma unconsciously let out a little sigh of pleasure. She definitely wanted to go out in the open to get some fresh air. She looked back down at the assembled mass of police officers who were gathered and crouched tensely at the barn’s entrance, with their little toy guns trained on her. Emma blew out another exhale of quiet laughter down at them, and they backed up again as a massed unit, even tenser, some of them visibly shaking. She knew that these were real cops, and that their uniforms weren’t costumes, and that the guns and tasers in their hands weren’t toys…but it was just hard, SO hard, for her to take them seriously. They looked like little action figures, none of them coming up less than a foot below her knees. She put her tongue in between her teeth and looked up at the bird’s nest in the barn rafters.

‘Come on Em,’ she laughed to herself, ‘Get with it…this is…heheh…this isn’t a game. These little men are for real, hahaha!’

“Come…WITH you?” asked Emma, bending herself down towards them, resting her hands on her knees. She couldn’t suppress a giggle as she saw them all backing away from her again, just because of this simple action. “THAT doesn’t make sense, mister…uhhh…mister police officer man, haha! Come with you WHERE?”

“W-we’re taking you down to the station,” came the lieutenant’s reply, his taser trembling in his hand as he pointed up towards Emma’s exposed naked belly.

“The station? Haha, you’re just trying to be funny, aren’t you?” Emma knew, somewhere in her mind, that the officer wasn’t doing anything of the sort. She knew that, from the perspective of the police, and of the little gathering of her family watching anxiously from behind, that this was a very serious situation. But it didn’t make any sense! Why would they be arresting her right now!? She had literally just been sleeping, and then Daniel had come in to check on her, and then they had had a nice little intimate time that had been maybe a little too much for him, and…that was it! The cops had come to break it all up. They couldn’t have possibly known anything about her unless…

Emma turned her gaze slowly past the police to her family, and then, specifically, at Daisy. She felt her brain darken as she began to put the pieces together. So Daisy had called the cops on her. Who else would have done such a thing!? Not her dad — he had never much cared for the police. And her mom surely wouldn’t have wanted the situation to escalate like this. Only Daisy…her sister…the one who had been angry at her, yelling at her, calling her names…SHE had been the one, and Emma knew it.

Emma exhaled through her nose as she looked up at the barn rafters again. Her mind was awash in all kinds of conflicting emotions, but right now, as she stared away from all the people beneath her, she allowed her anger to really come through. She couldn’t believe it! Her own sister…betraying her like this! Of all the…

But Emma felt her mouth open a little, and she let out a little exhale of a laugh. What did it matter, what Daisy was TRYING to do? Whatever it was, it’s not like it was going to work! Emma marveled at how quickly she was able to recover from that dark flash of anger, and she again noticed the bird’s nest in the rafters. She smiled at it fondly before looking down again at the ridiculous little gaggle of people beneath her.

“Th-there’s nothing funny about what we just saw, ma’m!” responded the lieutenant. “Now come on…slowly…with us…out of the barn…”

“What did you just see?” asked Emma, genuinely puzzled as she put her hands on her hips. She was so big now, though, that one of her elbows went through the upper portion of the barn wall, smashing a large hole in it with a loud crash. The police officers backed away in alarm, and one of them actually fired his taser from sheer instinct. Luckily for him, the barb missed Emma’s thigh, and the clicking sound of the taser was drowned out by Emma’s voice, which shook the foundations of the barn even though she was speaking normally.

“Oh wait…WAIT!” she exclaimed, starting to laugh. Everyone down below covered their ears. “Are you, like…are you saying that you little people were SPYING on me and him!?” She pointed down to Daniel’s unconscious body in the hay. “While we were having our PRIVATE time!?”

“That is not what I saw happening, ma’m!” called up the lieutenant, nodding at his team. “We were called about a possible crime taking place, and what I saw definitely looked like r—”

“You’re actually serious, aren’t you?” laughed Emma, putting up a colossal hand to interrupt. She looked over at her family. “Do they even know? Daisy? Did you tell them what’s actually going on? You know…with me and everything.” She looked straight down at the lieutenant and gave him a bright smile. “Because this little man wouldn’t be talking to me like this, all serious-like, if he knew…”

“Last warning ma’m!” shouted the lieutenant, bracing himself along with the rest of his crew, their tasers drawn. A few of the cops were pointing with real guns as well.

“Don’t shoot her!!” screamed Maisy suddenly from behind. “Not like this!! This isn’t what we wanted!!”

“Shoot me!?” chuckled Emma, her eyebrows going up. “Haha, mom, come on, when these guys are done playing we can all…we can all, ummm…”

But Emma trailed off there, because she had suddenly felt a series of slightly stinging sensations in the area of her upper thighs and hips. A series of loud, aggressive-sounding clicks filled the air, and Emma realized that several of the officers, the lieutenant included, had fired their tasers at her. They didn’t even feel like insect bites — after the initial sting, the flesh of her thighs and hips absorbed the voltage, soaking it up like it was nothing.

A whirl of emotions flashed through her mind, and for an instant, Emma actually reverted back to her old office-worker self, someone who would have been positively petrified to have been the focus of so many cops, let alone tased by them. But this was only one streak of emotion rifling through her brain — she was irritated that they had actually been bold enough to SHOOT her with those little toys they were holding, though, of course, they hadn’t done much good. She was also confused; why were the police taking all of this so seriously? What on earth was their problem!? But quickly, one dominant emotion swallowed up all the others; Emma simply couldn’t stifle her laughter. They all looked so absurd down there, with those little wires attached to their guns, staring up at her with growing fear, as they realized their plan had fallen flat.

“Haha, you actually thought those little things would DO something to me?!” she laughed. “Get real! And get out of my way — I’m gonna get some fresh air. You better leave Daniel alone — let him sleep. I tuckerd him out, haha!”

Emma stepped toward the cops, fully intending on dipping her head and walking out of the barn, but very quickly, everything changed. Emma’s size, combined with her flippant attitude, was positively menacing for the cops there, and when she had stepped towards them, a few of the ones who had their actual guns drawn panicked…and fired up at her.

“NO!! STOPPP!!” cried Maisy, rushing forward with her hands raised up. Daisy had started forward too in horror, and Jim was yelling something as well. But Emma couldn’t really hear much of all that down there. What she felt was a sudden sharp pain, a bit more intense than the tasers, in her lower stomach, and most pointedly, right on the inside of her groin, directly to the left of her sensitive labia. The bullets penetrated through the upper layer of her skin, but no further, and when Emma moved her body, her skin flexed and stretched, and bullets fell out onto the ground. They had barely drawn any blood. But they HAD hurt a little, most particularly the one close to her labia. That one had smarted fiercely, like someone her own size had flicked that spot with their finger. The loud pops of the guns told Emma that they had actually started firing live ammunition at her, and that knowledge, combined with the sharp, stinging pain in her groin, made something snap in her. Now she was actually angry, and remained so.

“The FUCK are you doing?” she burst out. She wasn’t actually raising her voice much, but it still vibrated with the energy of her anger. At the word “FUCK,” she had swiftly bent down towards the two cops closer to her who had fired, far faster than any of them could have expected, and swung the back of her right hand down toward them. There was no possible way they could have gotten out of the way. Emma felt their bodies give way like little dolls against her backhanded motion, and they both went flying backward, hitting the side of the barn wall and crumpling down motionless in a heap together.

As she had bent down, Emma felt another series of stings, this time up and around her neck and face. They were actually firing at her again! Only this time, the bullets were actually hitting thinner skin, closer to her eyes. They hurt more, but just like the previous ones, once Emma swiftly moved, the bullets dropped out of the top layer of her skin and fell to the ground. To Emma, though, the added shots made her even angrier. It felt like a little swarm of bees was suddenly stinging her face and neck…and the thought that one of these bullets might actually hit her in the eye and permanently damage her vision pushed Emma over the edge.

“Ok…stop…STOP it!” she snapped, swinging her hand again towards the front line of cops. This time, they had all already gone scurrying into a retreat, and they managed to avoid Emma’s initial sideswipe at them. But she was already moving in their direction, and before they could get any farther, she swung out her leg, tripping all four of them, and making them face-plant down in the dirt, right outside the barn. Emma was shaking her head and blinking rapidly, to try and get over the stinging in her face, but even now, there was something humorous to her about the line of policemen, all lying face-down in the dirt next to each other. She was too high up to notice that two of the cops she had tripped had actually suffered broken legs from the contact with her foot. The two other ones tried to get up, but very quickly, Emma put her foot down over them, hardly even pressing into them at all. But they screamed out nonetheless:

“Nooooo!!! Pleeeeease!!! Don’t!!! Don’t step on us!!!”

“Well don’t shoot me then!” countered Emma, putting her hands on her hips as she continued shaking her head down at them.

“Here…here, guns…there they are…no guns!!” they both cried, tossing their weapons out at her feet. Emma bent down and picked one of the handguns up, bringing it up to her eye level as she pointed it away from herself, marveling at how tiny it was in her fingers. She could barely even keep hold of it.

“Huh…better get rid of this thing before I accidentally shoot it off,” muttered Emma to herself, and she simply squeezed it in between her fingers, crushing the gun instantly into a flat sheet of metal. She admired the shiny little disk for a moment, turning it around between her fingers, before casually flicking it away onto the ground. There was a lot of indistinct shouting going on below her, but so far up, it was hard for Emma to understand what was being said. She vaguely understood that some of the police officers on the ground were yelling out…sounding like they were in pain or something. She looked down and saw that the two beneath her feet were flailing their little arms under her toes. Seeing their movements, she was able to register that their movements did actually feel like something…just the slightest bit of a tickle on the bottom of her foot. Her cheek and neck still stung a little from the bullets, and Emma put her hand up to her face and felt the slightly-raised beginnings of small welts. Her mind alighted on her anger again.

“Hey! Now my face hurts!” she said irately down to the two cops pinned under her foot, as she gestured to her cheek. “What were you even thinking!?”

“We’re s-sorry!! We’re sorry!!” yelled the officers from between her toes. “Just please…let us get up!!!”

“Well if I DO that,” mused Emma, lolling her head to the side as she continued to look down at them, “Will you promise to just go away and leave me alone?”

The two men were about to offer their most sincere promises to that exact effect, but they were interrupted by the loud voice of their lieutenant, who was now speaking through a megaphone.

“Step away from the officers!” blared the lieutenant through the loudspeaker. “Take your foot off them…NOW!”

Emma looked with curiosity on the scene below. More cops seemed to have arrived, and they now numbered around 15 or 20. All of them seemed to have their guns drawn now, and were pointing them directly up at Emma’s face. For the first time in the encounter, she had a flash of fear — what if they all shot at once, up at her eyes? She had always had excellent vision — her eyesight had been something she was proud of. And here all these ridiculous tiny men were, threatening her like this. Her fear quickly morphed into real rage, and she very nearly decided to simply increase her weight on her foot, just to show all these silly puffed-up men who they were dealing with. But she glanced down at the trapped officers beneath her feet, and caught sight of the wide-eyed terror in their faces, in between her toes. They were so tiny…so completely helpless…like the little squirrels she had caught in traps in the forest when she was a kid. And just like the squirrels, these men were acting on pure instinct now. They wanted to get away from her.

Without even thinking, she took her foot off them, and watched as they scampered away, falling on their faces several times, as they ran in behind the line of armed officers. The other two cops she had tripped hadn’t moved. But Emma wasn’t much worried about them. She frowned at the assembled crowd, and noticed that her family behind them seemed to be restrained. It was like they were being prevented from interfering. Another surge of a different kind of anger went through Emma as she looked at Daisy.

‘Is this what you wanted?’ she thought as she looked at her sister. ‘Well, this is what you asked for, anyway.’

Emma started turning away from the whole crowd, and she looked out past the plowed fields to the lake in the distance. In the west, the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, signaling the end of the day…The afternoon was late, and the sky was beginning to glow red. Emma sighed out pleasantly, conveniently forgetting everything behind her. It might be nice to take another little dip in the pond…the nice cool water…she could submerge again completely and bock out all the sound from the outside world. It would be so nice, so peaceful.

‘Yeah…let’s do it!’ she thought to herself happily, and she started swinging her legs out towards the pond. She didn’t even realize how much her movements made the ground shake. She hadn’t gone more than a single pace when she felt the stinging little bees again, this time all over her back. Her eyes widened, not in pain but in renewed rage, and she whirled back around.

“WHAT!?!” she bellowed down at the officers. “WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME, HUH!?!”

She was feeling the little stings on her front now, but she didn’t care. She held up a hand over her eyes to protect them as she angrily stomped forward, leaving footprints that were well over twelve inches deep in the hard dirt. The lieutenant was shouting something at her in his pathetic little megaphone, but Emma’s voice easily drowned him out.


She went straight for the lieutenant himself, swooping her hand down and catching him up, her fingers easily going all the way around his waist as she yanked him up to her face, nearly breaking his back from the sudden whiplash. He found himself face to face with the glowering face of the giantess, her face contorted into an angry frown, as she held him close to her face, so that there was only a few feet in between them. The lieutenant’s megaphone had fallen out of his hand on the way up, but he was still holding his gun. Emma quickly pinched it away with her thumb and forefinger, effortlessly flattening it into another shiny disk in front of his eyes as she continued to scowl down at him.

“THERE!” she boomed in his face, rupturing one of his eardrums, “That’s what I think of your STUPID little toys!” She let the disk drop to the ground as she looked into his eyes, gauging his reaction. She wanted to see his fear, and she wasn’t disappointed. The lieutenant was totally red in the face, and looked like he was about to pop. Emma realized that she was maybe squeezing him a little too tight, and eased up on him. She needed him to be able to speak to his little team down below, who were still shooting at her, but lower. Her lower legs stung with their gunfire. Emma took a deep breath to steady herself, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again.

“Look,” she said, the anger still trembling in her huge voice, “I’m about to lose it here, ok!? Tell your little…people…to stop shooting me.”

Emma suddenly got an idea, and whipped the lieutenant around, displaying him to the crowd of cops down below. His legs dangled fruitlessly in her grasp.


It hadn’t occurred to Emma how terrifying this threat actually was, to everyone listening. The idea had just popped into her mind, and she went with it. Wasn’t that how they did it in the movies? Threaten to do something bad to get other bad stuff to stop happening? And anyway, it seemed to work. The cops had all put down their guns and were holding their hands up, yelling up at her and gesturing adamantly. The lieutenant was also yelling something down at them, although Emma couldn’t quite hear him…something like “Stop!” or “Stand down!” But Emma couldn’t really be sure.

In any case, her plan seemed to be working. She brought the cop back around to face her, and she was struck by the sudden impression that this man in her hand was not actually…a man…but instead, he was a kind of doll…a large action figure that she could play with. He was just WAY too small to be anything else. Her hand easily wrapped all the way around him, with plenty of spare room left for her fingers, each of which were thicker than his arms. Emma frowned slightly as her brow creased, although this time, it wasn’t in anger. She was simply studying him. She gently pinched his little hand in her fingers, lifting it up and letting it fall, lifting it up, and letting it fall again. She blew out a bemused exhale as she blinked at him, shaking her head. It was just too surreal. Before, when she had been playing with Daniel, this same strange thought had occurred to her…the thought that she had awoken from her nap into some kind of alternate universe, where all the “people” around him were extra small…but then again, as she looked around at the barn, the farm, and beyond, SHE was the one who was definitely out of place.

She held up the man, slightly above her head, looking closely at his dangling little feet, with their shiny little boots. Emma heard a little commotion below her, but she didn’t pay too much attention. She was too busy marveling at how tiny the cops’s little boots were.

“Heh! So cute!” she murmured, feeling an odd sense of lightness suddenly pervade her mind. She was going to have that little dip in the pond…yes…but she’d tell this cop to take his friends and go home first…but…before that…these little boots! They were precious, so much so that they were a little ridiculous.

“Lemme see one of those,” she muttered to herself, and she pinched his boot in between her fingers and popped it right off his foot, eliciting a pained howl from the lieutenant as his tendons stretched unnaturally.

“Oh what?” teased Emma, shaking her head at him. “Stop whining. I’m just getting a closer look at your little —”

But right then, the cops below started shooting again. They had seen Emma yanking off their lieutenant’s boot, and they thought that she was about to do to him what she had done to Daniel. And so, naturally, they reverted to their only defensive option. Emma felt the little stings on her legs again, and her calm evaporated instantly.

“I TOLD them….to STOP!!” she yelled at the lieutenant, who was now barely conscious in her hand. Between Emma’s shouting, and her painful manipulation of his body with her fingers, he was barely in control of his faculties. She brandished his body at them again, shaking him violently in her hand, back and forth, so that his head and limbs lolled all over the place, like he was a marionette.

“YOU WANT ME TO SQUEEZE HIM, HUH!?” she thundered down at them, and without waiting for an answer, she whipped him back around, so he was looking straight into her face, and started squeezing him slowly. Almost instantly, the man’s face turned a dark red, and then purple, as his cheeks puffed up with blood, and his eyes grew bloodshot. Emma bore down on him, frowning under glowering eyes as she kept going. She was going to show him how big of a mistake he had made, coming to the farm, and bringing all this…nonsense along. But when blood started trickling out of the man’s nose, and his left ear, Emma stopped herself. She wasn’t really trying to…to KILL the man. That was going way too far, of course.

‘But you’re about to, Em,’ she suddenly thought to herself. ‘You’re about to kill him.’

She softened her grip, and the man gasped out in relief. Just then, though, a sharpshooter from the back of the cop crowd fired a sniper shot from a powerful rifle, and it would have hit Emma in the eye if she hadn’t shifted a little at the last second. Even still, the bullet hit the side of her orbital bone, penetrating deep enough into the skin to stay lodged in there. It was ultimately a relatively harmless shot, but it sure hurt more than anything else they had shot at her.

“OUCH!!” she growled, baring her teeth in pain. “FUCK!! OK, THAT’s IT!!!”

She held the lieutenant up close to her face one more time, and for an instant, she was about to crush him right then and there, in front of everyone. But Emma knew she didn’t actually want this to happen, so she instead did the next thing that came into her mind. She reared back and threw him. As soon as he left his hand, the little stings on her lower legs stopped. The cops had all ceased fire, and were watching in horror as their lieutenant flew through the air. Emma was watching him too.

‘Ohhhhh shit….shitshitshit!!,’ she thought immediately as she watched his body hurtle far out over the plowed field.  ‘Fuckkkk...no, no!  I hope I didn’t BREAK him…I mean, uhhh…hurt him…or…’


Bob Madned

Well done :)


Niiiiice. I dig how you’ve crafted Emma’s reactions, her state of mind in the face of all this. She could an iously freak out, get dominant and violent or just laugh and walk away and it could all make sense.