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Hey folks!

We have a slew of bonus content that's en route, so wanted to give a quick overview of what's on the horizon:

- We have decided on what the next stretch goal bonus will be, and will be revealing it when Talking Dad posts next Tuesday!
- The merch machine is starting up and we hope to have some stuff this month for you folks!

EX-L and up
- Edit notes for the BDSM Bonus episode, the July MBIC (a video commentary for the pilot episode of Bones we're calling Bones Dads and Commentary) and the inaugural Daddy Issues PDF newsletter (which is being laid out as we speak) will all be posting Saturday.

Touring and up
- The monthly Discord hangout will likely push to next week as everyone's all over the place with the 4th of July happening this week - will keep you all posted on this one
- We'll have another event for you to listen in on live happening later this month (likely what the MBIC will be for August)


Michael Singer

Hey y’all I was wondering how the ads work? I’m re listening to the campaign and I’m hearing ads that I didn’t hear before, just wondering if I just wasn’t paying attention r something, thanks!

Ashley Nicollette

Hey Michael! Where are you listening? Patron supporters have access to the ad-free version of the show, so you shouldn't be hearing ads at all actually! The ads *do* swap out as some of them are limited time. It's not something we handle directly, though, as it's quite a science and feat to wrangle all on its own. 😊

Michael Singer

Listened through the whole thing on Spotify and I’m listening again through them, I don’t see ad free episodes for your earlier runs on patreon, I’m only on ep 5 currently but I’m chillin, was just curious about the process! Love y’all, thanks for keeping me sane at work!