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We're fielding questions for Talking Dad! Ask away in the comments here below for both Ep. 11 and the BDSM bonus episode!

Also (so that the feeds aren't cluttered all the time with us asking for questions), future protocol for questions will be to comment them on the Talking Dad posts when they come up, or messaging us on Patreon!


Nicholas Johnson

How do the dads think Lizardboy Scales McStuffins will show up later?


for each of you. who would you like to come as a celebrity guest? (besides mr Borianas obiusly)

Nicholas Johnson

If the dads were to multiclass, which class would they add and how would it fit into their current persona?


Bit of a general question, maybe as a conversation starter: who were each of the Dad’s best friends in high school?


If the dads were to play D&D during the story, what would each of them play as?

Sean Morrell

What will the next stretch goal be?


How erotic was the fin-dom scene going to be, what would the other dads have done in the same situation and can a bananaman even be a money-pig?


Do any of the Dads have tattoos? If yes what are they?


What is the biggest/craziest thing you want to do with your respective characters?


How would each dad feel about becoming a vampire?

Philip Bedingfield

Did you consider using the classic "alignments" for each dad, or were they always going to generally be in the "good" spectrum?


Did you know most of these Kinks or fetishes, and how many did you look up?


For each player mary, kill, boink which dads.


What kind of grades did the dads make in school?


Do the players find themselves thinking or acting in their dad characters outside the podcast, and are you noticing more ubiquitous dad things that you make note of for the show?


What is each Dad's alcoholic beverage of choice?


How did each dad 1st meet their respective baby mommas (or step baby mommas)?


What do the Mothers do in their day to day lives? What jobs do they have? Who is Or was the lady in Glens life?


Ron is a business man but who does he work for? Is he successful? How does he do business deals?

Holger Andersson

What are each dads favorite guilty pleasure? (Song, food, movie) that they rather not share to the others. (Looking especially at Darryl here.)


How did each of the dads react when they found out they were going to be dads?


Has Darryl figured out what Birkenstocks are yet?

Alex Franks

Do any of the dads have other kids besides their sons? What was it like for the each of the dads when you met your son(s) for the first time? I know Ron wasn’t there for the birth, but what was it like when Samantha introduced the two of you for the first time? How old was Terry Jr when you married his mom?


What's Henry


What is Henry's top 5 survival tips for the outdoors?


How much plot armor do you give the dads? Is there a chance one could die if the rolls say so?




So how about this... Whats the likelihood of having guests like Jimmy wong? (Although im sure you guys used him in an opener already) To be very honest i wouldnt have started listening if he hadn't shouted you guys out at the end of a command zone episode. TL;DR. I love you guys lol

Nicholas Johnson

I think in one of the last Talking Dads they mentioned the player figured it out but not the character yet, so they’re planning on addressing that soon

James Matthews

How do you manage to find the time for all this between the rest of your lives?

Andrew Duck

If you were going to add a Dad mid campaign (New character to shake up dynamics), describe the character you would add and who you would get to play him?


How far do you plan? For both making the world and for character back stories?

Bryce Beatty

When did each dad lose his virginity? I know Ron's is fairly recently with the ear rubbing... but what about the others? I want details!


How did the dads meet their wives! Origin story please! Love yall lots <3


Question for Anthony, if Terry senior had killed one of the dads (which let’s be honest was the more likely outcome) Have you put any thought into how that would impact the story/how they would be replaced? If Ron died is there even a word for step-step father? Or step-step-step father? It’s basically a staircase at that point.

John Dandy

How long have the dads been gone in their world time? Darylls wife seems to experience it as have been a long time, but none of the other wives seemed not to be bothered by there missing husbands and sons for long periods of time.