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I can upload a couple on there a month and the rest on Vimeo?? Maybe that will keep it down a bit


Kevin Lowe

it's OK. I've unsubscribed to everything and emailed everyone else to do so so you should be fine now 👌

ASMR Musings

Maybe you can make another Vimeo acct? Idk.

Kyle (Fechin)

Why not upload directly to Patreon? Lady ASMR did it recently and it seemed good.

Kevin Lowe

oh. I never leave. I. Just. Sabotage. so 'mwhahaha' right back atcha.......... 😆😂🤣


😭 I know, I might try finding a free platform and upload as much as I can there a month and the rest on Vimeo to try and keep the usage down as much as I can and share it out across platforms


There isn’t any free options other than YouTube 😅 I guess google drive but that’s like 5gb free, how much is patreon storage