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I've recieved a message from Vimeo that I exceed the streaming limit too often 😳😳.
Thank you so much for enjoying my videos by the way. I am really pleased you do. This should be a huge positive but instead it feels like I'm doing something wrong by having so much success here now.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. I will keep you informed I haven't had an official email from them to say I have to move but I have had a warning. Lol sounds so weird saying that


ASMR Musings

Aww sorry Jode!! Your stuff is just too fking good!!! Hopefully you can find an alternative or be able to upgrade your Vimeo subscription.


That sucks, I subscribe to another patreon who put their videos on youtube as unlisted so they do not show up on their normal content. Maybe this could be a solution.


Naaa NEVER do that, you risk losing your YT account. They literally just told and ASMR Artist that she can't have another channel and took her channel down. Who is the artist? She is still waiting to see there's anything she can do. I wouldn't recommend that


Is it a bandwidth issue? Have you looked at rumble?


This is a board game channel so they just swear a lot and ramble on about weird and sometimes very twisted things! It's No Rolls Barred for reference.

Kevin Lowe

ah! tell you what. I'll stop watching........... 🤣

Ryan baldwin

Can you do what you do for early access to YouTube, but just keep it locked?


That's sooo crazy! Congratulations i guess?? 😅😳 I hope someone can help you out! 🤞😣

Juan Suarez

I've heard cloudflare might still be a good option. Also, supposedly, if the majority of your views are from the patreon embed and not on the vimeo site, you can apply for an exemption to the bandwidth cap.


Ahhh that it interesting to know. Although I'm not sure if it is. How do I find out?


Na it's risky putting unlisted videos from YT on Patreon YT either demonetized your channel or ban you completely

Kevin Lowe

it will be helpful! the best sacrifice I could make to express my appreciation of you......... 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Tim (TexasASMR)

Jodie's become too big for Vimeo! :D I know some people upload their Patreon content as unlisted videos to a secondary YT channel separate from their main channel. Is there any downside to that?


If they decide to ban you they might ban your other accounts with it. An ASMR Artists was recently banned from making another YT channel and she may not ever be able to make another

Tim (TexasASMR)

Ah, that's right, I know who you mean. I forgot that getting one channel banned can get all the rest banned as well. So frustrating.

Juan Suarez

I think in your vimeo analytics page it might show where the bandwidth is going, but I've never used embeds for my own uploads, so I'm not sure.

Virtual Dave

So how do you increase the limit then?


You don't I might be able to get an exemption if most plays are through Patreon 😬 I've emailed them

Virtual Dave

What a load of 🐎💩. Good luck finding a workaround 🤗

Ryan baldwin

Well shit. Idk what you could do then. There's got to be a site you can use without bandwidth restrictions.