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For next month where possible could you play Exclusives through Patreon rather than vimeo pleeeeeaaaase so if it comes to it I can apply for the exemption..
Thank you 😊🤗
Sorry to ask


Kevin Lowe

yes. but don't tell anyone I'm supporting you - you'll ruin my image as a Jodie-troll 🤣🤣


Absolutely Jodie! We’re always happy to help you out 🙃

Tim (TexasASMR)

Sorry to be a numpty, but what do you mean play them through Patreon rather than Vimeo? Will they be uploaded directly to Patreon as well? The way I usually watch them is on Patreon in the browser (so, no Patreon app), and I click on the Vimeo videos but they play embedded still on the Patreon site. If that makes any sense or any difference 🤣🤣 I don't know if other people go directly to Vimeo, or play them in a Vimeo app...


Of course Jodie!


Yeah if you play the video embedded through Patreon I believe thats fine. I think some play through the vimeo app


No worries Jodie! You got it! 😃👍


I'm gonna have to refuse 😤 ... 🤣 jk, whatever helps. The app has an offline playlist...thing...I wonder if that would help

ASMR Musings

hehe well downloading would cause you to eat up a lot of bandwidth (bandwidth is what Vimeo is flagging)


Probably not tbh. I do set my videos to not be downloaded but sometimes people find ways anyway. Most of it is out of my control tbh

ASMR Musings

“Offline download” is a bit different than “download” bc it keeps the file in the app, ie they can’t move it off the app so it’s safe for you. And I believe offline is available for everything


Of course Jodie anything to help 🥰🤗