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Hey everyone!

We had some requests a while back on the Discord for a whale fall map. This is our take on that, but an Aboleth Fall, the old skeleton of a slayed beast. We had the idea that the Aboleth had taken on a ship and got caught in the netting with a heavy chest (probably full of cool pirate loot!) and dragged to the bottom of the seas. Maybe it's time to get your players to fight and/or avenge an angry aboleth spirit!

The map is over two zones, they're not meant to be directly ontop of one another, rather following the flow of the skeleton as it descends.

Zone 1: [30x49]

Zone 2: [30x50]

Why are the two maps not the same size? That's a halloween mystery for you all.

Anyway, hope you enjoy this spooky map!

P.S. there's some shark tokens in the attachments! :3


Download the maps using the links below:

Abyssal Fall - $1 Rewards

Abyssal Fall - $3 Rewards

Abyssal Fall - $5 Rewards (Gridded)

Abyssal Fall - $5 Rewards (Gridless)


This week's map variations:




Love ya! my group is starting their underwater adventure in 2 hours, this is perfect for the depths

Ari Grad

*sad* I don't see the 'True Abyss' variant in the download- guess my players will have to do without the giant demon crab this week.


Oh that is cooool. Fantasy versions of fascinating real-world mini-ecosystems are some of my favourite things.


These look awesome - don’t suppose you have the boat tokens already made for the interiors do you? It’s cool if not as I’m sure we can edit the ones we already have to fit the broken ones in the abyss but I thought I’d ask.


I stared into the True Abyss and I cannot speak of what stared back.


The boats in the Ship Graveyard variation are just taken from our Airship packs. The first Airships pack had interiors and lower levels but the other ships we imagined being too small for below-deck interiors.

Robin Roberts

Amazing. Just started call from the deep last week and I'm sure this will see lots of use.


It really looks creepy and cool at the same time! love this map! You are doing a great job as always!

Travis Field

This took forever to find FYI. Could we get a 'Deep' or 'Underwater' tag on this bad boy?


For some reason it didn't have any tags. Just remedied that. Reminder that there is a ledger and it lists all the maps by theme: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UOmQ79DwxTtw8Etjcuy9C6b3Vvi0XXRHxKHkd1zK7ZQ/edit#gid=0