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Hey everyone!

Welcome to the Gnome Pawnshop on Badger Hill! (yeah that's right). We had this idea for a Gnome who lives up on this hill, in a cute teapot house, surrounded by badger setts. The gnome will buy your treasures off you whilst you go dungeon delving and their badger companions will take them underground and keep them safe. After several raids on their little storage facility some defensive magic stones were installed, so now the shop can disappear at will. There's some variations of the spell at different stages and also the hidden shop. You can get to the underground area either through the badger sett entrances (if you're small and want to fight badgers) or through the trapdoor in the shop (if you want to fight a gnome instead).

The map sizes are:

25x38 Overground
24x43 Underground

Papercraft Gnome Home!

For this map we worked with our friend Pmal of Papelchemy! She created this wonderful papercraft building for the Gnome house! Download the PDF for it here. If you're feeling crafty you can cut it out and make your own 3D model to sit ontop of the map. :) Pmal creates the cutest things over at her patreon and website. Please go and check them out. Lots of cute RPG stickers, stationary, trackers, icons and more.

Gnome and Badger Tokens!

If you've been on our Discord today you'll have seen some of Peku's gnome and badger tokens!

We're working with our friend and VTT helper Ryan on his website The Token Vault and you can download a bunch of our tokens from there! The gnome and badger set are available here and free for all patrons with the code CZEPEKUTTV49563 (apply the code in the cart screen). Peku made a bunch of funny hats and some samurai armour for the old gnome! Anyway, a bunch of our tokens are available there. Token Vault has the ability to swap out colours and objects for tokens. It's fun to play with, give it a shot!

We hope you enjoy this fun map and all these extra goodies. Again, make sure to check out Pmal and Ryan's websites and support what they're doing. :)


Download the maps using the links below:

Badger Hill - $1 Rewards

Badger Hill - $3 Rewards

Badger Hill - $5 Rewards


This week's variations:




Badger vs Crab map coming soon, of course. WHO WILL WIN.

Ari Grad

Are there Toxic and Flooded variants *without* any house, path, or fence decorations? (IE: Just the landscape?) Its a really cool landscape- and it would be neat to use it as a 'king of the hill' style map.


I adore this map!


It doesn’t impact usability at all (obviously), but the label on the Flames variant is spelled “Flmaes”, just a heads up!

Daniel S.

Love it! Even has a dungeon.

Albert Nakano

Need more mushrooms and snakes, LOL.


Love your stuff! There’s a typo, just so you know. “flmaes”


We've decided now that Flmaes is a gnome spell that engulfs the building in fire. It's a canonical decision...


Thank you! Yeah we want to make sure there's more dungeon-like content in the maps as that's what people requested we add.


I love the icosahedron (I don't want to call it a D20!) tucked away in the underground layer! The details are wonderful; my players would probably spend an entire session browsing that map and asking of literally everything you've drawn there: "what's that?", "tell me about this!"...


This is so cute! I love it!


It looks so brilliant! As I can see, your collaboration with Pmal turned out to be constructive and useful. I wish you and Pmal prosperity and more new joint ideas)

Katrina Place

having the 3d paper model to sit on top is soooo adorbs! Thank you for all your efforts


I think yall are on to something. Keep up the collabs... having the map brought to life by 3d paper model on top is awesome! Please give us more.....


If you've tried to make the paper model, please take some photographs, we'd love to see how it turned out!

Jay ManX

For the Token Vault promotion, you should make it clear that they will create an account on the website for you without your consent (at no point is it clear that they will do so, or that they will use your billing information as an user name, meaning your Actual Full Name), and that a direct download of the assets is not possible, that you must use their editor in order to manually download each image. Very unhappy with this process, will not be using any promotions with their site in the future. Thanks but no thanks :( (The maps are gorgeous as always, thank you for all you do. Appreciate the promotions for additional things with other creators, but that one in particular was really a shock and very frustrating).


Definitely already got a use coming up for this map. Thanks!


Thanks for the feedback, I'll forward these criticisms on to them so they can fix all of that in future. :)

Ryan from the Token Vault

Hi Jay, this is absolutely not our intention. We simply use the woocommerce marketplace settings for our users but we'll take a look into this as privacy is certainly a priority of ours for all of our users. Just to make you aware, your account details can't be seen anywhere on our site at all by anybody else other than you. If you'd like to drop me a private message I'll happily delete your account completely from our records. Unfortunately the whole premise of our site is token customisability so without an account or login it just wouldn't work. I completely appreciate your frustration though and will make sure we try to fix the account creation issues ASAP! I hope this helps, and again, apologies for the mix up here. Thanks Ryan

Jay ManX

Thank you for your reply. It just needs to be made clear that this is not a direct download of assets, it is access to use on your website and an account must be created (with no option for self-removal or deletion) and it uses your personal details from the billing information entered to do so. I'm sure your site is great, but these are all things that should be noted up front. ̶P̶M̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶s̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ (although I replied to your email notifiying me the account had been setup on 11/15 and still have received no reply (sent to your email address and info email addresses)) to request account deletion. Thank you. Edit: I do not see any option to PM you without becoming a Patron of your Patreon, which you'll have to forgive me, I won't be doing. Please check your emails for my reply from 11/15 for my personal information (Order #15154).


Will this eventually be available in printable PDF form?


All maps will be! We usually make the PDFs at the end of each month.

Travis Collins

This is probably a stupid question/request and you can feel free to ignore it, but is there a version of this that has a roof over the house?

Ryan from the Token Vault

Hi Jay, I'm so sorry about the lack of response! Annoyingly we lost all of our emails during a server migration towards the end of last year and annoyingly Patreon didn't seem to notify me about this at all. I just happened to see this response and have now removed your account completely from the Token Vault. You'll absolutely be able to create another account should you wish to do so. Just so you know, we changed the back end process following your comment too. Before anybody can proceed through to anything like billing info it will now ask you to create an account with us which hopefully helps negate this confusion in future. Again, thanks for notifying us and I wish you all the best! Thanks Ryan