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Hey everyone!

The Foundry VTT modules have now moved to the $10+ tiers. To be clear this only affects the Foundry VTT modules and not the regular JPGs or PDFs. 

You can still get all the variations as JPGs and printable PDFs at the $5 tier. That won't be changing. If you don't use Foundry VTT this post isn't relevant to you. :)

We announced this decision back in August here and that explains the rationale behind the decision. We pushed back the switch over date several times along with announcements just to make sure everyone had time to download the Foundry links they wanted. If you saved our Foundry module links those are still usable!

The tl;dr is: creating and updating 113+ map packs and 2500+ variations is a lot of work and to continue offering that as a service we needed to hire someone specifically to do that job (hello Ryan!) and the increase in tier price is to cover that.

Ryan has already done a fantastic job of making quality of life changes to the Foundry content that you all asked for in our community feedback posts:

  • The map packs have all been renamed so they're more consistent and easy to use within Foundry.
  • Walls and lighting improvements across most of our packs.
  • Faster release times. We're now aiming to get a Foundry module released within a day or two of a map release instead of a week or two like it was before.
  • We now provide both the zip and the json for all the maps as we had many requests about providing the zips.
  • The biggest update of all: our entire map library is now on the Moulinette Cloud. This gives you a visual way to search within Foundry for the specific map you want and makes it super quick and easy to import as a scene. (check the video above and these screenshots)

Moulinette Cloud

For those Foundry users who haven't heard of Moulinette:

Moulinette consists of several modules developed for Foundry Virtual Tabletop (FVTT) which facilitate assets management and help GMs create their scenes and campaigns. Assets available on Moulinette Cloud can easily be browsed, searched and downloaded without the need to install, update and host any module.

Learn about Moulinette Cloud:

Start using Moulinette Cloud:

Accessing Foundry VTT Modules

From now on if you'd like to access our Foundry modules (with or without using Moulinette) you'll need to sign up for our $10 Campaign Connoisseur tier. A link to that is HERE.

At the $10 tier you also get access to all of our Animated Battlemaps which we release for free each month. Those also have Foundry modules too!

We're sorry if anyone is disappointed at the tier update but the additional work of Foundry was becoming untenable and we think this is both the best way of continuing to offer that content and make it better for everyone who wants to use it. If you have any questions or concerns, please leave them in the comments below or join us in #vtt-discussion on the czepeku discord server.


Moulinette Cloud



The Foundry VTT post is now only visible to $10 supporters but any links you were using or had saved from before will still be active and working.

Mr Dave

Disappointing. I can sort of understand making the decision to paywall future VTT maps behind $10 (still think doubling the cost for access is too much, but purely my opinion). I think removing access for past VTT maps feels a bit icky, even unethical.


I'm sorry you're disappointed, that obviously isn't what we want at all. We made a post in August asking the community for suggestions to this particular problem and then later in August made the decision here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/foundry-vtt-55084357 to let everyone know and request feedback. We've tried to be transparent with the community during the entire process. As explained in the original post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vtt-maps-review-54879182 the impetus for the update was the stress we were having over the expectations of the Foundry VTT content. The post for the Foundry VTT content had over 180 comments, most of which were complaints. Keeping all our packs maintained to a standard that people were happy with was becoming an impossible task. The doubling of the cost is to remedy that by hiring someone to handle the FVTT content to a standard patrons can be happy with. We still provide all of our maps and variations at the $5 tier. We see the $5 subscription cost as a reasonable amount for supporting us in drawing new maps each week. The other $5 is an optional extra for the work of keeping 110+ FVTT modules updated and new ones being created each week. If patrons feel like $10 is too much for the modules and would prefer instead just to support our work and do the dynamic lighting and wall setup themselves, that's still a possibility. Sorry again that you're disappointed but hopefully you can see that we did our best to seek opinions from the community and enact what we thought was the best solution.

Jamie Dalton

Sorry if this is a silly question, but to clarify, in order to access scenes from a pledge to you using Moulinette cloud, I need to also pledge to Moulinette on patreon?


No question is silly. :) You can still access all the Foundry VTT content without Moulinette Cloud, you just need to open up the JSON files in the Foundry VTT post. But to use Moulinette Cloud you do have to be subscribed to them too, yes. You can read more about it here: https://www.moulinette.cloud/getting-started/use-moulinette-to-access-creators-assets/ Hope that helps!


Man this is such a weight off my shoulders, I use your maps almost exclusively so this is going to free up so much space. Thanks for this.

Jamie Dalton

I was having trouble getting it to work, because I didn't realize I needed their pledge also. I started working full time so this kind of easy browsing and importing is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks so much! <3

A Fox

Huh. I'm a new subscriber, so i didn't see any of these announcements you speak of. I don't feel it's unreasonable to charge $10 for that, but i didn't know i was on a clock here. I kinda feel like i paid $5 for nothing now, which isn't the end of the world, and i get Patreon makes everything needlessly difficult. Just... hrm, not ideal.


Hi, the most recent announcement was on the Chthonic Lighthouse map post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/chthonic-31x79-57448789 which released about 1 week before the change. We figured the map posts themselves are the ones patrons are most likely to look at. I'm sorry you didn't see it. If you unsubscribe now, you shouldn't be charged for anything and if you are, we'll be happy to refund you. Patreon is designed as a service for supporting creators. We would hate for you to feel like you've deceived, but your $5 is meant to support me and Peku in drawing maps and allowing us to do this full time. But we also understand if that's not what you came here for and would like a refund instead.

Simon Fiasco

Would it be unreasonable to ask that you create a second post for those maps the $5 tier had access to prior to this change? It seems a little unfair to take those maps away from people who had paid for the tier where they had been, should they lose their list of links or have to reinstall Foundry.


Not a complaint in the slightest... patreon is about supporting creators; however i will admit i didnt see any of the notifications (which is fine). Would be nice to have a stuck post for the old VTT's we did have access too and just leave them as unsupported from now on - so that when they eventually break, we need to fix it ourselves or upgrade. Removing access to past content that one had access to, just never feels awesome... but its grand.


I understand that view point. I want to reiterate though that the motivation behind hiring Ryan and changing how we dealt with Foundry VTT content was due to constant complaints, almost daily. There were a lot of updates needed and other changes that were expected of us. I suppose we could have just left a post of broken content but not only do we want to attract that ire and disappointment but we want to focus instead on providing something that we know does work to a high standard. Quality is important to us and receiving a lot of negative feedback invites stress and anxiety we didn't want to deal with anymore.