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This month's sequence will be a 4 part one, illustrated by me with accompanying story written by the wonderful Lunoe! What happens when a coyote's envy pushes him to try and separate a mouse from her girlfriend? We'll find out here~

Want to read more about Kara and Jenny's relationship? The first story in this canon can be found here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/23702566/

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Lunoe and Jenny working together was a thing of beauty. Somehow, she had a knack for ordering more than he thought he could eat, even with the ravenous beast he’d become, and she excelled at getting him to eat it. His appetite positively exploded, as did his waistline. His bed disappeared beneath his burgeoning bulk, his legs couldn’t even stand straight with all the fat between them, and his neck had long since become useful only for holding his numerous chins, and for conveying food down to his stomach.

He lived in a state of bliss, gluttonously pouring every ounce of sugary, fatty trash she brought him down into his waiting stomach, to be turned into more fat. Life was perfect, until the food ran out.

It took him a whole day to notice, his last meal putting him into a food coma for at least that long, When he awoke, it was to confusion, and the nagging sense that something was missing, but he couldn’t properly say what. It was only when his stomach began to complain that he realized he wasn’t being fed.

“Jenny?” He tried to crane his head, but of course that was a foregone conclusion. He tried to reach for his phone, but however able his arms remained, they were anchored to his beached whale of a body. He tried to wiggle, to squirm, but his muscles had all since atrophied beneath his voluminous layers of fat. All he could do was lay there and whine as his belly growled and snarled its displeasure.

He wasn’t sure how long it was before he heard the click of his door key, and the squeak of its hinges, followed by a low dragging sound. After a moment, Jenny’s head popped into view, grinning wickedly as she hefted a tube under her tubby arm. “Awww, how’s my big greedy puppy? Miss me?”

Despite himself, Lunoe let out a whine, any sense of dignity long since consumed by his stomach’s desire to be filled. He tried to paw at her, but she was out of reach, leaving him to flail helplessly as her smile only grew wider.

“Now now, let’s get some things straight here.” She hefted the hose in her grip, giving it a small twist until something cool and sweet smelling dripped from the nozzle, splashing against his gut. “I brought plenty of food, but this food isn’t just for anyone, this is only for Kara’s new pet.”

His ears perked, but he said nothing, too intent on the hose to formulate a proper sentence.

“I know you wanted to bang my Kara, probably thought you could muscle out the fat, little mouse she seemed to like so much.” Jenny waved the hose near his lips as she spoke, prompting him to whine and strain to reach it. “Mmmmm, but I’m not a jealous mouse. I don’t mind that you were a shallow, naughty boy. Because after all, all pets need to be housebroken.”

His ears pinned back, and he whimpered, but again he said nothing.

“Now I admit, I might have taken advantage of you a bit~” she reached out and pinched a fold of his enormous gut, making him shiver. “So you know what, if you want, I can take this hose, head back out the door, and go call the fire department, and they can life you out of here on a crane, and send you for some sort of treatment for food addiction, to say nothing of super morbid obesity~” Her grin grew even more wicked. “Oooorrr, I can give a good boy his hose… but he has to eat all of it! Good boys don’t waste food. Good boys don’t get left alone in their apartments to starve.” She pressed the hose closer. “So what’s--”

She didn’t even get to finish as he latched onto the hose and started to suck greedily, his mouth filling with sweet, thick, vanilla milkshake.

Jenny merely giggled. “Mmmm, someone thinks he’s a big hungry boy~ I hope you brought your appetite~” She clambered atop his belly, and watched him like a cat, her pink tail swishing as she watched pulse after pulse of creamy milkshake gush down into his guts. He swelled, and grew, and strained beneath her, but never once hesitated to eat. He ate and ate even as stretchmarks criscrossed his swelling gut, even as the entire surface grew hot and pink with agony. Even as the hose sputtered to impotence in his mouth.

By the end, Jenny was panting, drool dripping from her smile. “Oh, Kara’s going to love you~”





Aaaahhhh!!! I can't wait to see the final picture of the food balloon! I hope we get to see him all swollen up and full, completely packed to food to where we can't even see any fat folds, his stomach filling up his entire belly and making it taut and full of milkshake!


Really looking forward to Kara's take on all this ;3