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The finale of this month's sequence, illustrated by me with accompanying story written by the wonderful Lunoe! What happens when a coyote's envy pushes him to try and separate a mouse from her girlfriend? We'll find out here~

Want to read more about Kara and Jenny's relationship? The first story in this canon can be found here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/23702566/

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Lunoe was hungry, but he didn’t really mind. He was always kind of hungry these days, and while he was agonizingly hungry right now, Jenny had promised him food, and he was a good boy. So he would wait, and be fed like good boys were. Besides the lack of food, he couldn’t complain. She’d emptied out a swimming pool for him, and filled it with soft cushions for his fat to rest against. Laying on his belly made for a nice change, his bones sinking into the flab like a waterbed, and it let him feel himself as he filled.

There were sounds in the distance that made his ears perk, and his mouth start to drool in anticipation.

“Mmmm, remember when you’d purr that you wanted to feed me a whole dumptruck of donuts?” He recognized Jenny’s voice in the distance.

“Of course I do~” The answering purr was richer and deeper, and somewhere within his bulk, his poor straining heart gave a skip.

It was then that he saw Kara, dressed in a crop top and shorts, every bit the amazonian beauty he’d lusted after. The moment she saw him, her jaw dropped, and in an expression he knew all too well, a lone streamer of drool dripped from her lips, before she remembered herself and straightened. She turned to ask Jenny a question, only for Jenny to dangle a set of keys before her.

“Bon appetite~” The mouse said, her smile equal parts sugar and spice.

“Really?” She glanced at Lunoe, then back at Jenny. “Can he even...”

“Form what I’ve seen,” Jenny said, giggling. “He’ll probably ask for seconds.”

Kara stood there a moment, then raced off. A moment later, the rumble of a diesel engine was heard, and Lunoe beheld the greatest sight he’d ever seen. A massive dump truck wheeled into view, filled to the brim with golden brown glazed donuts. Backing up to the pool, Kara raced out, and affixed a funnel to the end of the dump truck, casting one uncertain glance at Lunoe before turning the switch back to dump the truck’s load.

Lunoe opened wide.

And he ate.

And ate.

And ate.

And the whole while. Kara began to blush, then to pant, and before he was even halfway done she was down on all fours, shivering. Jenny tried to approach, but whatever she planned was demolished when Kara snatched her up like a dropped danish and pressed the mouse’s lips to her own. Kara proceeded to go at her mouse in a way that would have made Lunoe green with envy, once upon a time. She went at her until the poor panting mouse was little more than a puddle on the floor.

And still Lunoe ate.

Within seconds, she was shuddering again. She used herself. She found and used Lunoe’s bits, so long neglected. She even managed to rouse her mouse for another go around, before using herself again. By the time the last donut disappeared down Lunoe’s throat, she somehow managed to look like the most exhausted person in the room. And yet she watched as he swallowed the last donut, belched, and turned his eyes to her, the only part of him not too fat to move.

“More?” He asked.

Her eyes rolled back, her tongue flopped out, and with one final shuddering clench, she passed out clean onto the floor, a massive, goofy smile on her face.




F*ck*n hell, he's big as all HECK! Fantastic story, amazing art and a great finale ^^


Aaaah gosh thank you so much <3 I really loved Lunoe's writing on this ;u;


Big wonderful food balloon! I personally would have loved to see him be taut and filled to the absolute brim with all that extra stomach space before getting to see him all flabby, this is still fantastic as is!