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This month's sequence will be a 4 part one, illustrated by me with accompanying story written by the wonderful Lunoe! What happens when a coyote's envy pushes him to try and separate a mouse from her girlfriend? We'll find out here~

Want to read more about Kara and Jenny's relationship? The first story in this canon can be found here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/23702566/

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The first thing that Lunoe discovered upon meeting Jenny for dinner was, despite her fears to the contrary, that mouse could eat. He took her out a few times, always careful to avoid showing much interest in Kara, except of course as Jenny’s darling friend, and each time that mouse ate him under the table. Of course, it at least afforded him the chance to get to know a bit more about her and Kara, though between his aching gut and Jenny’s perpetual gorging, it wasn’t as much as he would have liked. In fact, dinner after dinner, he’d started to get discouraged, and it started to linger at the back of his mind that he was on a fool’s errand.

“You like her, don’t you?”

Lunoe nearly choked on his burger, coughing and spluttering as Jenny looked on from a rare pause in her eating. She waited patiently as he struggled to wash it down, panting for a few seconds as he recovered. He opened his mouth to refute her point, but found a small mustard covered paw blocking him.

“I’m not stupid you know,” she said, fixing him with a sad look. “It’s obvious you’re just being nice to me just to get to know her. The same way you got yourself that little belly you’re sporting now.” He flushed at her words, but she continued. “And that’s okay! Really, I mean… I don’t think I’m big enough to be what she wants. But you…” She looked up at him with big hopeful eyes. “Canines were built to gorge! Why, if you really applied yourself, you could scarf down a buffet!”

“I… don’t think I could,” he admitted, caught off guard. His paws reached down to his own belly, decidedly fat by this point, poking out through a gap between his shirt and pants, which themselves strained against his growing thighs. “I try and I try, but I just can’t eat as much as you.”

“That’s because nobody’s pushing you,” She said, fittingly pushing her plate across the table. “It’s almost impossible to really push your eating without help. It’s uncomfortable and unpleasant, and if it weren’t for Kara I never would have gotten this big. You just need someone to push you. Now eat.”

“But I’m...” he began to protest, but the little mouse just fixed him with an icy glare. With a shudder, he picked up one of her burgers and stuffed it in his mouth, the rich and greasy meat robbed of it’s appeal by his lack of appetite. Still, he ate the burger, only to find another in its place, accompanied by a similar side of icy glare. He managed to finish three more before she finally relented, which she only did as he just barely avoided gagging up everything inside him. Waddling home was a chore and a half, his innards protesting their mistreatment with every step making him pant and lurch as he caressed the poor, packed innards of his gut, until he finally laid it to rest in his bed.

He almost didn’t ask her out to dinner again. Almost.

Just as he almost didn’t ask her out again after the bellyache she gave him the next time.


It became a battle of wills, his desire for Kara warring with his ever complaining innards, and the agonizing bellyaches he went home with every night. On and on it dragged, that same frustration building, until he was sure failure was all but certain. Once again, he was almost ready to quit.

“I’m full.”

He glanced up from his side of the table, a strip of rib dangling form his jaws, staring at the mouse panting across from him, his brain struggling to parse the words it had just heard. Jenny was full? He stared at her a moment, her greened complexion and shallow breaths finally registering in conjunction with one other fact: While she was full, he wasn’t. He slowly bit back into the rib, and polished it off, then finished the rest of his plate, following it with two more before finally calling it quits.

“Congratulations,” Jenny said, her voice unable to rise above a breathy wheeze. “You did it~”

He had done it, hadn’t he? He reached down and rubbed his enormous gut, not yet bigger than the mouse’s relatively speaking, but certainly bigger in raw scale. He’d finally done it. He’d finally proven he could do it. Despite himself, he flagged down the waiter. “Could we see the dessert menu please?”

That day saw a shift in his attitude. No longer was he struggling to catch up, he was winning, and he wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. He started stuffing himself outside of their meals, luxuriating in the painful tension of his swollen gut. Every meal became an excuse to stretch his capacity, even as his belly burst through shirts and his thighs tore his pants asunder. He found himself in an eternal state of semi-undress, his belly forever too large for whatever shirts he bought, his hips too fat to properly button his pants. Of course, this made eating out a problem, but the wonders of delivery solved this with ease.

In fact, eating became so effortless that he hadn’t even realized he’d missed his dinner with Jenny until she knocked at his door.

He blinked at the sound, vaguely confused as he’d gotten timing his deliveries down to an arform, and he was only halfway through his last dozen orders. Not that he would turn a fresh delivery down! He was feeling hungry today. Even at that thought alone, he found himself reaching over to the pile of soda bottles beside his bed, and sloppily downing one, the sugary fizz quieting his ravenous gut for a moment before he staggered to his feet.

He had grown into a whale of a yote, the tan fur of his body swelling in all directions further than any garment could hope to reach. His ass could fill a couch, or in his case, his bed, and his gut was thick and heavy enough he could probably have fit jenny within wholesale. As he staggered, his trunk thick thighs rubbed and jiggled together, squished tightly just from the simple posture of standing upright. Only his arms had escaped his swelling, which was fortunate as it meant he could still do the important things like feed himself, and open doors.

For a moment, disappointment flashed through him, though it was immediately erased by the expression on Jenny’s face. For a moment, sheer and unadulterated surprise dropped her jaw to the floor, and the sight sent a thrill down the length of his spine. He grinned, as much as he could with his bloated cheeks, and managed a wave. “Hey BURRRRAAAP Jenny. Didn’t miss our dinner, did I?”

“I---” she stopped to lick her lips. “I’m starting to think I missed it.” She slowly waddled in as he lumbered his way through the pizza box forest back to his crater of a bed. She jumped as he crashed back into it, or possibly she just bounced as he shook the foundation. She wandered up to him almost reverently, as one might to a shrine, and watched as he proceeded to demolish the last 6 pizzas the way one might scarf hot dogs in an eating contest.

“Wassap? *BURRRAAP*” He asked, hovering in that brief space between hunger and food coma, his arms absently working his gut.

“I was kind of worried about you!” She said, awkwardly maneuvering around his bed. “Thought you’d been in a car crash or something!”

“Nope, urrrrrrp! Couldn’t get my pants on, so I...” he paused, grabbing another two liter and beginning to empty it down his throat, the greedy gulps splattering a good portion over his neck and lips, though the majority found its way down where it belonged. “Stayed home.”

“Oh I see~” She said, her voice dropping into something close to a purr. She tried to find space on the bed with him, but couldn’t quite succeed. “I wish you’d called though. I’d have still liked to keep our dinner.”

“Hmmm?” his ears perked at the mention of food.

“Oh, yes. I don’t suppose you’re all full for the night, are you?” She gave his taut gut a pat, soliciting a nice long belch from him.

“Mmmmmmm, bring me the phone~”




watt smith

Iike this Jenny. I can't wait to see where she leads us.


Hey! Love some good feeding content. I imagine that if Kara were to really get into helping him, his limits would really be pushed <3


Ahhh!!! This is so good! It's so much fun watching her making him push his limits! I can't wait to see more!