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This month's sequence will be a 4 part one, illustrated by me with accompanying story written by the wonderful Lunoe! What happens when a coyote's envy pushes him to try and separate a mouse from her girlfriend? We'll find out here~

Want to read more about Kara and Jenny's relationship? The first story in this canon can be found here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/23702566/

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Lunoe huffed softly, his face twisted into a scowl. He wasn’t a bad looking coyote, not super fit or tall, but with a decently middling build and a charming scruffiness to his sandy hair and beard. He liked to think he cut a gently roguish figure, short of actually dressing in leather and riding a motorbike. Plus, he had absolutely stunning prosthesis, his arms and tail machined to look like a living stonework, inlaid with turquoise energy. He was certainly a catch, if he did say so himself.

He shook himself as he realized his scowl was fading, and quickly renewed it. Across the beach was the most captivating girl he’d ever seen. She was an absolute mountain of a girl, with arms that could probably bench a car, legs she could snap a tree over, and tits that probably slipped into the second half of the alphabet. Add on that her own scruffy stripes, and the fact she did it all without looking like a veiny mess of bulges. She was perfect.

And she was spending her time with a waddling beach ball of a mouse.

He couldn’t understand it. She was short, and weak, and while he might be persuaded to admit she could be kind of cute, it was a modest kind of cute. The kind of ‘cute’ you could pick up in any bar, office, or even a street corner if she was lonely enough. Really, the only thing remarkable about her was her nearly spherical gut. It was a wonder the little mouse could even waddle down the beach at all, and every time Kara stopped to help her along, he felt his heart give an angry twist.

How did she get the attention of this vision of beauty? It didn’t make any sense! (Unless of course she was lesbian, though he didn’t like to think of that.)

He found himself chewing his lip as he watched the scene unfold, the great statue of a woman laying down a towel for her butterball companion, the little mouse flopping down gratefully, her skintight one piece already stained with sweat from where it dug into her swollen folds. He felt his lips being chewed raw as he continued his vigil, and he had to forcibly stop himself from continuing. Instead, he tried to turn his thoughts in a positive direction. Just because she was dating this lardball at the moment, didn’t mean things couldn’t change. He certainly didn’t see any rings on anyone, that was for sure.

It was only when the object of his affections got up, doubtless to fetch snacks for her porcine companion, did an idea begin to take hold. His darling probably got talked to far to often by guys, but her plump little mouse probably felt positively ignored. Surely a new friend for her would be downright welcome. He stood up, hand a paw through his hair, grabbed a six pack from his cooler, and made his way over to the beached mouse.

“Hey there!” he said, hiding a smirk as the mouse turned and blinked blearily at him, clearly overheated and exhausted. “Care for a drink?”

“Oh, oh gods yes.” She didn’t even bat an eye as her paws reached out to snatch the pack from him with surprising speed, those nimble paws deftly snapping the tab open with an agility that belied her size. A second later, and the can was disappearing down her thoat in long greedy gulps. He could only watch as she polished the entire thing off in seconds, and punctuated her accomplishment with a noisy belch. “Ooohh, I needed that.”

“Nice to meet you too,” Lunoe said, earning a blush from the mouse.

“Sorry! Um, my name’s Jenny, and I uh… was really thirsty.” She glanced down at her enormous gut and gave it a gentle pat as it gurgled. “Kara forgot the drinks, so she had to run back and get them.”

“Ah, so she’ll be back soon then. Mind if I keep you company in the meantime?” He turned his grin to the highest level of ‘winning’ it had, putting all his pearly whites on display.

For just a second, Jenny’s expression was unreadable, but then it brightened into a silly smile. “Sure! The more the merrier!” She patted a sweat soaked spot on the towel beside her. Lunoe set himself down as close as he could while carefully avoiding the stain.

“So, what brings a cutie like you to the beach?” he asked, trying to keep his voice sincere. “If you don’t mind me saying so, it doesn’t seem to agree with you much.”

“Oh, yeah.” Her tail and ears drooped, “Kara wanted to head out for old times sake, the beach was one of our first dates. Though, I was a lot… smaller then.” She glanced down at her gut again, giving it an absent squeeze. “Now the suspension on the car could barely get us out here.”

Lunoe had to bite back a response to the effect of “I bet” and instead made his face sympathetic. “How, um, did you get so big? Was it like… glandular?”

She flushed an almost rose red as his words, and her eyes darted around for a moment. “Oh, uhm, no. No, that was Kara.”

“Oh?” He wasn’t sure he managed to keep his interest completely out of his voice, as Jenny’s face again flashed to that unreadable expression, but again a moment later, her bright smile was in place, or at least a sheepish version of it.

“Yeah, she thinks it’s cute.” She squeezed that gut once more, digging her paws into the folds. “She’d feed me all day if she could, I think. But...” She brought her tail around into her paws and squeezed it absently, like a security blanket.

“But?” Lunoe asked, only keeping his tail from wagging through an effort of pure will.

“But I’m a mouse,” she said, her tone almost despairing. “I can only eat so much! I’m always going to be so small. I always...worry she’ll fall for some bigger eater...”

“Awwwww,” Lunoe said, certain he managed to keep the elation out of his voice. “I’m sure there’s more to you than that! I’m sure she loves you for you!” He feigned looking at his watch for a moment, clucking his tongue. “Damn, I really have to go. But… You know, I feel I’d want to speak to you more, if that’s alright. Could I get your number?”

“Oh! Oh why yes!” She reached into her cleavage, or more accurately down into the folds of her gut, and pulled out her phone, tapping the sweat soaked square until she managed to send him her number. He tried not to wince at the process.

“Thanks! Maybe we could catch dinner sometime!” He could have crowed at the way her expression lit up at the proposition.

“Oh, I’d love to!”





Oooo! More of these two! They're so cute together! I can't wait to see more of them and whatever nefarious things the coyote has in mind!


Hey, I remember Kara/Jenny! That story was so cute <3 Can't say I like his intentions, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I liked where this was going ;3