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Written by yours truly, as always, we appreciate your support <3

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Genevieve found herself standing in the familiar hallway, outside of Tiffany’s door. She’d been procrastinating the decision to talk to her for a long time, ever since she’d woken up to find a pig’s snout had replaced her once elegant, vulpine muzzle. But she couldn’t hide in the cafeteria any longer. Nor could she avoid processing the flood of emotions that had plagued her since she discovered her love of gorging. The trough, even now, tickled at the back of her mind, an errant thought that struggled to distract her from her purpose.

A single knock away.

Her fist hung in the air, and the familiar doubts she had felt, came back to her. What if she didn’t like her anymore? What if the nose was too much? What if she was too fat? What if she was angry that Genevieve had gone missing? A million what-ifs, and the answers were a knock away, if only she could bring herself to-

Knock. Knock.

There. It was done. The seconds were becoming unbearable.

The door opened with a soft, quiet, ‘shoosh’ noise, and behind it was the familiar visage of the jackal Genevieve had come to know and regard with fondness. Tiffany was as beautiful as ever. Her athletic figure might have melted away behind a few dozen pounds, but her eyes sparkled with golden flecks and what Genevieve was sure was more than one ocular implant.

“Well long time no see stranger! Jeez, disappear off the map why don’t you?”

“I... uh...” Genevieve stammered, not sure what to do. She braced herself for the inevitable. For the accusations, and declarations of hate.

“Well, don’t just stand there, come on in big girl. We got some catching up to do.” And just like that, Tiffany had grabbed Genevieve’s hand and was leading her into her dormitory room. The smaller jackal leading the much larger, slow waddling pig-fox hybrid towards the lounge where they’d spent many nights watching comically bad horror vids and gorging on popcorn and snacks. Genevieve’s bee drone rushed in the door behind her, as though to give some semblance of backup, but suddenly Genevieve didn’t feel like she needed it. There was no shouting, no hate. Tiffany sat her down and, both hands clasped around one of Genevieve’s she asked, “Are you okay? What’s been going on?”

And that was it.

Genevieve explained the pig nose, the added weight, Tiffany didn’t seem to mind. In fact she was fascinated, if anything. At one point in the conversation she asked if she could touch it and, blushing, Genevieve allowed her to. She felt the jackal’s delicate fingers brush along the sensitive skin of her porcine snout and it was all she could do not to snort at the tickling sensation that followed. It wasn’t unpleasant, by any degree. What had been a trip Genevieve had dreaded, quickly had turned into something else. Something far, far more happy for the mixed up vulpine-pig.

Though, things weren’t all rosy. She told Genevieve she was disappointed that the girl hadn’t come to her sooner, that she had allowed herself to worry and fuss, and let that fuss isolate her. But there wasn’t much that could be done about that now, and she certainly wasn’t going to let it distress her. From there, the rest of the afternoon devolved into talking about mundane things. Happy things. The latest menu changes in the cafeteria. The latest rumours surrounding a Custodiet Supra Cartogres member. Things that seemed to matter less and less, the more anyone thought of them. It was time spent, lounging on the couch, Genevieve’s stomach pushing her legs far apart and pushing out further than her knees, with Tiffany leaning against her, arm draped lazily over the fox-pig’s gut, scratching and kneading it gently. Something that was sorely needed.

The pair’s conversation was interrupted, however, as Genevieve’s tablet beeped loud enough to get their attention.

“Oh chrome!” She grunted, leaning over enough to dig it out of the fold between her gut and her thighs, “I knew I forgot something. Professor V said she was going to send me a message later today, couldn’t tell me what about though.” It was something the pig-fox felt for a moment like she ought to panic over, after all, anything the professors sent students was usually something to panic over, and Professor Victoria had a track record of piling new and waist expanding duties onto Genevieve’s already overloaded plate. But she couldn’t stir herself up enough to panic. With Tiffany by her side, it was hard not to feel like any new challenge she might face, she would have the strength to face, head on.

The tablet was sweat covered and a little greasy when she manipulated it into her hands, but wiping the grease off was easy enough and she quickly accessed the message.


Good work on your project, once again. The Headmistress and I have invited some of your friends to come see the fruits of your combined labour, up in the orientation hall. With everyone in attendance, it would be a shame if you weren’t there.

-Professor Victoria

Reading it, the letter felt like an invitation that wasn’t really an invitation. She could technically decline, but it didn’t seem wise. Especially since students being invited to the orientation ceremony by the Headmistress was almost unheard of.

“I’d better take this one.” Genevieve said, shifting her bulk around so that she could start getting up. That process in and of itself, would take minutes.

Tiffany whined, “Already? It feels like you only just got here...” The pig-fox’s ears wiggled a little, and she felt a blush creep across her cheeks. It was nice to be wanted.

“Yeah, but it shouldn’t take me too long. Meet up for dinner later, maybe?”

“Count on it!” Tiffany grinned, and Genevieve set to writing out a reply.

Professor Victoria,

I’m on my way now.

- Genevieve



Getting pretty hyped for this orientation!