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Oooph, maybe I need to lay off the sweets a little. It's getting harder and harder to get off my futon. I've positively ballooned over the last week or so! I'll have to start on a diet... maybe tomorrow.

                     After my little... episode... one of the temple elders came to visit me. What an embarrassing night! Me sprawled out on my bed, so utterly full I could barely move. She didn't seem to mind but, all the same I was so mortified, I kept having to ask her to repeat herself. She explained to me that the blessing I'd received well, it was rare and special. I bit down the urge to tell her where she could shove her rare and special transformation blessing. Anyway, she told me if I was unhappy here, I could return to the life I used to have, that she would adjust things so normal folk wouldn't see a fat fox girl walking around, but just another human. The person I used to be. She told me to give it some thought, and that the temple could be my home until I had decided. 

                     I still haven't really made up my mind, I've been so hungry! Could I even survive if I left the temple? I'm not sure I could afford all the food I've been scoffing down, and the other temple maids, they don't seem to mind sharing their meals. Maybe this isn't so bad. Oh and the sake! I'd drink that for days. Yes, I think I'll hold off any decisions for now, and ask for some more rice wine... 




I do in fact like where this is going! Now I just have wait to see more!