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Oh boy... is that the time?

                        I guess it's been about a day since my little... freak out. Hard to tell. I've been supplied with all the food I can eat and all the sake I can drink, I've never really just let loose like this but given I've been so hungry I figured maybe it was time I just gave myself a break, you know? Oooph I feel so stuffed... maybe I shoulda stopped after a few hours but... this tum'll go down, don't you think? When I digest the food and all.

                        The other temple maids giggle excitedly whilst they bring my food, I haven't worked up the interest to ask what about yet, but I guess I don't mind the way they look at me. A couple of days I'd have been blushing at the thought of lying here in my room, with a stuffed stomach so big I couldn't even pass for pregnant, but today? Eh. I think I've had a little too much sake. 

I could still go for more, though. 




That's one nice tum there! Can't wait to see where this goes!

Smallergod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:48:27 I think you're gonna like it <3
2018-06-26 10:03:53 I think you're gonna like it <3

I think you're gonna like it <3