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You know? I think I might stay.

                             It's been a few days and the hunger hasn't died down but, I think that's okay. There's plenty of food here, after all. And the other maidens are anything but unhelpful. They've attended to my every need, even helping me tie my robes and get me new ones when my stomach got too big. 

                             I feel like I'm on the edge of something. That if I stay here, these changes will keep happening to me, but I'm already a four tailed fox girl, what more could life throw at me? One of the temple's elder's told me she'd talk a little more about what would happen to me, how "Inari's Blessing" would run change my body and soul. Maybe it's all this sake, but I'm feeling confident I can take it.

                             N-now I'm just wondering... All this sake makes my cheeks flush and stirs feelings I haven't explored in years... I wonder if anyone would help me sate my other hungers...

[Special guest appearance by Maxine's Sabby, playing the part of the temple maid helping a kitsune with her hunger~]




Hot, fuggin, damn ^^'

Maxine Red (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:48:26 That's a very gorgeous girl <3
2018-06-28 06:50:00 That's a very gorgeous girl <3

That's a very gorgeous girl <3