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New updates are here and Rebecca starts it off by going on a Rampage!  As alluded to in the previous post, I wanted to give her an explosive diorama because she definitely seems like the kind of character loves destroying property in Night City. So here's a diorama of her destroying a car and everything in sight with her partner in crime Daisy II. 👍 I know her gloves only have four fingers instead of five.  This will be updated in the final version.  

After some community feedback, I've also included an additional pose where she goes full psychotic mode with her shotgun like in the anime.  Yeah, I wouldn't mess with Rebecca when she gets like this.  She's scary. 😅

For Infested Kerrigan, I decided to stick closely to her concept art as I do think it looks pretty cool.  I'll be sure to cut up her design and the Chrysalis terrain so the whole thing can be printed extra large.

On the Star Wars side of things, the troopers will come with a variety of poses for tactical flexibility.  Now you can mix and match them into different squads depending on the mission you're running.  I've added the swamp trooper and fletchette gun variant into the roster.

Last but not least are the updates I've been working on for Pre Heresy Mortarion.  After some research, I've made some adjustments to his gun, scythe and armor that's more fitting to his Pre Heresy state.  And as promised, here he is with a melee pose.  Tarpits beware!  

Grimdark voting is still underway.  Feel free to cast your vote if you haven't yet.  I'll unveil the bonus Sci Fi design for this month and the upcoming schedule once the final results are in.  Stay tuned!  




*Sees Mortarion* Well, I loved the daemon primarch one and I've seen pre-Heresy Mortarion models, but the pistol's always wro- *Sees the Lantern* . . . If I had more money, I'd throw it at you now.


Looks amazing as always! But for Rebecca’s gloves can you leave them at 4 fingers? Since In the anime she only has 4 fingers, thank you:)


Rebecca is awesome


You made a lot of stuff again, very cool.


Yay, more Daisy! Loving the dioramas this time, just have one thing. Kerrigan looks like she's gonna fall backwards from the side angle, if she was leaning just a bit more forward it would fix it and be perfect.

Phil Gee

I do appreciate you being so close to the concept art with Kerrigan but could you please, please add a more purposeful active posing to give the other side of her. I know it's such a late stage in the month but she's so beautifully realised that she'd really blaze with a darker intent This is very much the Kerrigan reborn pose, I can hear Jimmie screaming "What have they done to you?!" Give her some forward momentum and maybe raise the arms a little and that same stare becomes the hatred that has Mengsk fill his britches, and that's something I'd really miss seeing, thanks


Thanks! 👍 Yes, she'll have the four finger gloves for the final versions.


Thanks! 👍 Haha, maybe. I'll see if I need to tilt her a bit more forward.


Hi, thanks I'm glad you like the design! 👍 So I'm probably going to save future poses for another sci fi month. I mentioned in the last WIP post that I did have plans to do the kill scene with Infested Kerrigan and Mengsk but said it would take more time to do something so elaborate. She's a really complicated design and this version is the only one I'm confident enough to put out within one month. But I will do something more with her in the next Sci Fi month and community members won't have to vote for it.

Phil Gee

Then that's everything I'll need and I hugely look forward to your future works with her. Not to blow smoke up your butt but it takes a talent like yours to take her on and then do her justice. I understand exactly what you mean, I can't wait to paint her, just lighting all her anatomy and then those stunning surface textures will challenge my painter brain enormously. Will have to use oils for repeated do-overs and will learn so much. I so appreciate your talent opening these doors for my painting