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The Grimdark vote results are in!  So the Custodes Contemptor Dreadnought crushed the competition.  Wow, didn't see that coming, I guess there are a lot of Custodes tabletop players in the community. 😄 Vulkan also nabs a top spot so the Primarch of the Salamanders will get to make his debut!

You know what, I'm going to include Konrad Curze into the Fantasy Month lineup.  There's a decent amount of votes for him and I do think he's the most interesting of the traitor Primarchs.  He's definitely got some very memorable scenes.  And finally as an Artist's Choice, I'm going to put Jaghatai Khan into the next Grimdark Month.  The Khan turned out to be one of the best things coming out of the HH/SoT novels and I'm actually pretty surprised he hasn't won yet.  Like Loken, I really think the Warhawk should get more recognition. 👍

Onto the Xenos side, the T'au Supremacy Armor won the poll so I will definitely include it next month as well.  The Krork and Wraithlord tied.  Hmmm, what I think I'll do here is include the Wraithlord next month and leave the Krork as part of the next Grimdark lineup.  The Wraithlord isn't too far removed from the Eldar titan and I think I'll be able to manage that.  The Krork, I'll probably have to do more research on how to make them look.

Alrighty, it's time to show this month's bonus item!  So as I looked through the Sci Fi suggestion box, one design that really caught my eye was the Romulan K'Noreus Class Command Cruiser.  While I haven't watch Star Trek in ages and I couldn't tell you which series that ship was from, I always thought Star Trek ships looked pretty cool, the Romulan ones especially.  Since I've never done ship designs before, I figured this would be a pretty good opportunity to try it out:

And finally some community members requested that I give Pre Heresy Mortarion his more bulky legs instead of the Daemon Primarch ones (why did those change at all?).  So yeah, I'll include these two variants in next month's lineup.

Okay, so this is what will be in next month's release:

June 2023 Standard Rewards:

  • Eldar Titan (Single Version)
  • Eldar Titan (Parts Version)
  • Cyberpunk Rebecca Pose One (Single Version)
  • Cyberpunk Rebecca Pose Two (Single Version)
  • Cyberpunk Rebecca Pose Three (Single Version)
  • Cyberpunk Rebecca Bust (Single Version)
  • Cyberpunk Rebecca Pose One (Parts Version)
  • Cyberpunk Rebecca Multiple Poses (Single Version)
  • Cyberpunk Rebecca Diorama (Single and Parts Version)
  • Infested Kerrigan (Single Version)
  • Infested Kerrigan (Parts Version)
  • Infested Kerrigan Diorama
  • Havoc Trooper Rifle Pose (Single Version)
  • Havoc Trooper Heavy Weapons Pose (Single Version)
  • Havoc Trooper Thermo Detonator (Single Version)
  • Swamp Trooper Fletchette Gun Pose Version One (Single Version)
  • Swamp Trooper Fletchette Gun Pose Version Two (Single Version)
  • Pre Heresy Mortarion Shooting Pose (Single Version)
  • Pre Heresy Mortarion Melee Pose (Single Version)

June 2023 1 Year+ Reward:

  • Romulan K'Noreus Class Command Cruiser

I'll include the single version of Pre Heresy Mortarion next month but with the additional changes, I'll need more time to part him properly.  That version will probably come a month afterwards.

And another Sci Fi Month in the bag!  Lot's of fun as usual, really enjoyed the Rebecca stuff as she's so different from the rest.  I'm not going to post any Mortarion or the real Eldar Titan stuff publicly next month so if Grimdark fans could spread the word I would appreciate it.

Alright, time to stoke those fires and prepare those forges.  It's going to get hot next month, folks.  Into the fires of battle, unto the Anvil of War!




Searching on google apparently the Romulan Cruiser is a fanart (and that would explain why I didn´t recognized it). Either way, it looks great :D

Johnny Turbo

A Starship, What aa wonderful treat. Man, that lineup will give the printer a workout.


So glad you’re going to do the khan, I’ve voted for him every time. He certainly deserves more love.


What is Mortarions other hand doing in that pose where his right is definitely holding Silence?


Hi, in the first image, he's shooting the Lantern. In the second image, he's holding Silence with both hands as the weapon has two grips like a traditional scythe.


You've knocked my favorite Primarch out of the park, Dorn and my 1st favorite but second overall Curze is coming! I've always been fascinated about his final scene with M'Shen since the 2nd edition Codex. Maybe consideration to do/have a diorama of that last encounter as she ascends the stairs of Curze' throne room as he's sitting on a throne of twisted flesh/bones. Or I even think him bathing in a pool of blood as she enters with him sitting like a vampire in a hot tub makes for an interesting encounter.


Sorry, missed this message. Thanks, I'm glad you like my take on him! 👍