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New poses fresh off the press!

So for the Eldar Titan, I wanted to give it a dynamic pose and as many customizable weapon options as possible.  Which means it focuses on modularity like some of my previous designs.  You'll be able to mix and match the Pulsars/Fusion Cannons and Power Glaives in whatever combination you want.  There was also a community request for the more classic Eldar Titan torso.  So I went ahead and provided that option as well. 👍

For Rebecca, I stuck to the pose from her concept art while giving some minor weapon variations.  A community member also pointed out that her leg tattoo is supposed to be a reference to Philip K. Dick who wrote the cyberpunk novel that became Blade Runner.  That's a really cool reference that I wasn't aware of so I went ahead and updated that as well.  I'm pretty sure painters will want a bust version of Rebecca so I'll provide that option in the release.

And don't worry, she won't be floating in mid-air.  I'm working on a very...'explosive' base that will support her and Daisy II as they cause all sorts of mayhem. 😉

Oh yeah, here's your monthly reminder that Abaddon sucks. 😄

Grimdark voting is live!  Feel free to cast your votes!

New poses for other characters and special bases next.  Stay tuned!




Forgive my ignorance but, where's Rebecca from?


Cyberpunk Edgerunners, an Anime prequel to Cyberpunk 2077. It's from the "Trigger" studio and is very enjoyable. Available on Netflix

Johnny Turbo

Love what looks to be a crushed SM under the Elfddar's boot.


I think I just got convinced to start an eldar army


Your vision for the Eldar is amazing!


Amazing titan model! How big will be be?


You’re Rebecca sculpt is amazing in its technical detail as alway but it just seems off for her. Feels almost frozen or bumbling which doesn’t fit her character. It would have worked with many anime girls but not her. Trying to fire Guts(her shotgun) would never work and just knock her over. Again great sculpt as always, the pose is just off for me sadly. The Titan is absolutely beautiful in every way. You’ve outdone yourself with that one!


Hi, thanks I'm glad you like the titan. 👍 Rebecca's pose is based off the concept art which is the one that won the vote: https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/78/ab/__rebecca_cyberpunk_and_1_more_drawn_by_hanamaki__sample-78abc45c0acf1881100e442d8d1be267.jpg I'm assuming that's what the fans want although I'm open to suggestions.


Thanks! 👍 Just taking a swipe at Abaddon. You know, business as usual. 😄


Thanks! 👍 I think I'll scale it to be the same as the other titan I made last year which was 100mm for the single version and 150mm for the parts version.


Ah I see, personally don’t really like most of her fan art or concept art because it seems like they try and turn her into a stereotypical cutesy anime girl when she really 20 pounds of old tnt sweating nitro glycerin in a 10 pound bag. Really she’s just hyper aggressive. Her death scene sums her up. https://tenor.com/view/cyberpunk-edgerunners-rebecca-cyberpunk-adam-smasher-youre-ruining-our-moment-here-smash-gif-26854687


Ah, I see. Okay, I'll try and include a pose of her being more angry and shooting her weapon while actually aiming. I have seen shots of her like that.

Richard Lalonde

Love the models. Becca looking even better. I need to learn to paint in the comic book style of high contrast. Really hard technique to get right.