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The newest Fantasy WIPs are here and Thanquol finally gets to make his debut!

So I didn't know much about this dude before this month. But after reading Thanquol's wiki, it turns out he's pretty hilarious.  Thanquol is a Grey Seer and favored agent of the Council of Thirteen (leaders of the most powerful Skaven Clans).  A Skaven of great cruelty, Thanquol has been at the forefront of causing misery and mayhem to both his enemies and the Skaven race.

About Thanquol's track record, it's ah...spotty to say the least.  Many of his missions fail when Gorek and Felix intervene and apparently the duo aren't even aware that they foil the Skaven's plans most of the time. 😄

Thanquol's saving grace is that he manages to turn a lot of the Skaven's enemies against each other even if his own plots do not succeed.   But some of Thanquol's actual victories include crippling the immensely powerful city of Under-Altdorf, a rival Skaven city and accidently summoning Skarbrand within the great Dwarf hold of Karak Angkul.  So while Thanquol isn't exactly reliable, he's successful enough to be rewarded with a Rat Ogre bodyguard called Boneripper (i.e. the Giant Rat on Steriods) by the Council of Thirteen.  Basically Boneripper is a amalgamation of creatures stitched together and infused with Skaven blood.  Boneripper gets destroyed quite frequently (there's like 13 of them) but Thanquol always gets a new one and it's always called Boneripper.

From a visual standpoint, I stuck pretty close to the Thanquol and Boneripper concepts. I've also noticed Boneripper actually comes with quite a variety of weapons.  If I get a chance, I'll provide some options to switch them in and out.

Okay, next up Mortarion swoops down on wings of death!  There is this really old but cool concept of Mortarion bearing down on some Space Marines.  As the Grimdark Reaper I thought this was really fitting for Morty so I more or less went with that.  And with some feedback from community members, I have buffed up the size of his wings and adjusted the scythe to be more slender.  I'll also provide some upper body and face variations for the Death Lord.

For Serra's pose, I pretty much went with her MTG card art.  I could only find one to draw from but if community members know of other concepts, I'll try to look into that.

Coming up next is pre heresy Mortarion and this month's secret bonus item.  I'm also working on making a diorama for that epic Mortarion/Garro showdown I mentioned earlier.

Sci Fi voting is up right now as well.  Feel free to cast your vote!




Amazing! Hopefully mortimer is big enough for the BIG BASE


Morty looking so far superior to the GW iteration its shameful! Beautiful!

Grey Paladin

Nice pose on Mortarion. The wings still seem too small though. They are shaped like butterfly wings and those are typically much larger in proportion to the body.


Still in Love with the beautiful Serra! As far as i know there are only two artworks of her. This Pose and one wich is not very different where she rises her hands to cast a spell.


Can't wait to the the final pose for Thanquol, the sculpt looks already great. Mortarion looks really awesome, the details makes him look really menacing. About Serra, I always thought she was mid air on the artwork of the card, I realized I never saw her full illustration without the textbox


Amazing as always! I just have one question. Love the jumping pose, but how Morty is going to hit something with the blade of the reaper? Looks weird to me


Thanks! 👍 I'm reluctant to make them bigger because I'm not sure if regular printers can even handle that size. I guess I can cut them up more.


Thanks! 👍 Yeah, I think I know which one you're talking about. I'll try to include that pose as well.


Thanks! 👍 Yeah, scythes are weird to pose and he's the only character I've tried it with. I imagine it would be a large sweeping slash as he plunges forward.


Maybe the blade should be pointing the other side? Never had a reaper in my hands, but for what I have seen in pictures, if you hold the reaper like Morty, the blade goes the other way? It's just my very very humble opinion and I could be very very wrong. 😅


That might actually look better. Yeah, I'll try posing the scythe the other way and see if that works. 👍


Thanquol looks so cute! Look at his tiny ratty face. Dammit man, I'm going to have print him, which will lead to me printing a skaven army, which will lead me to living down in the sewers below society, only being talked about as a urban legend and nothing more. Still, worth it for such an amazing model! Great work!


The wings turned out pretty cool.