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The next Sci Fi Alternative Poll is here!  All items are taken from the Sci Fi Alternative Suggestion Box.  It is a combination of new items and popular items from last round that did not win.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to the post as well).

A couple of things to note:

  • Rebecca from Edgerunners and the Eldar Titan is guaranteed next month.  Therefore I will be choosing fewer items from the poll, 1 or 2 at most.  However if the results are close enough I may add poll entries into the queue for the next Sci Fi Month.
  • I've grouped items that I think are similar enough into one poll item.
  • Only suggestions with proper names are considered for the poll.
  • Please add 30K/40K suggestions to the Grimdark suggestion box.

The poll will be open until April 29th, 6:00pm EDT.  Enjoy!

New Fantasy WIPs are also coming up in a bit, stay tuned!

Small Update: I just realized I put an entry twice (sorry).  I'm not allowed to edit the poll entry names but Entry #20 (The-Boys-Soldier-Boy) is supposed to be Starships:

Entry #22 (Soldier Boy: The Boys) is correct:


Phil Gee

Kerrigan, sculpted to your standards would be a must have

Laughing Orc

So many good options this time around... but I see a Zaku-II, and I'm going to vote Zaku-II. Thats just how it works, I can't control myself.

Jack Noron

Anything from Leiji Matsumoto's work would be amazing, not just Queen Emeraldas!

Johnny Turbo

3dAG Does such a great job on mecha. I'd love to see any of those get a vote.

TwoHeavens. Esq

One day we'll get Harlock and Emeraldas.


For the love of god… Tyberos the red wake!


Dieselpunk Aviatrix if its like the fight scene from sucker punch with the Biplaine


If 2b wins it would he sweet to get her flight suit if that’s possible.


If you do Solomon Kane could you also do something for the Van Helsing film? It's a similar look and you'd make my partners year <3


Some Elite Dangerous ships would be cool although pretty niche.