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Krumpin' time is here and I finally get to talk about my favorite xenos race in the setting!  Orks are definitely the most hilarious race in 40K.  More importantly, they are the only faction in the setting that's actually enjoying themselves.  Because while everybody else is fighting for survival or to appease the Dark Gods, the Orks are fighting just for the fun of it.  With the power of imagination, the Green Tide has conquered the galaxy several times and are consistently the most successful race in 40K (not that the stories will reflect this).  Remember, Orks can never be beaten in battle because if they lose, they'll always come back for another go. 👍

Back in the distant past, Orks were one of the whacky experiments the giant fat frog race were using to fight against the Necrons.  Considered savage and stupid by pretty much everybody else, Orks have nevertheless been one of the most dominant forces in the galaxy throughout their entire existence.

A hybrid of animal/fungi, Orks will literally spread like weeds across any territory they come across.  Even the most inhosipitable environment will eventually be infested with the Greenskins.  Orks also have a pretty very unique ability in 40K.  Every Ork produces a passive psychic resonance field and when enough Greenskins come together they will literally produce miracles.  Without getting into the mechanics of it, Orks believe 'tha Red Ones Go Fasta', so all vehicles painted red will be speedier.  This translates to all their technology as well and allows them to make things that should never work (Stompas, Gargants, Guns that shoot teleporting Gretchin).   

Exterminating Orks are impossible unless you obliterate the entire planet and even that might not be enough.  Orks don't have any inconvenient moral conundrums to deal with either so that frees up a lot of time to just hit things.  Their rules basically boil down to follow the biggest Ork so these soccer hooligans basically party 24/7 without a care in the galaxy.  

And since they use teef as currency which eventually rots away, inflation is always under control (yes, Orks do have markets and interesting social structures).  Hell, even one depressed Eldar philosopher thinks that the Orks are superior because at least the Greenskins still dominate the galaxy while the Eldar struggle just to stay relevant.  

Which brings us to Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, a member of the Goff clan and the 'ardest Ork ever.  So funny thing about Ghazghkull, he started off as some random scrub on Urk, one of the planets heavily monitored by the Imperium in case the Greenskins become too unruly.  But one day, his clan decided to raid a Dark Angels command centre.  

During the fight, a bolter shell pulverized a chunk of his cranium and turned part of his brain into mush.  Somewhat miraculously, he didn't die.  His mob were so impressed they traded Ghazghkull to Mad Dok Grotsnik for experiments in exhange for the sum total of three teef and a new Choppa.  Grotsnik, being a mad scientist replaced part of the Ghaz'skull and brain with bioniks, wires, and Squig sinew, holding it all in place by riveting on adamantium plates. And this is where Ghazghkull's path to greatness started.  He began receiving visions from Gork and Mork (the Ork gods) and believed his destiny was to rally all of Orkdom and to lead them on the greatest WAAAGH! of all time.  

Long story short, he killed every other Ork that stood in his way (including the current Ork Warlord), uniting all the tribes on Urk under his banner.  As a sign of favour from Gork and Mork, a spacehulk enters realspace and the Orks retrofit it for a mass Ork migration.  And since then, Ghazghkull has been sailing through the warp and arriving at different points in the galaxy to cause mayhem.  Famous fights include the War of Octarius and the 2nd and 3rd War on Armageddon where he clashed several times with Commissar Yarrick (who is apparently dead now barring some bizzare plot twist).  Basically whenever Ghazghkull shows up, it's going to be one hell of a fight and a roaring good time! 🍺

Visually,  I stuck to Ghazghkull's original design as I think that looks more Orky.  Personally, I also think Ghazghkull (and Orks/Tyranids in general) have been treated pretty poorly in the lore so I've given him some extra trophies to balance the scales (and humiliating Abaddon will never not be funny).  

Okay, next up is Serra from MFT fame.  So I'm not that well versed in MTG lore but according to her wiki Serra was the human female planeswalker from the ancient days of the planes with an affinity for angels.  She was centered in white mana and was immensely powerful, enough to create her plane - Serra's Realm, which she populated with her angels. 

The Church of Serra was founded on Dominaria in her honor, worshipping the planeswalker as a goddess.  Serra apparently clashed quite often with the Phyrexians (hi, Elesh Norn!) and was eventually driven out of her plane but from what I've read the Phyrexians will wreck everybody's day.  Anyways, Serra's card art looks very cool, so I stayed as close to it as possible.  

Got new poses for Garro as well! Sword and Bolter poses for the Battle-Captain.  They should come in handy when Garro inevitably faces off with his Primarch.  😉

Okay, next up are Thanquol and Boneripper and more poses!  The Sci Fi Poll will also be up in about a week.  Stay tuned!  



Jack Noron

Orkz foreva1!


ohhhh hell yeah!!! when i was just 10 years old i started collecting warhammer that was nearly 25 years ago and though the whole timing going in and out the hobbby i was all about the orks, This Ghazghkull is very nostalgic for me, great work. cant wait to print and paint this model


You put some amazing Detail into Ghaz, I am not so fond of his chin it looks a bit bland, what are you going for, checkerbox pattern? Maybe it is just too uniform and unscratched :D For that lady, I think chainmail flying in the wind like silk is a little weird, even in high fantasy ;)

Laughing Orc

Okay, I'll admit it, I might be biased about the Ork, but that is a badass Ghaz. I think the only thing I'm not sold on is the hip / leg proportion, although it might just be the pose - from those shots, with his left leg inparticular, it looks a bit like he has a very narrow and trim waistline, not the usual chonky ork stance I'm used to :D I love the trophy rack details though. Bout time someone gave Ghaz his due! One of my most memorable moments from an old game of 40k was when my Ghaz headbutted a Tyranid hive tyrant to death. ;D


Thanks! 👍 yeah I was going for the Goff checker pattern. I'll probably scratch it up a bit. Serra's chainmail was flowing in the wind on her concept art so I just followed that.


Thanks, I'm glad you like my take on Ghaz! Yeah, I might adjust the legs and waist, they probably do need to be widened. Haha, awesome that you had Ghaz heabutt kill a Hive Tyrant! 😄👍


Very much looking forward to the Serra model, she's been a favorite Planeswalker of mine for a long time and I can't wait to print and paint her up. I just hope her parts are manageable enough to get a good-sized print of them.


Thanks, I'm glad you like my take on Serra! Yeah, I'll separate the more complicated parts of her costume for easier printing. 👍

Johnny Turbo

It's great, I have one suggestion. On Garro's pistol the ammo shouldn't be visible. It would make the weapon very dirty inside and it would malfunction often. Look at the French Chauchat LMG, its a bad idea.


Ghazghkull's original design? You mean this? https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/bd0a420f.jpg


Straight Arrow Garro for the WIN! 👏😁


Wow, he really looked like that in his first iteration? Haha, I guess I meant his second iteration where Ork Warbosses and Warlords had a more boxy style.


omg when does g arro release?


Hi, the two new poses will be available at the beginning of next month.


2nd iteration Ghazghkull? Boy oh boy do I have a surprise for you then... https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2e/cd/d8/2ecdd8b28711c4082d0885998018a4d0.jpg (That said it would be great if you had a Samurai Warboss in honor of 2nd Edition Ghazghkull, maybe next April Fools)


Are they available for purchase now? Amd they look awesome by the way