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The December poll results are in and Alexstrasza the Dragon Queen has snatched up the top spot with ease!  Wow, I've noticed Fantasy voting always has the most insane blowouts. 😲

As promised, next month I will also include Eisenhorn because he fits in very naturally in Fantasy Month.  And as an artist's choice, I'm doing my own take on a Samurai.  MTG Serra comes in a very distant second. Hmm, I'll put her on the queue but she might not be finished next month.  

I've got some big news items to talk about but here's what next month's Grimdark release will look like first.

January 2023 Release

  • Tesseract Vault (Single Version)
  • Nightbringer (Single Version)
  • Alpharius/Omegon Shooting Pose (Parts and Single Version)
  • Alpharius/Omegon Spear Pose (Parts and Single Version)
  • Spaceship Interior for Alpharius/Omegon (Single Version)
  • Horus Aximand Attack Pose (Parts and Single Version)
  • Horus Aximand Death Pose (Parts and Single Version)
  • Loken New Pose (Parts and Single Version)
  • Imperial Palace Ruins for Loken and Horus Aximand duel (Single Version)
  • Big E attack pose for diorama (part 1 of 3) (Parts Version)

I've decided to release the Big E vs Khorne Diorama in segments.  In January 2023, I will be including the Big E portion of the diorama.  He gets his more original right pauldron as well.  I did start working on the Harlequin Solitaire but I'll need a month or so to refine him.

As Grimdark fans are probably aware by now, I'll only be able to show a fraction of what I did in December publicly.  So please help spread the word of what's in January's release wherever you can.  Thanks!

Okay, so I've got some end of year items I wanted to touch on.  

  • Some of the December 2022 presupports (Jin-Roh and She-Venom items) are running a little late because of the Holiday Season.  They will be added to the MMF reward link once they're ready.  
  • Just a reminder that Beholder (Tier 2) will be ending after December 2022.  I will be shifting to a more simple three tier structure where Consulter and Merchants get everything new I make each month.  There will be no price changes in the remaining tiers.  

Okay, now the big item.  So I've been doing the patreon thing for a couple of years now.  Many members of the community have stuck by me since day one and I truly appreciate the support you have all given me! 🤗 So I wanted to give something back to the long term patrons as an ongoing thank you for your continued support.  So starting January 2023, I will be implementing a new rewards system that will benefit my longest term patrons the most.  Here's how it looks:

So to summarize:

  • 1 year or more Consulter patrons will be getting a bonus design each month now.  This isn't just Tier 3.  Any active member who has pledged the equivalent as a 1 year consulter (i.e. $84.00 USD) will get a bonus design each month from now on.  
  • The bonus design will be pretty random and not necessarily tied to each month's theme.  It can be a character, vehicle, ship, chibi, Lovecraftian Horror who knows, but I'll make it worth your while.  To build up suspense, the bonus item will remain secret for most of each month. 🤭
  • Same goes for the 3,6,9 month rewards in the diagram.  If you've pledged the equivalent of the 3,6,9 month Consulter amount regardless of Tier, you'll get those rewards.  Yes, this includes Tier 1.
  • If you're not active for month A, that's okay.  You'll still get the month A bonus item if you become active x months later.   

Okay, so that's another year in the bag and it was super fun! 👍 I always enjoy community feedback and your seeing your own creative projects.  I look forward to seeing more of it in the coming year!  Happy Holidays everyone and a Happy New Year! 🥳




Love it. Exciting stuff. Thanks.


Sounds super awesome, Love the idea of the reward system and cant wait to see the new models for January...must say I'm sad the Glotkin inspired model was not on the winning list hahaa! but there is always a possibility for the new Fantasy month :D


Amazing stuff! Cant wait for the silent king!

Erik Johnson

Yay! It would be cool if Sera also has optional wings. Not sure if that was planned because the artwork didn’t show them IIRC


Thanks, I'm glad you like the idea! 👍 I'll will make a new Horror at some point. Love those monsters!


I do remember seeing some artwork where she had wings. Sure, I'll add optional wings. 👍

Erik Johnson

Thanks! after looking around, I'm not sure is supposed to have wings herself, but if you still do them, we can say its a Serra Angel! 2-fer! thanks!!

TwoHeavens. Esq

I actually don't know how long I've been in the saddle honestly. I can't remember lol.


Great stuff, looking forward to more cool creations by you.