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And now, the final conclusion to the Loken vs Horus Aximand duel!  While the fight was actually pretty short, Loken made sure the kill stroke was a drawn out death for Little Horus.  Aximand's screams actually modulated with the whirring chainsword just to let the reader know how paintful it was.  But with this kill, Loken finally avenges his buddy Tarik Torgaddon and brings a plot thread full circle after 50+ books.  Ah, now that's satisfaction.  Too bad Abaddon's super plot armour prevents him from succumbing to the same fate but I'll take what I can get.  

To complete this diorama, I made a miniature section of the Imperial Palace.  The Palace was a mess at this point with corpses clogging every pipe and crenellation.  Smell that Grimdarkness. 

Oh, and if anyone's still on the fence regarding who to support in the Horus Heresy, let me put it this way.  When a loyalist Space Marine dies, they get to become a Grimdark Ghost Rider.  When a Chaos Space Marine dies, they get to become a Daemon's sex toy, and that's the best case scenario. 😄

I didn't want Alpharius and Omegon to feel left out so I made a diorama for them as well (I added some weapon variations, originals will still be part of the release).  To mix things up, I changed up their scenery to be the interior of a spaceship.  From everything I've read about them, they're usually in a ship messing with the Space Wolves, the Imperial Fists or trolling themselves.  Leman Russ actually forgets the Alpha Legion exists half the time before they show up and give his Legion a good thrashing.

And here's what the interior of the Tesseract Vault looks like.  As mentioned in the previous WIP, Tesseract Vaults are basically prisons (giant Poké Balls) to contain the C'tan shard's planet tearing power.  They are always trying to escape so it take's the Necron's super advanced technology to trap the shard in a containment field while harnessing its power to wipe out entire armies.  Forget Chaos or the Tyranids, pray to the Emperor that the Imperium's plot armour will hold up against Necron cheese.  

Fantasy voting is still up.  Feel free to cast your vote!  When the poll results come in, I will show the new rewards system I mentioned last month.  It will start in January 2023 and is designed to reward long term patrons with new benefits.  Details to come when the Fantasy poll ends so stay tuned!  




Its imperium vs cron cheese, nobody wins.


Thank you. Amazing.


Thank you, Big Daddy 3


Everything looks fire, as wished soon a star for. I just finished all of the released Horus heresy and siege of terra audiobooks so now I get to wait until February for the next one… I loved the anime style battle between the Angels, especially the spear throwback!

Scott Woods

Another stellar looking release - absolutely love that tesseract vault and ctan!


Thanks, I'm glad you like them! 👍 You don't have to wait that long for another dose of Grimdark. 😄


All 3 dioramas look great, I can’t pick a favourite.

Grey Paladin

Very nice sculpts as usual. Any chance we will be seeing the completed Emperor vs Khorne diorama in Jan as well?


Thanks! 👍 I've decided I'm going to release the diorama in bits and pieces. The Big E part of it will be available next month. The month after will probably be Khorne. The month after that will be that huge terrain piece.

Alexander Bogayevicz

Hi there this is incredible, when will these be available ? Specifically alpha legion stuff ?


Thanks! 👍 Everything I've posted WIPs for this month will be available starting January.