New Rewards for 3DArtGuy Community! (Patreon)
2023-01-01 16:46:35
Hi everyone,
Starting January 2023, I've implemented a new set of rewards for community members! It is designed to give ongoing rewards for members that have been here the longest (as shown in the diagram above).
What this means:
- 1 year or more Consulter patrons will be getting a bonus design each month now. This isn't just Tier 3. Any active member who has pledged the equivalent as a 1 year consulter (i.e. $84.00 USD) will get a bonus design each month from now on.
- The bonus design will be pretty random and not necessarily tied to each month's theme. It can be a character, vehicle, ship, chibi, Lovecraftian Horror who knows, but I'll make it worth your while. To build up suspense, the bonus item will remain secret for most of each month. 🤭
- Same goes for the 3,6,9 month rewards in the diagram. If you've pledged the equivalent of the 3,6,9 month Consulter amount regardless of Tier, you'll get those rewards. Yes, this includes Tier 1.
- If you're not active for month A, that's okay. You'll still get the month A bonus item if you become active x months later.
- Rewards will be sent out via email.