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Hi everyone,

Starting January 2023, I've implemented a new set of rewards for community members!  It is designed to give ongoing rewards for members that have been here the longest (as shown in the diagram above).  

What this means:

  • 1 year or more Consulter patrons will be getting a bonus design each month now.  This isn't just Tier 3.  Any active member who has pledged the equivalent as a 1 year consulter (i.e. $84.00 USD) will get a bonus design each month from now on.
  • The bonus design will be pretty random and not necessarily tied to each month's theme.  It can be a character, vehicle, ship, chibi, Lovecraftian Horror who knows, but I'll make it worth your while.  To build up suspense, the bonus item will remain secret for most of each month. 🤭
  • Same goes for the 3,6,9 month rewards in the diagram.  If you've pledged the equivalent of the 3,6,9 month Consulter amount regardless of Tier, you'll get those rewards.  Yes, this includes Tier 1.
  • If you're not active for month A, that's okay.  You'll still get the month A bonus item if you become active x months later.
  • Rewards will be sent out via email.  




how do I download the files for alpharius? can't seem to find them

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

Oh snap! That's cool, I'm a consecutive 24-month subscriber as of this month. Yay me! I'm so looking forward to that "Walking Cathedral".


This is awesome, I don't know how long I've been around but it's been at least a year or 2.. I think you were one of the first people I subbed to when I got a 3d printer and I've just left it on lol... so it's nice to know there are going to be extra perks!! I'm looking forward to seeing what you create bro, you always give us such cool stuff anyways! *I got curious and went and looked and I think i'm in the ballpark of around 23 months... pretty cool. Love your stuff bro!


I absolutely love your work. I got my printer in October and you were my first sub on Patreon. You have by far the most detailed models I have ever seen. Just beautiful work. I just hit 6 months, and I am looking forward to the new reward. I cannot wait to see what you do next!

Jarra Joseph-McGrath

Hi Max, This months line up is looking to be INSANE! So excited. Just wanted to check I think I hit 6 months equivalent. Lucky number $69 AUD or $45 USD. Would I be eligible for "Cosplay Machine Designs" ? I'm working on a Necron army at the moment so this would be super sick!


how do I access the rewards?


Thanks for the extra stuff. Some of these files are quite large.


Really awesome, thank you.

Colonel Overkill

Honestly I cant say I blame you. I know people who join and leave every 4 months for a friend to download files and cheap out. They implemented a monthly exclusivity plan to stop it but the nets full of assholes.


I've been a Patreon subscriber for ~18 months now and did receive links for the 3, 6, and 9 month loyalty rewards but not the 12 month reward yet. I saw where the 12 month reward would be a secret most of the month. Have the 12 month rewards gone out yet?


Hi, the 12 month reward isn't out yet. I'm making it in parallel with this month's Fantasy stuff.


Will Consulter Patrons who reach the set milestone have access to the previous months of bonus releases (like a library?)