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Hi everyone,

I'd like to show a preview for this month's Fantasy Month characters I'm working on!

Starting off, we have the elf king who has decided to take on someone way above his weight class.  Frankly, he shouldn't be able to fight because he needs a wheelbarrow to carry his giant titanium balls.  But this fight was so epic, it will go down in history as one of the most badass and cements the elf king's title as 'best elf ever'! 🏆

In the opposite corner of the ring, we have the Dark Lord.  Despite being the biggest and baddest villain to exist, he still fears the elf king and only showed up to the fight because his followers would call him a wuss for bailing out. 😄 But he doesn't get to be the Dark Lord without the power to back it up so we should all tremble in fear!

Next up we have another king but this time of the human variety.  In life, his feats were so epic that the empire he founded considers him to be a god.  His heirs shout his name in battle and the weapon he wielded still bears relevance to this day.  The barbarian king comes with an assortment of weapons and poses.

Last but not least we have the elf archer.  In life she was a great warrior, but in death she became a queen and commanded a giant horde to enact her revenge!  The elf archer comes with two outfit variations and has an exotic cat as her animal companion.

These are a few of the items that will be available to patrons starting in November.  I am also working on a diorama for the Barbarian King and alternate versions of the Dark Lord.

This patreon is dedicated to making what the fans want.  Every project is based on community suggestions and voting.  It covers all genres from Fantasy, SciFi Alternative and Grimdark.  You can check out the latest Tier 3 welcome gallery here!




Please a version with holding the arrow not shooting/flying, looks not that good in the printed version


The muscle bound god king...I think is my favorite, axe, hammer, Mace or sword... next to the Archer and the elf king. The dark lord coming in behind.


Yep, I will definitely give the non-arrow option and a tightened bow. 👍

Johnny Turbo

Love the size difference on the LoTR figures. Fingolfin was sheer bad assery.


Great Job as always <3 but first i was shocked when i saw the preview-pics of the barbarian king with the wrong weapon :-D


ugh that sylvanas is beautiful

Mike Stickler

Quick question. I rejoined this month specifically for this release. I don't see these models. Will links be sent out via messages or will I need to rejoin next month or am I simply over looking something... Note I'm really not into the grimdark models or most of the sci-fi so I have no desire to just join and keep it every month.