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The next Sci Fi Alternative Poll is here!  All items are taken from the Sci Fi Alternative Suggestion Box.  It is a combination of new items and popular items from last round that did not win.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to the post as well).

I will choose the top n for next month's project, n to be determined by how complicated the top items are.

A couple of things to note:

  • Only suggestions with proper names are considered for the poll.
  • Please add 30K/40K suggestions to the Grimdark suggestion box.

The poll will be open until October 30th, 6:00pm EDT.  Enjoy!

Fantasy pose WIPs are also coming up soon, stay tuned!  



I love legacy of kain but that venom would be awesome !


god damned Cyberpunk... Jin-Roh go!

Steven Horton

Jin Roh, i love anime, love the old Japanese Fewture kits and would love to see your take on them


Wow... that's a nice list you got there.


Such a good diverse group of choices this month. Suggestion for a future month: Kiriko from Overwatch 2.


You can not go wrong with Vampirella..... and a battle diorama between RX78-2 and the Red Comet Zaku would be awesome!


Lucy and David!!! <3


A decent David and Lucy, yes please! But ... Zorg!

Erik Johnson

OMG Agreed! Very happy with Lucy and David, but geez I want a Zorg figure SO bad


David, Lucy and how about an Adam smasher.