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Whoo, Sci Fi month has started!  And after a bit of delay, Jim Raynor is finally ready to make his debut!  Starcraft doesn't need any introduction and neither does Jim Raynor.  But I'm going to do it anyways because he's one of my favorite characters from the franchise. 👍 So back in Starcraft 1, Raynor was  marshal of the backwater planet, Mar Sara which was suddenly invaded by Zerg. While Raynor fought valiantly to protect the colony, he was eventually arrested by the Confederacy (he blew up a infested Command Center that they owned).  Then he gets involved with Arcturus Mensk's Sons of Korhal to overthrow the Confederacy.  But Jim and Sarah Kerrigan gets betrayed by Mensk, leading him to become a rebel leader (Raynor's Raiders) and freedom fighter.

Without getting too much into the plot, Raynor is one of the most likeable heroes of the franchise with an easy charm, super resourceful and is just an all around upstanding moral character.  Through his actions, Raynor manages to free Kerrigan from Zerg control and together they enact revenge agains Mensk.  He also gets the closest thing to a happy ending in the franchise although I guess it's left open to interpretation.  All in all, Jim is an incredible character, and definitely one of the pillars that makes the franchise great. 🏆 Really glad I had a chance to do my take on him and Starcraft marine armor just looks cool. 👍

Next up is Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell fame.  She is a cyborg employed as the squad leader of Public Security Section 9, a fictional division of the real Japanese National Public Safety Commission, and earned her rank of major during her service in the Japan Ground Self Defense Force.  The Ghost in the Shell setting is based in the near future where cybernetic technology is incredibly advanced and the the human body can be "augmented" or even completely replaced with cybernetic parts.  The franchise deals with heavy topics such as humanity's relationship with technology to the question of "what is life, anyway?" to the necessity of change for growth.

So I haven't had a chance to read the manga or watch the movies, but by all accounts the original movie was an instant classic (no idea if the Scarlett Johansson one is any good).  While doing research, I've found that Motoko actually has a surprising amount of character designs.  I ended up picking two that I think look pretty good.  I also found a rendition of her with orange shades that look super sweet. 😎

Okay, next up is the Xenomorph and Darth Vader.  Like I said before, Darth Vader has been done quite a few times so I'd like to try and do a unique take on him while staying true to the setting.  Will show them when they're fleshed out.  Stay tuned!




Rocket raccoon running from Vader with his helmet would be hilarious!

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

You may want to rethink that cylindrical object just below Jim Raynor's naval, it's looks very out of place. Everything else looks fantastic! Thank you for your hard work.


I think you should lose the sleeve's and have bare arms , Just think it would look better? She just shows a lot of skin has more skin tight cloths not so bulky gear. She reminds me to much of Nova from starcraft


If we're getting the Major, I think in future your take on the Tachikoma's would be pretty amazing too...


Hi, I did see a version of her like that. I may include it if I have time. She really does have a lot of costume variations.

roman romero deniz

wonderful, I love these two characters, especially jim raynols with his armor,


Love the hair!

Erik Johnson

Hope to one day see Batou. And Togusa


Holy crap I cant wait to print and paint Jim Raynor! this sculpt is phenomenal! and Motoko Kusanagi of Ghost in the shell is one of my favourite female protagonists of all time! If you like the original movie DO NOT WATCH THE SCARLET JOHANSEN MOVIE! it is not good and displays many offensive views whilst ignoring the setting.


I'd love to see your work on Alexei stukhov from starcraft2


Cool idea! Do you prefer the pre or post infestation version? Either way, you can definitely add him as a suggestion into the Sci Fi Alternative box. 👍


Knowing your skill? Shit, postinfested! That would be awesome. I will add him after work. Cheers!


The armour does look cool, but all that exposed machinery in the abdominal area seems like a big liability, from a practical point of view. Plus it makes Raynor look like a cyborg who lost the lower part of his human body.


Thanks! 👍 I'll check the references, but they should be pretty similar. Maybe the abdominal area was more covered from the upper chest plate.