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The second set of characters from this month are here!  Like I said before, I wanted to do something a little different with Vader.  Just to be clear, I'll still make the fully armored version from the poll.  But rather than just churn out the millionth rendition of that, I thought it'd be interesting to design Vader in a way that hasn't been seen before (at least to my knowledge).  

The Star Wars prequels have an uneven reputation, but one aspect I think they absolutely nailed down was Anakin's journey to the Dark Side.  From Yoda's foreboding warning to him as a kid to his ruinous transformation on Mustafar, we can clearly see the trajectory Anakin's life was going to take.  While the galaxy sees Darth Vader as this invincible symbol of the Empire's might, behind the mask he's just some beef jerky held together by an exoskeleton and a clunky respirator.  A ruined husk of man that needs constant skin grafts, adjustment surgeries and a cocktail of drugs just to stay functional.  

On that cheerful note, let's move onto the Xenomorph!  So I flipped through some of HR Giger's sketches and hoo boy, they're...something, let me tell you that.  I bet Sigmund Freud would have loved to do his thing on those sketches. 😄 But they're definitely great horror material and fertile ground to breed new and disgusting variations.  

While designing the baseline Xenomorph, I was pleasantly surprised to discover AvP had created several different variants.  Holy cow, you mean the Xenomorphs have a titan?!  Why hasn't there been a Kaiju styled movie with the Xenomorph Queen Mother yet?  Godzilla Vs Xenomorph Queen Mother, it practically writes itself!  Just jack her up to ten times the size.  No human protagonists please.  If there must be humans, make all of them suffer horrible deaths as penance for having to sit through their pointless melodrama.  Anyways, I liked the Queen Mother design so much I'm including it this month with several cool add-ons.  Flying Xenomorph titan?  Yes please. 👍

Good news for Grimdark fans.  Later this month, there will be a Grimdark cross promotion and after that comes the latest Grimdark poll (Yvraine will be guaranteed next month)!  Stay tuned!



Erik Johnson

The Alien’s hands have six (or possibly four) digits. Thumb, pinky, and two fingers in the middle which are joined together like they are doing this 🖖 Although I do appreciate the call back to Necronom IV with the back of the head. If you were going more for that look, then yeah, “normal” looking hands.


great job Thanks

Dan Wiley

I've been staring at this for 3 hours. Just reread your post, giant kaiju xenomorph titan. Absolutely. You just know some actress like Megan Fox is going to star in it. For no reason really. 😑 friggin Ryan Reynolds just taking the piss out of all of it starring the rock. Why can't we just watch monsters fighting? 😫 Have you seen the Netflix show Love Death and Robots? The first season has an episode called Sonnie's Edge. And it is pretty much all monster fighting.

Andrew Ivens

DUDE!!! that Xenomorph is stunning !!!


Yeah, I definitely hope future Kaiju movies have less of the human stuff and just get to the monsters. 😄 I haven't seen that series, but it sounds like they know what they're doing! 👍

Dan Wiley

You might be able to watch that episode on YouTube. I high recommend that one episode. Sonnies Edge. Sooo good. If you enjoy the monster fighting, you will dig this. Sure there's some people stuff but it's masked nicely with violence 🤣 🤣 🤣


So... DAMN! The Xenomorph options are AMAZING. STUNNING! I canNOT wait to print all of the options! As I'm not a big "Star Wars fanboy," I wouldn't have expected Vader to be so buff. That said, he's pretty bad ass looking. I do have a question about Vader... would that head fig into that Vader helmet? It might just be a perspective thing, but the helmet looks a little small for the head.


Thanks, I'm glad you like how they turned out! Yeah, the helmet might be a little on the small side. I'll make the appropriate adjustments. 👍


Will the Vadar also have his meditation chamber as a base?


Hi, I'll see how things go but I can't promise anything right now.


Praise the omnissiah thats a good looking augmentated psyker dude🤪


Those are some cool-looking xenomorphs.