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Hi everyone,

For the month of August, I am pleased to release a new Fantasy pack. Starting off, we have the vampire of noble birth.  Despite his bloodline, this vampire is dedicated to fighting evildoers, en garde!  Also does some bare chested modelling on the side. 😄 He also comes in an alternate gun version.

Next we have the Fire Dragon Queen.  She bankrupted her entire nation to buy that golden dragon throne.  Not that it matters to her, she thinks it's totally worth it. 👍 And as her title suggests, she likes to play with fire, literally. 🔥

We also have the gothic hunter.  Everything's gone to hell in his neck of the woods and it's up to the gothic hunter to try and fix things.  He comes with a diorama piece hunting down a monster.  

Last but not least we have the classic wizard.  With a few hand gestures, and muttered syllables, this character in a funny hat will make any epic level character feel inferior.  Why hire a knight to slay the dragon when you can hire a wizard to turn the dragon inside out? 😄 Comes with several head variations and a pose to unleash hell at enemies.  Now you can scream 'ultimate power!' while frying the nearest ghoul to ash with lightning. ⚡

Here is the complete list of what's available in the August Fantasy Pack:

Tier 3

  • Noble Vampire (parts and single version)
  • Fire Dragon Queen Sitting (parts version)
  • Fire Dragon Queen Throne  (parts version)
  • Fire Dragon Queen Standing (single version)
  • Gothic Hunter (single version)
  • Gothic Hunter Diorama (single version)
  • Wizard version one (single version)
  • Wizard version two (single version)
  • Wizard version three (single version)
  • Squid Monster (single version)
  • Fried Ghoul (single version)

Tier 2

  • Noble Vampire (parts and single version) (single version)
  • Fire Dragon Queen Standing (single version)
  • Wizard version one (single version)
  • Wizard version two (single version)
  • Wizard version three (single version)
  • Fried Ghoul (single version)

Joining in Tier 3 gives patrons instant access to the Tier 3 Welcome Pack.  Tier 2 gets a subset of Tier 3 items.  All patrons get a 30-40% discount on items on my MMF storefront! 

These items will be available in the welcome packs until August 31st.

The gun used by the Gothic Hunter is free and can be found here

This patreon is dedicated to making what the fans want.  Every project is based on community suggestions and voting.  It covers all genres from Fantasy, SciFi Alternative and Fantasy.  In August, I will be creating characters styled after a cowboy in power armor, a cyborg police woman, the posterboy alien and a burned man.




The August folder is labeled August2022_SciFiAlternativeMonth


Whoops, you're right. I've renamed it properly. Thanks for catching it. 👍

Nico Ossirion

any hope of seeing Ghost of Tsushima models in the future?


There's definitely a chance. If a suggestion like that is submitted and wins the poll, I'll definitely do a character in a similar style! 👍


The fire-bending looks cool. It would have been nice is you had coloured that , like the wizard.