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The second set of characters are here!  Since I haven't had a chance to play Doom Eternal yet, I had to skim the wiki to figure out why the Dark Lord is such a big deal.  And a lot of the info didn't make much sense to me but from what I can tell, he's the ruler of hell and fights the Doom Slayer while taking on his appearance to troll him.  Am I in the ballpark?  Mecha suit looks cool as hell though (haha, see what I did there?) 😄.  Anyways, it's definitely fertile ground for a kickass fight scene!  

So like Doom, I'm pretty sure everyone is familiar with the Dune setting from sheer prestige alone.  I'm not going to pretend I know much about Frank Herbert's masterwork beyond the basics.  But to briefly summarise, the Sardaukar were the elite military force of the Padishah Emperor who served prominently during the Corrino Empire. They were renowned and feared throughout the Known Universe for their fanatic zeal, superior fighting abilities, and sheer ruthlessness.  Members of the Sardaukar were raised from a young age in a ferocious natural environment that saw roughly half the recruits die before the age of 11. Intense training gave them formidable swordsmanship and espionage abilities, while instilling a religious fervor that added to their fearsome reputation.  

While designing the Sardaukar suit, I took look at of older suit concepts for them and...yeah, let's just say I'm pretty happy the new movie modernised them.  The new concepts look badass and more in line with the outfit template that needs to recycle moisture on the desert planet.  

Alright, next up are poses for the characters!  I'll make the Sardaukar visor detachable so it can be printed with a transparent material.  I'll also make some pose updates public this month.  

Finally, the Grimdark suggestion poll will be up in about a week.  Community members might remember that I said I would tweak the Grimdark poll formula to make it a little more balanced.  After some community feedback, I've decided I will post one Imperial/Chaos poll and one Xenos poll simultaneously.  Please submit your suggestions before then, thanks!  




this is awesome already !

Matt Becker

These look great, is there any chance there will be a larger version available or is my only option just scaling it up and re-supporting on my own? I haven't had too much luck with creating my own supports.

Renier Banninga

OH MY EFING JEBUS! I was not expecting this bad boy. Amazing. Cant wait to print this one.

Renier Banninga

Can we get those curves smoothed out more with double the detail? I would love to print this guy out 12inches and am worried the faceting will show for sure at the current level of Subdivision.


Hi, I plan to make the Dark Lord a lot larger than the standard 50mm because he needs to be scaled relative in size to the Doom Slayer.


OMG. Special things happened in Special Places when I saw the WIP of the "stolen" Hulkbuster suit!

Johnny Turbo

That is beautiful. He looks a little like the Sazabi Mobile suit from Char's Counterattack from behind. I'm excited to see what the next grim and dark month has in store.

Simone Spinozzi

Dune has always had me conflicted. On one side the intent of the author was to show us, rather than tell us, how bad a self-fulfilling prophecy can be, especially one where the one destined is unquestioning. On the other side... the story was continued by Brian Herbert... who completely missed the original point and really liked the political preachyness and pew pew aspect of the original story. On the third side... "i do not like sand, it's coarse, rough, irritating, it gets everywhere" is the "original script" of Dune. Which Lucas used thinking he would be clever. On the fourth side... it's preachy. Really really preachy. But not on the stuff that is the point of the book. You would not expect to enter a book famous for sandworms, spice, and war, to read pages about how to properly plant stuff to keep dunes from overflowing. 😂👍 Sooo... Dune has 1 aspect i really really like... but 3/4ths of it are things i really dislike. 😂 I could only ever stand to read the abridged versions of it. Those who do not think the preachy stuff is worth keeping. here is a quick rundown of Dune: Wisecrack (about 15 minutes of your time, the one i recommend): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmAizA26KPo Thug Notes (less than 6 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxq2ztkE0eE Extra Credits (totalling about 22 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCTM9JoaKrg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NYO7aoOOmk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYY6gWn0CPI as for "the short version" on the dark lord that is still comprehensive there is this (robs you of 25 minutes of your life, and offers it to hell 😂) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmuvqT2fbN0


Oh, thanks for the links! 👍 Yeah, I'm only casually familiar with the Dune setting but I respect it for pioneering so many sci fi tropes that many settings use today. Haha, I didn't know the sand quote was originally from Dune but I guess it makes sense. 😄

Simone Spinozzi

Also: to be fair Dune did not "pioneer" sci-fi tropes... it used them. In fact it exploited them to turn them on their heels. It uses the "future king" to show how if you build your entire narrative from that... what you get is a ruthless tyrant who "knows" he is "destined" to "do no evil". The problem is the son of the original author instead truly thought the (always to become) ruthless tyrant was "just misunderstood" and therefore he truly was "doing no evil" because "the evil is in those who oppose him" and other silly stuff like that, forever ruining what little good and genius was in the original book.


Ah okay, I never read the books his son wrote. But hey, Dune is getting a resurgence at the moment and that's not a bad thing. 👍

Simone Spinozzi

I guess? The movie gave me twilight flashbacks. The '80s version was campy but awesome, this new one stops short of the last 30 minutes of the old but manages to feel 3 times as long. 😂👍 Also it sets up the protagonist to be the "good guy" which... seems weird given the narrative.


@3DArtGuy - don’t listen to Simon, he’s confused. ;) a) the Brian Herbert prequels are indeed terrible, save for the fact that they delve into ancient history, e.g. the Butlerian Jihad. The parts that he merely finished from his dad’s notes were good, e.g. the whole thing about how history is lost, misremembered, and altered was brilliant; the Honored Matres being on par with the Bene Gesserit, if not even more powerful, was great, although I wish we would have learned what they were fleeing from… b) totally disagree on the supposed “preachiness”, that’s just world building c) the 198x movie was terrible, even then. The 2000 SyFy version was way better, and the newest one is excellent so far. With Dune movies, just like Tolkien adaptations, longer means better (closer to the books) d) the tyrant was Leto, not Paul; Leto hasn’t even been born yet. Leto later knows he’s doing “bad” things, but it’s all “for the greater good”/mankind’s survival.

Johnny Turbo

The Brian Herbert Kevin Anderson books are quite good. You only have certain people who don't like the various subtle messages in series that have a problem with them. I've read every single book in the series many times. And you have to do it in a relatively short period of time, a year or less to really get what the authors were going for.

Simone Spinozzi

that is the problem... justifying your own actions due to the prophecies that is what FH was going for and that completely few over BH's head so he made it into "no, no, it's actually good for real!" despite, as you said the main theme being about misremermbered history and other things. FH was really good with that. As for the worldbuilding... i guess to some people that is fun, it was not for me, but okay, fairs, tastes are tastes. And i never saw the 2000 adaptation, but i stand by my "the 1986 movie was better" becasuse me likey aka "tastes are tastes" 😂

Simone Spinozzi

dude the BH books take a message of "here is how you become a tyrant and a dictator while believing you are doing the good thing or that there is no other way" and transformed it into "no, no, that's actually good and this totally was the only way". Even if they had been written fairly by removing the doubts and by clarifying exactly what was going on, it makes everything pointless.... because the point was that you should have doubts and that you should not take everything for granted. 😂

Johnny Turbo

Nice way to regurgitate the PC ramblings of a few youtube channels. I'm not shocked coming from the fellow who only reads the abridged version. Nice emojis as well, how very classy of you.


what the hell is simon spunout, why even going on about your opinion on the break down of dunes, comment on the artists model work or just dont comment at all jesus. great stuff as always 3dartguy keep it up xoxo


@Johnny Turbo - To me, the writing was bad. Not so much the actual story, but it was written poorly. The original books I enjoyed and couldn’t put down, but the prequels I struggled through.


Hey, nothing wrong with some lively discussion, he had some interesting things to say. 3dartguy also likes to share his opinion on things, so why not the patrons as well?


yeah of course its his page he can say or do what he likes, just think simon needs to chill a little with the deep lore on a artist thats working so many different universes