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The Grimdark Poll is here!  All items are taken from the Grimdark Suggestion Box.  It is a combination of new items and popular items from last round that did not win.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to post as well).

As per the community's suggestions, I'm separating Grimdark Month into one Imperium/Chaos and one Xenos poll simultaneously.  You can find the Xenos poll here.

A couple of things to note:

  • The Thunderhawk is guaranteed this month.  Because of this I'll only pick the top item from each poll since I need to make some progress with the Big E vs Khorne diorama as well.
  • Tiebreakers will be won by the oldest suggestion.

Each poll will be open until February 27th, 6:00pm EDT.  

Pose updates for this month's sci fi characters are coming up in a bit.  




Lots of good options. In the end, I'd prefer to see something that doesn't have an official model yet.




Ulrik the Slayer Come on ! There has never been a great model of him.. Look at the art and just think what he could do !!

Aditya Yuwono

A series of corrupted sister would be awesome


Still hoping for Mortarion type design. Need to fuel Grandfathers cauldron.

Simone Spinozzi

obviously the culeux get my vote... then.... cypher... Nassir looks interesting... obviously a fortress gets my vote since i rarely ever see you do anything other than creatures... the blood slaughterer gets my vote, then... uh... i thought Miriael worked for slaanesh, but obviously she gets my vote, oh! malcador, yes, that one would be neat... a dready! yup... that gets my vote... a nurgle battle sister? Okay... so... non canon stuff. mweh... still interesting... voted... penitent engine always voted... a salamander is interesting. so very voted, sister of silence is ni- ooooh Tyberos and... yeah, this ends for me.

Johnny Turbo

The Wolf King would be sweet. As a BA fan I would love to see Amit as well. AS well as the Custards Shield Captain. This is a tough poll. I want the majority of these.


ohh maybe we could combine Azrael, Cypher and the Fortress of Redemption into a single diorama of them fighting on the wall of the fortress ... that would bring it up to like 167 votes =D


this realy is an imposable choice primarch anything will always win for me but the flesh tearer and especialy the emporors children how the hell do i pick


i know what you mean! i instead kit bashed Ulrik's head and put it on a primaris chaplain and other wolf bits


Where's the "All of the above" option?