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As promised, here is the diorama showing Shepard doing what she does best!  I actually had this idea way back in the sci fi poll because I have an axe to grind.  In Mass Effect 3, every enemy faction has their elite units.  For the Reapers, it's the Banshee and Geth have their Geth Prime.  But the most annoying unit in that game by far is the Cerberus Phantom.   The other boss types you can see coming a mile away.  But the Phantom is a stealth unit that has a nasty habit of just showing up behind the player before shanking them.  They're also extremely hard to hit as they phase in and out while somersaulting away from your gunfire.  

Oh yeah, every time they kill you, it's this prolonged unskippable cutscene where they stab you in the gut and hold it for several seconds.  It's like the developers really wanted to rub it in with this animation.  And trust me, there is nothing more infuriating in multiplayer than running towards an extraction point only to have one of these buggers turn you into a shish kebab.  Judging by the copious amounts of cursing I hear in in-game chats, I'm not the only one who shares this opinion.  Anyways, this diorama is just me doing something cathartic for all the ME3 players.  Here's hoping in ME4 you can crush their heads in like a melon if they show up again.

Also, here's one more pose of Master Chief running.  A community member asked for it so why not.

Here's the final breakdown for December's release.  There were more side requests than I expected so I didn't get a chance to put anything in early access this month.

Tier 3

  • Samus Armored Pose Single
  • Samus Armored Pose Parts
  • Commander Shepard Rifle Pose Single
  • Commander Shepard Rifle Pose Parts
  • Commander Shepard Punching Pose Single
  • Commander Shepard Punching Pose Diorama
  • Master Chief Rifle Pose Single
  • Master Chief Sniper Pose Single
  • Master Chief Running Pose Single

Tier 2

  • Samus Armored Pose Single
  • Commander Shepard Rifle Pose Single
  • Master Chief Rifle Pose Single
  • Master Chief Sniper Pose Single
  • Master Chief Running Pose Single

That's it for Sci Fi Alternative month.  Next is Khorne and the Lion!  Prepare your sacrifices and tell your nearest Interrogator Chaplain to break out the torture kit because Grimdark month is going to be wild!




Although i really never played ME3 beyond the first 30 minutes tbh, that diorama is really, REALLY GREAT!


Holy shit that's cool :D


Shepard looks really angry, nice job.


looks fantastic!


So is December going to be Sci Fi only?


Hi, the public release and MMF rewards will be Sci Fi characters in December but I will be working the Grimdark month characters in that month.


How do I access those files?


Don't exist un-armored versión in long scale?


Hi, I only had time to make a single version for the unarmored bounty hunter.


A shame. Because it is the only miniature that I am interested in printing this month. It happened to me last month with the commissar.