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The Grimdark poll results are in and it's the Lion taking the top spot!  Rejoice First Legion fans, your Primarch is finally coming to this patreon!

I'll include the Thunderhawk in March 2022 since it's been on the threshold for quite a few rounds.  Khorne and the Lion will take a long time to do properly.

So, another Primarch won the poll and the next few were not xenos.  I can see how frustrating that is for non-Imperial/Chaos fans.  I had hoped the new voting system would encourage diversity in what gets chosen.  For Fantasy and Sci Fi Alternative, I think there is a decent spread but I admit the Grimdark polls results are always pretty one sided towards Imperial and Chaos.  To address this, I'm going to tweak the Grimdark poll formula.  

In the future, instead of having single poll items for Grimdark month, I'm going to try a two-for-one versus model.  So instead of say Fulgrim as a single poll item, I will put Fulgrim vs Avatar of Khaine or Dante vs Swarmlord as separate poll items.  These matchups will be Imperial vs Xenos, Chaos vs Xenos or maybe Imperial and Xenos vs Chaos (it happens).  The combinations will not necessarily make chronological or canon sense, but do you really care?  The trade-off will be that only one or two poll items will be chosen each month but this way the other factions will get some attention.  

Thanks to everyone who voted and congratulations if your choice got picked!  There is one more Shepard Diorama update just around the corner.  Stay tuned!




Great idea for the new system!

Taylored Printers

I like the new changes planned, is there a chance for a change in the suggestions system, the site is great for downloads, but uploads are a massive cluster of unorganized broken thumbnails

Chlas S. Pider

I was so excited for Fulgrim. But glad folks that like the Lion get him. :) For the vs bits-will it be possible to separate them for printing if we only want one and not the other?


I like the versus idea. There's scope for some really wacky (and totally non-canon) stuff, like Trazyn vs The Beast.


Amazing idea all of the imperium look the same anyway......

Joey D

Sounds great and very cool, always love me some dioramas (and you make some of the best!) :D Might I suggest that the 2 votes are separated though? 1 vote for the imperial/chaos, and 1 for the xenos they're fighting? That way each 'side' gets what they're really after, else one 'side' may feel their choice is being dictated by whatever is most popular on the other :S


That's not a bad setup idea for getting more xenos in there. Another option...just don't include imperial or chaos as choices. We've had enough rounds of dominating polls. Take them out altogether and see what xenos gets chosen in their place 👍 Either way...I'm stupid excited for my DA to have their Primarch at the forefront.

Simone Spinozzi

༼ つ ◕u◕ ༽つ🍀 crossing fingers and i hope everything goes well, thanks again for the wonderful art.


If its possible 2 votes for the versus, i think there is the best option. And if the vs models are like some of the Horus Heresy Character series with separates bases that can attach to a scenic base/diorama, there will perfect. Anyways thanks for your great models!

Chlas S. Pider

I like this a lot. It lets Imperial/chaos fans get something and the xenos/non chaos/imperium fans get to pick something out without taking choices away from any faction of fans.


Hi, maybe later. Shared file system migrations take a lot of manpower. I do want to switch the suggestion boxes into mega.nz.


Thanks for the suggestion! 👍 I'm warming up to the idea of just doing two separate polls.

Taylored Printers

Mega would be ideal I feel, the current one, I can't see any of the suggestions artwise, and whenever I upload it never tells or shows where mine goes in the 8+ pages there are


the Lion vs Russ would be soooo nice


I think the next grimdark poll should just have two choices, a squad squats or a squad of space skaven