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Hi everyone,

For the month of December, I am pleased to release a new Sci Fi Pack. First we have a galactic bounty hunter, who kills aliens in a spiffy suit of armour.  She comes with an armored and bodysuit version.

Next is a Space Commander, who is not afraid to get her hands dirty.  She comes in a rifle pose and a punching pose to take out her frustrations on an unfortunate space ninja.  The punching pose includes a diorama.  

Finally, we have a sci fi soldier, the tough and reliable unit in any battlefield.  He comes in a rifle pose, a sniper pose and a running pose.

Here is the complete breakdown:

Tier 3

  • Bounty Hunter Armored Pose Single
  • Bounty Hunter Armored Pose Parts
  • Space Commander Rifle Pose Single
  • Space Commander Rifle Pose Parts
  • Space Commander Punching Pose Single
  • Space Commander Punching Pose Diorama
  • Sci Fi Soldier Rifle Pose Single
  • Sci Fi Soldier Sniper Pose Single
  • Sci Fi Soldier Running Pose Single

Tier 2

  • Bounty Hunter Armored Pose Single
  • Space Commander Rifle Pose Single
  • Sci Fi Soldier Rifle Pose Single
  • Sci Fi Soldier Sniper Pose Single
  • Sci Fi Soldier Running Pose Single

Joining in Tier 3 gives patrons instant access to the Tier 3 Welcome Pack.  Tier 2 gets a subset of Tier 3 items.  All patrons get a 30-40% discount on items on my MMF storefront! 

All designs will have presupports available later in December.  These items will be available in the welcome packs until December 31st.

One of the sci fi soldier helmet is free and can be found here

This patreon is dedicated to making what the fans want.  Every project is based on community suggestions and voting.  It covers all genres from Fantasy, SciFi Alternative and Grimdark.  In December, I will be creating characters with similar styles to a god of rage and a knight.




You really made my day 😁

William Wilson

Great timing I just ordered a Anicubic mono x and I know what I'm printing jumbo sized first


Awesome as usual! :-D I think you might need to contact Thingiverse to fix the download link to the freebie helmet on their site, because it goes to a 404 page instead of downloading (unless they'd prefer a Shep knuckle sandwich)


Thanks! 👍 Yeah, the site's zip feature doesn't work for that item but the individual download buttons do for some reason. I've added an image into that item explaining it.


Just picked up this Patreons last night. Unfortunately, I have to wait till Christmas to give my kid the Anycubic 2k I got him. That, erm, Bounty Hunter sans helmet is going on the short list of first prints. Great work!!


When you say these items will be in the welcome packs until the 31st, do you mean the presupported versions, or all of them, and does this include the tier 3 welcome pack? Apologies for any dumb questiiks


Hi, December patrons will get a specific link with all the Sci Fi characters including the presupports permanently but after December not all items will be in the general welcome pack.


Very cool. Quick question though - will you be making new head-types (expressions at least, clearly different person ideally) especially for female characters please? Seems you get more votes for girls, so would be good for a bit more variation. Many thanks


Yeah, that's a good point. 👍 I try to make some expression variations depending on the situation.


Hi! for the SpaceCommander, is available also a multi part model for the diorama pose? for larger prints it could be of help!


Space commander and sci-fi solder, lol.

William Wilson

well cant print her yet.. first printer showed up with defective screen and the replacement had a completely smooth build plate that nothing stuck too damaging the only FEP sheet it came with. I do NOT recommend Anycubic printers! My Elegoo is much better


Any chance the Samus can be in multi parts?


Reckon Bounty Hunter can be updated with supports?