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Hi everyone,

For the month of October, I am pleased to release a new Grimdark Pack. First we have the berserker, who uses incandescent rage to rip through his enemies.  When he builds momentum, he becomes an unstoppable force on the battlefield.  He comes with a diorama to show the utter devastation he is capable of reaping.

Next we have the gladiator, the perfect predator who has never lost a duel.  Her lethality and grace is only matched by her arrogance but it is well earned.  This character comes with a diorama to show her superiority.

We also have a female officer who is charged with keeping troop morale.  She is utterly pitiless and will deliver swift justice to anyone who disgraces themselves on the field of battle.

Here is the complete breakdown:

Tier 3

  • Berserker Pose One single and parts
  • Berserker Diorama
  • Gladiator Pose One single and parts
  • Gladiator Pose Two single
  • Gladiator Diorama
  • Female Officer single
  • Execution Victim Male
  • Execution Victim Female

Tier 2

  • Gladiator Pose One single
  • Female Officer
  • Execution Victim Male
  • Execution Victim Female

Joining in Tier 3 gives patrons instant access to the Tier 3 Welcome Pack.  Tier 2 gets a subset of Tier 3 items.  All patrons get a 30-40% discount on items on my MMF storefront! 

All designs will have presupports available later in October.  These items will be available in the welcome packs until October 31st.

The Berserker Helmet is free and can be found here

This patreon is dedicated to making what the fans want.  Every project is based on community suggestions and voting.  It covers all genres from Fantasy, SciFi Alternative and Grimdark.  In October, I will be creating characters styled similar to an assassin, an ancient red dragon and a greatsword wielding fighter.



Simone Spinozzi

thanks! *goes to check the old link*


thank you!!! this is so badass!!!


hi, where can I find the links to download this?




you are easy the best artist around love your work bro


I found it in the welcome pack, never mind! Thanks!


I can't wait to see what you make for Berserk!!


So curious, are you going to make Smaug Peter Jackson inspired, Rankin and Bass, or complete retake on the bane of Erebor?


Hey, great mini i download it and cant wait to paint him. But i have problems with the berserker diorama base.I cant save it that my printer can read it. ANd in what scale should i print the berserker? :)


Really BIG Thank you for the Big Guy^^,


Is there a download link fo t3? :D