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The final update for Lelith is here!  At the beginning of this month, I said that her goal of duelling Lucius the Eternal was a pretty low bar and this is what I meant.  You see, Lucius is one of those characters in 30/40K that I find simultaneously funny and perplexing.  He is written as this superlative swordsman, supposedly one of the best duellists among the Adeptus Astartes.  However, he keeps getting his shit kicked in, usually in very embarrassing ways.  I've read four duels he has lost and two were not even against melee specialists.  Like most Emperor's Children, Lucius has the crippling weakness of always underestimating his enemies.  The only reason he's still around is because Slaanesh apparently finds him amusing and gave him cheat code armour.

Now, don't get me wrong - I actually like the idea of Chaos Armour possessing the winner because they felt smug, that's pretty creepy.  But if a 'perfect swordsman' needs literal plot armour to stay relevant in the setting, something has gone wrong.  Oh yeah, and you know his entire reason for joining the traitors during the Horus Heresy?  It was because his best friend Saul Tarvitz was doing too good a job of holding out against Horus when he got his heresy on.  That's right, he backstabbed the loyalists because no one was patting him on the back during a critical moment in the rebellion.  Do you want to punch his face into a viscous paste yet?  So to sum up, I totally believe Lelith would wipe the floor with him in any theoretical duel.  She is monstrously arrogant, probably more than Lucius, but she's never let that be her downfall.  

Anyways, here's the final breakdown for what will be available in October's release.  I ended up making more than I planned so I didn't get a chance to put stuff in early access:

Tier 3

  • Berserker (Angron) Pose One single and parts
  • Berserker (Angron) Diorama
  • Gladiator (Lelith) Pose One single and parts
  • Gladiator (Lelith) Pose Two single
  • Gladiator (Lelith) Diorama
  • Female Officer (Commissar) single
  • Execution Victim Male
  • Execution Victim Female

Tier 2

  • Gladiator (Lelith) Pose One single
  • Female Officer (Commissar)
  • Execution Victim Male
  • Execution Victim Female

The public release post might be a little late as well since I need optimise the assets.  But that's another Grimdark month in the bag!  Hope everyone enjoyed the bonus Lelith content.  If you did, please note the next patron goal will be a Big E vs Khorne Royal Rumble!

Fantasy month is next, yay! 🥳




Very cool. As long as he doesn’t fully die, the curse doesn’t kick in right? :)


Bravo! Im gonna rather enjoy seeing Lucius getting it handed to him on the regular. Excellent idea!


Holly molly is this going to be available on the Octobers release?

Taylored Printers

Lelith might be the best person suited to killing him, she'll be so let down by how over hyped he is as a duelist that she won't feel any joy or pride about killing him. And he'll stay dead until some author brings him back through a bad plotline. How he managed to posses and reincarnate from a SERVITOR, I'll never get over. As for a battle royale I feel like Gork and Mork doing some over the top tag team cage match on Khorne would be way better.


Yeah, I think that's how it works. Or if he isn't wearing it, which is what Lelith intended all along. 😄


Yep, everything I made this month is part of October's release. 👍


Yeah, I agree. Or maybe she'd get bored and toss him to the Haemonculi just for fun. A battle royale with Gork and Mork sounds cool but I want to see a Big E vs Khorne match! 😄


As usual amazing work. And thank you for taking it out on Lucius. "But if a 'perfect swordsman' needs literal plot armour to stay relevant in the setting, something has gone wrong." - so brilliantly said!


Amazing!!! In one of the pictures there is an awesome slaanesh marine fighting her, does that model exist!?!? It’s so awesome!