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Another update is here!  With this month's Horus project, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to include an iconic scene (well half of one).  There are moments in settings so ingrained into the fanbase's psyche, they can instantly identify it.  For Star Wars, it's the 'Luke, I am your father' moment.  In Warhammer 40000, there is one scene so iconic, every fan will know about it, no matter what faction they root for.  

It is moment the Emperor steps into Horus' throneroom, only to discover Sanguinius dead at the Warmaster's feet, tears shed for his corrupted brother and the end of his father's dream for a united humanity.  I remember seeing this picture before I even knew what 40K was.  My first thought was along the lines of 'Why is this giant evil toaster standing over a crying angel?  Oh, wait...'. 😊

Jokes aside, it's a powerful image - an emotional heartbeat before two of the most important characters in the setting face off for the fate of the galaxy.

I mentioned this in the proposed voting post but the early access Terminator Champion is now available.  The remaining assets will be added between now and the end of the month.  I've got one more surprise for this month's project, something to counter balance all this heresy (No, it's not the Emperor).  Stay tuned!




The above two questions is what I am interested in as well


Anybody else, please just PM me about this.


Omg..this is amazing 😍




I had an erection. magnificent


Holy hell that's amazing! I can't wait to paint this!


I don't usually do dioramas, but man you've nailed it. Looking forward to print it. I know this is a wip but you'll place the legs of Sangui closer to the stairs right?


As someone that mainly joined for the 40k content, this is most definitely something I can’t wait to print and paint ;)


Beautiful. Only suggestion: make a more evil expression on horus’ face. He looks so meh now.

Simone Spinozzi

i believe this was something like one of the very first scenes that was featured in a magazine too..


Oh cool, didn't know that. I guess White Dwarf or something. 😊👍


Holy hell that’s amazing

Mike Kearns

Your art makes me want to buy a bigger printer! I got chills seeing this!


Why you had to do Sanguinius dirty like that ToT.


Holy fething Emperor..... Your designs make it so I HAVE TO buy a resin printer.


Since he's already sculpted for that scene, any chance of Sanguinius standing as a separate figure?


Sorry, need to focus on the guaranteed items. It takes a lot of time to actually position and make these designs print ready.


Oh for the Emperor's sake, stop making me have to buy more resin! :D I'm definitely going to have to print this beauty at a large scale, maybe as a book end or something.


Joined the patreon because I heard about this and now I'll be sticking around for more! Is this no longer available? I have been scouring the archives for them.


i so need these..


Same question here... Would love to ow this masterpiece!

Grey Paladin

Whoa.. this was an amazing scene as captured in Adrian Smith's iconic drawing. Can I have the link for this please?


I'm new to this site and I don't know where everything is. In which folder is Lord of War located?

Ciaphas Cain

Is this available to purchase, or will it be available in the future? I would love to build that diorama.


I just joined this awesome patreon, I saw someone selling this scene printed on etsy and was wondering if its possible to buy the STLs?