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As many patrons know, March will contain the final project from the last set of votes. 

I also promised back then to try and update the voting system so more genres will have a better chance to be included.  After taking patron suggestions and giving it some thought, I am thinking of implementing this new system.  Here's a diagram that shows the breakdown (attached to this post as well):  

New Voting System Diagram 

So instead of having the top three projects over three months, it is a three month rotation of different genres.  I have suggestion boxes set up so patrons chip in whenever.  Suggestions will be taken from the pile instead of a first come first serve model.  

Fantasy Suggestion Box  

Scifi Suggestion Box  

Grimdark Suggestion Box  

If a patron uploads an image to these boxes, please give it a meaningful name that can be put in a poll.  

Based on previous voting patterns, there seems to be a marked preference for 30/40K style projects so I have dedicated an entire month for that setting.  The initial feedback for this change seems positive but I'd like to get the community's two cents on this as well.  As a patron, do you feel this is a better system moving forward?  Please fill out the poll in this post.  I'll see what the community says and if the results are positive by the end of February, it will be implemented starting April with the Fantasy month.

In other news:

  • Presupports for the Zealot project are complete and available in the February2021_Zealot folder.
  • Community Presupported Projects are now available in the Tier 3 Welcome Pack.  You don't need to PM me for them anymore.  However, community members can still upload their presupported items to the preview link.
  • The early access Terminator Champion is available in the March2021_LordOfWar folder in the Tier 3 Welcome Package.  The next Lord of War WIP will be available in the next couple of days.



Alasdair Sinton

My accidental hype at the mention of the Shrike. You would do it justice. The rotation seems like a solid plan.


As a big Ghost in the Shell fan I'm liking the idea of rotational selections. I've also been hoping for some Samurai based items. Then I see the suggestion of The Gunslinger and I'm like "SQUIRREL!" So basically I don't see a bad side to the rotation. I'm here for the long haul hopefully and I'm excited for the possibilities. (Whispering Shiro3 under his breath)


I've added a few examples to the folder here but would be great if we can also link a Pinterest board?


As someone who's not remotely interested in Warhammer... Yes, this system is a million times better, and a great idea to ensure representation across the board. Thank you!


As much as I am a fan of the cool 40k stuff you do. I am very glad to see that you're making it a more open field.


Sure, if you upload a txt file with a link to pinterest boards, that's fine. 👍

Craig Tough

Well as a 40k and sci fi gamer over fantasy i think this is by far the best way to go as keeps almost everyone happy as we all know you cant please everyone lol


+1 that does not care at all at 40k. Thanks for that


the system looks good, but could you make it so that uploaded photos have to adhere to a certain naming protocol. so far there been a few randomly named pics uploaded with no context to go with it i.e. TV show, Book, Game. they just have random characters as titles. It would help us be able to judge more obscure choices as well as inform if there is any IP issues to worry about.


Personally I am here for your 40k stuff, since you are probably the best sculptor/designer around. I'd be very happy if you'd only do 40k models forever. And maybe I'm wrong, but I think that the majority of your patrons is here because of your 40k models. So if you want to really please the majority your proposed system is not ideal. That being said, I think artists should always do what they actually enjoy. Maybe just take suggestions from your patrons and do what you actually want to do. :X


Hi, I've updated the post to request that patrons give their images a meaningful name.


Hi, fair enough but I've never been an exclusive genre designer. We'll see what the poll results are.


I like it, well done.


Love them all but i would love to see the other Pretators from mtg like the dark alliance figures from January.


i feel like you should have an original sculpt slot set aside each month. one sculpt every month that should be a original work, something you want to do. maybe something out of the suggestion box or an idea you saw, whatever. 3dartguy chef's choice.


That's a pretty neat idea. Maybe some months that could happen. 👍

War Mammoth

96% v. 4% for all other options is about the best outcome you could have with a new proposal. I have never seen such consensus in the 3d print community. Well done!

robin bannatyne

ive found that it doesnt really matter, each and every piece is fantastic and have yet to even be slightly disappointed cheers and thank you


I noticed the examples in the suggestion boxes are text files with links to images rather than images. Is that what you'd prefer (to save space, provide multiple sources, whatever) or is just uploading images best?


I came for the cyber punk bounty hunter and the death knight. Stayed for the punk rock zealot.


Hi, either is fine. I initially preferred the text file, but as long as the images aren't large, it's not a big deal.


I haven't been on the site recently and I don't know where that is. How do I find the Lord War file?