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For this month's project, I wanted to include one more character.  This lore is a bit more obscure, but arguably the most important moment during the Siege of Terra.

So the old story goes that Horus and the Emperor fought but Big E held back because He didn't want to kill His son.  Horus pretty much wrecked the Emperor, tearing out an arm and an eye, leaving his father a bloody mess on the floor.  But literally one claw swipe away from Chaos victory, something unexpected happened.  A lone guardsman entered the throne room and put himself between Horus and the Emperor.  This seemingly ordinary human managed to fight his way through a hell spawned ship and confront the avatar of Chaos when the Emperor's own Custodes could not.

Despite how suicidal it was, the guardsman attacked Horus without hesitation.  And Horus killed this guy pretty much the same way Dr. Manhattan obliterates Rorschach in Watchmen.  As one sided as this confrontation was, the guardsman's sacrifice is what finally got the Emperor to stop holding back.  While the lore makes it sound like the callousness motivated the Emperor, that never made much sense to me (what, killing Sanginius wasn't callous enough?). Rather, I think it was the selfless bravery of a normal human that reminded the Emperor He was fighting for humanity and it was worth preserving.

So gathering His unmatchable psychic power, the Emperor killed Horus so hard even the Ruinous Powers couldn't resurrect their champion (which they do with their pawns on a regular basis).  And that's how Chaos lost the Siege of Terra, because a normal human gave the Ruinous Powers the middle finger.  The guardsman was posthumously canonized as the Imperial Guard's first saint and was named Ollanius Pius (not his real name).  

Throughout the years, the writers kept changing who intervenes, probably because they thought a lowly guardsman couldn't realistically pull this off.  But based on how Olly is written in the Horus Heresy, it is somewhat plausible a variation of this scene could still happen.  

Anyways, most of the Lord of War assets are now available.  Olly will be available before the end of the month.  Here's the full breakdown:

Tier 3

  • Horus Pose One (Single and Parts)
  • Horus Pose Two (Single and Parts)
  • Horus Diorama One
  • Horus Diorama Two
  • Terminator Champion
  • Ollanius Pius (available before end of February)

Tier 2

  • Terminator Champion
  • Ollanius Pius (available before end of February)

I know some users have had performance issues with sync so in March, I'll include a download link on another cloud service for the Lord of War items (still working on this).  

There won't be any public posts for the Horus project, no way this doesn't attract the wrong kind of attention.  So if the community knows any Horus or Ollanius Pius fans, just let them know please.  In March, I will be doing an variety of characters (Tech Priest, Female Human Predator, Kaleb Daark).  The results from the proposed voting poll shows me the community likes the new system so it kicks in starting April with the Fantasy month.  



Simone Spinozzi

this is honestly extremely cool. And... yeah, if i remember correctly Horus gets resurrected a lot during his rampage to get to the emperor. Like: "taking starship cannonades an' still getting back up" levels of resurrection.

House Hendoe

The greatest Saint to ever to be knocked out of existence.


The first shot of Horus looks like Bill Murray looking down on the guardsman. And I'm totally fine with that. #BillMurrayFor40kLiveAction


which folder are they in. I want to paint up this model. Thank you


I have never heard the parts of the emperor's injuries. Interesting. As always, these far surpass.... other designs. Thank you!


This may be a little off topic, but I am starting to get interested in the lore behind Warhammer 40K now thanks to these models. Where can I read up on these stories? Which books should I start with?


Hi, they are in the March2021_LordOfWar folder in the Tier 3 welcome pack.


Hi, this channel has some good overview stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjxSHngiXJk&list=PL4YabFfWSaenSUBJvy5-6I0pipQNhmY9b&ab_channel=TheTemplinInstitute This channel has some insanely detailed stuff: https://www.youtube.com/user/Luetin09 This wiki is also pretty informative and generally cites its sources: https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Warhammer_40k_Wiki Book wise, probably anything BL authors Dan Abnett or Chris Wraight writes: Horus Rising, Gaunts Ghosts Series, Eisenhorn series, Ravenor series, Watchers of the Throne: the Emperor's Legion.


Hello there, awesome models! is there any chance Ollanius will be presupported? I love this diorama but I am really bad with supports :(


Oh man, Olly is one of my favorite characters in the lore!


Always enjoy your background information. I’m a more... casual W40k fan, so most of this is new to me. :)


I joined for the Definitely-Not Atraxa and the the Definitely-Not Elesh Norn, but holy balls if Definitely-Not Horus isn't the icing on the cake.

Red Knows Rain

These are all fantastic. I'm looking forward to the Totally-Not Machiko Noguchi. :-)


ETA for presupports for these models? I love them. Want to flex my new printer and do some .01 printing on them, but god do I not want to support them lmao, so much detail.


Hi, the presupports should be available in the middle of March. That is the duration most of the projects requires for the service I use.




Bill Murray No!


Downloaded it lets f... go


Where do I find the files for this? Im new to patreon, not sure how to navigate it


Hi, I have the samw problem as the fellow above... How do I find the file?


ok so just so im clear. the models you have listed on you breakdown above are named as so in the download package: Horus = "lord of war" Terminator Champion = "GiantWarriorChampion" Ollanius Pius = "soldier" is this correct? im just trying to make sure everything downloaded properly.


also the ollanius prus is no longer available or it is available until the end the feb package which is the end of march? just for clarification.


I saw the Warmaster printed today on IG, and that was DEFINITELY WHAT BROUGHT ME HERE. SUCH AN AMAZING WORK!


So is the lord of war file no longer accessible? Can't seem to find it


Hi, just wondering if The Lord of War files are still available?


Where do I get it?


Hey, is this one no longer available? I didnt see it in the welcome pack or your store.


Hey, where I can find Horus?